7: He sees you when your looking out the window ^ . _ .^

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! This story will have blood, violence, gore, cussing, and dark themes in general
Entering Karissa's house I opened the fridge, choosing to grab an apple as a snack I made my way upstair. Opening the door to Karissa's room I was surprised to find Karissa sitting on her bed with her mom. Her mom was like mine. Always at work, never at home. That's probably one of the reasons me and Karissa even became friends. Looking up from what they were working on Karissa's mom seemed to also be surprised to see me. " Oh hello (Y/n) " her voice was always seemed a bit too calming, she's a nice person but she always seemed a bit too nice to feel natural. The only drawback to this is that when she's in an argument or is angered her personality flips, causing her to act like a litteral demon. " Hello, I was just gonna help Karissa with her project " I said putting on a smile. Rising up from the matress she put the papers down where she'd been sitting " Alright, then if you don't need help here I'll cook dinner ". She slowly made her way out of the room. Moving to the side I let her through before closing the door behind her.

Turning around I went over and sat where her mom was sitting before. Putting down my bag I took my papers out, choosing to work on them now so that me and Karissa could help each other work on our assignments together.


Finishing our work for the day we both let out a sigh of relief at finally being able to relax, Lj seemed to have left sometime during our work. Probably going to terrorize a child or find something else interesting to do.

Laying there for a minute we heard footsteps coming up the stairs, looking towards the door we soon after saw it be opened by her mother. " Hi girls, I made dinner " she said with a close eyed smile before going back downstairs. Soon after that me and Karissa finally chose to go down and eat. Stepping down the stairs. I could see that the food had already been put out. Karissa and I quickly sat down, being hungry after hours of working on worksheets and projects. The meal seemed to be made up ofthings you'd eat for breakfast such as eggs, bacon, rice, and sausage. After Karissa's mom finally sat down we quickly grabbed food stuffing it into our mouths like savage dogs. Karissa's mom though chose to eat at a much slower pace. " So how's school going? " at this question me and Karissa both looked up, made eye contact, then looked to her mom. Swallowing the large amount of rice, egg, and sausage I began to speak. " It's been pretty good. School assignments are a bit hard though " She seemed to take the answer as enough as all she did was nod before going back to eating. Scooping up a mix of sausage, egg and rice I looked out the window finding it to already be dark outside. On the other side of the street a streetlight spread light across the road. It almost seemed like the scariest part about the road but it wasn't. What was the real scary part was the car under it. It was an old car. not enough to be rusted but enough to seem to have paint peeling and a few scratches here and there. The worst part though, was the silhouette of Masky in the driver side.

I was almost frozen in place as I saw him move around before seeing a small light, most likely coming from a camera. He must know that I see him, or he wanted me to see him. Feeling a grip on my arm I turned to my left to see that Karissa and her mom were giving me a concerned look. " You okay there (Y/n) ? Realizing that I probably looked pretty frightened I quickly changed my expression to a small smile. " Yeah I'm fine, just thought I saw something " . After that we once again resumed eating, but I still kept my eyes on the car, finding Masky to not have moved from his spot through the duration of dinner.

Finishing up we put the dishes at the sink to clean later before going upstairs. Entering Karissa's room I quickly closed the window and covered them with her curtains knowing full well that where there is Masky there is also Hoodie. Checking the closet just in case the entered the house Karissa entered rather puzzled by my actions. " What are you doing? " Looking over to her I made my way over to her bed to check under it " Where there is Masky there is always Hoodie " I said not really worried about explaining anything at the moment. " I don't even know what that means " Karissa said giving me an exaggerated wave of her arms. " It means that the proxies are here! " " Wait, now that I think about it you didn't really explain the proxies did you? " " Not important right now, should I check your moms room too?! Yeah I'll check the guest room too! "

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