🔥🐯Kai X Reader: Brokenheart🐯🔥

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You just broke up with your boyfriend. You just realized that he's cheating on you. You just came from the nearby cafeteria where you meet him and his new girlfriend. There he explained everything.

"How could you do this to me?" you asked Y/BOYFRIEND'S/N.

"I'm so sorry, Honeydew," he spoke but you couldn't feel its sincerity.

"Don't call me Honeydew!" you interfered. "Just like you said, you're breaking up with me!"

"Fine! You're boring anyway!" your ex-boyfriend replied.

"Go away! Shoo!" his new girlfriend spoke to you conceitedly.

You ran away towards your home teary-eyed. You felt cold as you shiver from the rain pouring down your thin pink shirt. You never looked back, you continued to run as fast as you can just to get rid of your boyfriend who was still watching you go away.

You didn't care about anyone or anything else on your way. The pain he brought to your poor innocent heart was hard to heal.

You reached the bridge. You thought of jumping in the raging water below it because of all the recent bad things that happened to your life.

You went towards the other side of the railings. At first, you still feel doubt. You closed your eyes, took a deep breath, and listened to your wounded heart.

You tried to wake yourself up from your foolishness. You then whispered, "Stop your drama, Y/N!" You then realized that you can't do it. You were about to go to the other side when your foot suddenly slipped. You felt yourself falling down the bridge, your eyes were closed in fear when you felt someone touching your hand. "Got ya!" you heard a voice of a boy spoke. You opened your eyes and saw a boy your age with spiky brown hair and fiery hazel eyes helping you climb up.

You grabbed his hand and helped him pull himself up.

You were saved at last! "Thank you," you spoke as you shiver in fear.

"Excuse me, young lady. What is Ninjago are you thinking to do?" the boy lectured.

"Thanks for saving my life but I'm sorry because I can't tell you," you replied as you walked away from him hastily.

You didn't notice that your phone slipped out of your shoulder bag. It was only when you head towards the other part of the street that the boy noticed your phone vibrating. He ran away towards you but you're now nowhere to be seen. "Hey, you forgot your phone!" he shouted but you disappeared from his sight. The boy opened your phone and saw your picture on the lock screen with a mystery person. "Y/N L/N!" he beamed as he saw your name on the phone. "What a beautiful name!"

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