⚡🐙Jay X Reader: Unbeatable🐙⚡

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You decided to go to the arcade one morning. You were so exhausted from your high school life and you decided to wind down this weekend. You're not only smart at school, but you're also famous for achieving the undefeatable high score at Prime Empire.

You were heading towards your usual spot when you saw someone else playing there. You came near and noticed that many people are cheering for him.

"Go! Beat the high score!" a young man shouted to him.

"Beat the high score? Are they referring to MY high score?" you groaned, dashing towards the crowd to see who was attempting to take your achievement.

You saw a boy with ginger brown hair and blue electric eyes clicking the cursors eagerly. "Beat it! Beat it!" you hear the people at the arcade cheer lively.

You crossed your arm and stared at the game. The boy is now so close to defeating your high score. 3000 points... 3001 points... 3002...

"Game over!" the computer spoke.

You sighed in relief. You almost taught he will defeat you.

"Oh!" you heard the boy shout. "Whoever this Phoenix_Seven is who made this high score, I hate him! I hate him! How did he come this far? Maybe he cheated! And Phoenix_Seven? It's probably one of the uncool player's names I heard!"

Those words stroke straight to your heart. Tears welled up in your ears and you decided to run away from the arcade.

Little did you know that the boy saw you running away teary-eyed. He quickly left the arcade and ran straight toward you.

"What's the matter? Did I say something wrong?" he asked worriedly.

"I just... I..." you spoke. "Oh my gosh! You're Phoenix_Seven?" the boy asked in surprise.

"Ye - Yes, I am," you answered sheepishly, still wiping out the tears in your eyes.

"Oh gosh! I didn't mean to. I - I thought Phoenix_Seven is a boy," he gasped. "I'm so sorry! Please forgive me I let my anger control me. I'm sorry!" He gave you a handkerchief and you wiped your tears gently.

You felt that the boy seems to be so guilty about what he said. "It's... It's alright!" you replied. "It's alright!"

You both heard someone screaming for help from a distance.

"I... I have to go. I hope we can still meet each other," he spoke as he ran away hastily. You then realized that you still have his handkerchief. "Hey, your handkerchief!" you shouted but it seems like he didn't hear it. "Well, I guess we can still meet each other," you smiled.

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