❄#2 Meeting Again❄

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You were sitting at your house while scrolling through the pages of your favorite book one sunny day inside your room. Your mom and dad have a business trip and you were left alone inside your house. Your boredom was somehow eased by the loveliness of the main protagonist in the story you're reading.

While your mind was traveling across the depths of the story, you then remembered the white ninja who saved you three nights ago. The main protagonist of the story you're reading was a very lovely princess who was saved by a charming prince from monsters.

All of a sudden, your attention was caught by the strange noises outside. They were screams and cries coming from your neighborhoods. You put down your book and peeked outside through your glass window. You froze when you saw a skeleton army attacking the city.

All of a sudden, a skeleton saw you and ran towards your house. You hastily locked the door and ran towards the highest floor of your house. You stayed at the terrace where you saw the mess the skeletons have made down below.

You heard a bang coming from the door. This time the skeletons have come inside your house looking for you. You ready yourself somehow. Fortunately, you are participating in a fighting lesson at your school.

After a while, you heard the people shouting with joy and hope. "It's the ninja!" they shouted, making your hope rise suddenly.

All of a sudden, a group of skeletons came running toward you with their swords and axes. Before they can even come near, you dodged their attack and kicked their heads off from their body.

"Take that, you nasty skeletons!" you shouted.

Most of them were defeated but one is tough. "You fool! You think you can defeat me?!" he shouted. He took the swords from his fallen troops and threw them to you.

You dodged all his attacks fortunately but you were so scared that you let out a scream.

"You're finished, young lady!" he grinned before letting go of another axe. Before it could hit you, a strong force suddenly pass by that made the skeleton freeze together with the axe that nearly hit your head.

You turned around and saw a familiar face jumping towards where you are standing. Tears of joy sprang to your eyes as you took a step to embrace him. "There! There! It's alright now," Zane spoke to you while patting your back.

"Thank you! Thank you, Mr. Ninja," you stated.

"If my memories are correct, it is you that I saved three days ago. Didn't I ask you to just call me by my name?" he asked.

"Oh! Well then, thanks... Zane," you beamed.

He wiped your tears away as you look into his icy blue eyes. "I forgot to ask you your name," he added.

"I'm Y/N, " you answered.

"Y/N! How beautiful!" he beamed.

"So.... uh... do you want to come with me and my friends to the monastery? I see that you have amazing skills in fighting," he asked sheepishly.

"Me? Together with the ninja?!" you beamed in surprise.

"You.... didn't like it?"

"Well, of course, I love to!" you grinned.

"Tomorrow is our free day so I'll meet you here by 8 am," he spoke.

"Count me in!" you replied.

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