Complicated Dealings

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After finishing the game and watching some clips on her phone the toddler had fallen asleep on Velvets lap while she continued to text, even posting a picture of the cute child sleeping on her, before finally deciding to go meet Vox.

Standing up and laying the sleeping child on the couch she finally noticed the note neatly placed on the coffee table in front of her. Please take care of her, I will pick her up later, it read. Unsure she looked between the sleeping child, the note and the bag that layed on the floor right beneath were the note was. What does later mean? She definitly had spent hours with the cutie, so maybe a day? Two?

Not being sure and not wanting to leave the toddler alone after they had such fun Velvet finally decided to simply take her with her to Vox. So she swiftly picked the toddler and bag up and left.

On the car ride the baby girl suddenly started to cry. Confused and perplexed Velvet immediatly searched the web about what to do and after some posts and videos she finally understood that the child was hungry, so with the help of the things in the bag and further clips she made her a bottle of milk. Apparently pleased the child immediatly sucked on the bottle.

After being feed the baby girl giggled and hugged Velvet, who slightly pouted already forgiving the cutie for the fuss she had made before.

Arriving at her destination she walked with the toddler into Voxs office. He certainly was used to Velvets sudden visits, but not to a toodler clinging to her. "What... happened?", he finally asked still staring at the toddler that now was trying to stand up with the help of the couch on which Velvet sat staring at her phone. Not even looking up she answered, "I found her in the VIP lounge of the studio and someone wrote me a note to take care of her." That answered some things, but left room to even more questions. Vox contemplated asking, but seeing Velvets completly focused on her phone he knew he wouldn't get any further answers.

Vox simply couldn't concentrate on his work with the toddler wandering through his office trying to open things or grabing for anything in its reach. Taking the child and sitting it back into the middle of the room for the third time he had enough. Rubbing his head he turned one of his televisions on to watch the current adds, while going back to his desk.

Suddenly, only moments later a giggle startled him. Looking up from a new contract he was thinking of signing he saw the toddler sitting in front of the television giggling at the colorfull add for one of his channels. Seeing the child finally sitting in one place he sighed going back to work.

Some time later...

Finally most of his work was done, the new contracts were made, the price of his new products decided, new projects for adds signed. Sitting back he looked up and froze. The toddler was thankfully asleep, but Velvet had left, apparently forgetting the child she had brought here. He walked over to the toddler and stared at it, no way in hell will he take care of that thing. What to do? Suddenly he got a notice that Valentino was heading over to discuss his new films getting aired. A devious smile spread on Vox' face at the idea he got.

Valentino opened the door to Vox office like he had done a lot of times before, not expecting what was to come. Vox already had awaited him, swiftly pushing something into his hands before passing him by stating, "Velvet said to take care if this. Also there is a bag with all necessities in the office." Valentino startled looked down to see a stirring child in his arms. Swiftly turning he only got to see the elevator doors close before Vox' words sank in. Fuck!

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