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Looking around and seeing noone, Angel quickly took the crying toddler into his arms, "Hush, hush, sweetie. I will look after you." Surprisingly the toddler immediatly calmed down cuddling into Angels soft chest. Looking at the blueeyed baby girl Angel smiled softly watching her tiredly rubbing her eyes. "Oh look how cute you are. I will take good care of you sweetie!" Taking the bag he swiftly made his way up to his room cooing at the sleepy toddler, not even noticing the perplexed looking Husk who questioningly stared at the liquor bottle in his hand.

Angel softly watched the toddler while walking up the stairs, just one floor under his he noticed some hair falling into her face tickling her nose. He chuckled quietly seeing her cute scrunched up face. Stopping on his way he softly pushed the hair out of her face with one one of the hands that were not occupied cuddling her. Apparently getting too close to her mouth while doing so she swiftly opened her mouth. Confused Angel stared at her before quietly askung, "Are you maybe hungry, sweetie?"

Scratching the back of his neck he put the bag down and began looking through it. Finding the empty bottle he stared at it, softly biting his lip, "I have found the bottle, but what am I supposed to do now?" Suddenly a static chuckle could be heard.

Swiftly looking to his right Angel Dust finally noticed the amused Alastor standing in the doorway to a room watching him struggle. "Well, well, my effeminate fellow you seem to have absolutely no idea about toddlers." Immediatly Angel Dusts eyes narrowed and he was just about to retort when the sleepy and hungry toddler slowly started to cry, drawing both demons attention.

What happened next though really startled Angel as the only warning he got was a quiet static sigh before Alastor suddenly took the baby girl from his arm, swiftly grabbing the bottle and bag and turned towards the room he came from. Surprised Angel Dust blinked before fastly following him and opening his mouth to say something, but stopping in his track once again after he entered, what apparently was Alastors room.

There only a small distance away Alastor sat on a bed softly humming a song while rocking the toddler laying on his leg propped up by his right arm, while he held a now full bottle of milk in the other hand. "W-What?... How?", Angel stuttered watching as Alastor tested the heat of the bottle by putting a drop of milk on his arm. Deciding that it has the right tempreture he feed the now calm baby girl.

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