Babysitters For Hire?!

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Valentino stared at the stirring baby girl in his hands. Big blue eyes opened and looked up at him in an adorable way. "Hm. If you were older baby doll you sure would attract a lot of attention with that look, but at this age...", he sighed. For a moment he contemplated simply leaving her in the office, before he got a notice from Vox: Take care of her and I will make the deal for your next project favorable. Sighing he took the bag from the office and the toddler and left in his limousine.

He hoped the child wouldn't intervere with his yearly check up on all of the places he owned and at first she didn’t. The toddler was actually too distracted by all the lights and cushions in the car to even look at Valentino. Well that was until she started to cry, an awfull smell coming from her. Confused, perplexed and displeased Valentino didn’t know what to do and he couldn't ask anyone else to take care as they still were some distance from his next stop. Slightly opening a window to let the stench out he noticed a sign.


He stared at the still crying, now not so cute child. Hired assassins, hired babysitters, all the same anyway as long as you pay.

Holding the crying girl as far from him as possible he entered the building and later the office of IMP, but noone was there. Frustrated and not wanting to deal with this anymore he sat the child down and swiftly wrote a note and placed an envelope with money on the desk, before leaving tha child and bag in the office.

Some time later...

Reaching the floor while chatting about their just finished job Blitz, Millie, Moxxie and Loona where in for a surprise. The crying immediatly alarmed them and Loona felt nauseous at the stench in the air. They all stopped in their track, but Millie was the first to react swiftly storming to the office shortly followed by Blitz and Moxxie, Loona lagging behind not wanting to get closer to that smell.

Seeing the crying toddler in tears Millie immediatly took her into her arms, "Hush, darling. Hush. Everything's alright. I will get you a nice new diaper." Swiftly walking over to the bag she saw, she took out a new diaper and some wet wipes, swiftly setting her on the desk and starting to change the now slowly calming toddler. All the while Blitz and Moxxie watched at the door both nearly retching at the stench.

Once the child was clean and the stench removed the others entered the office staring at the now cute girl in Millies arms sucking on a bottle of milk. While the others cooed Blitz noticed the note and envelope on the desk swiftly reading it. Take care of her for a day. The first half of the payment is in the envelope.

"Yeah right. We are no babysitters", stated Blitz making the others turn to him and look at the note he put back on the desk before taking the envelope and opening it. His eyes widened slightly, "Well... we are now!" The others stared at him for a moment before Millie and Moxxie walked out towards the couch cooing at the cutie, Loona silently following them staring at the child with curious eyes.

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