Sleeping beauties

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Charlie and Vaggie entered the hotel softly smiling at each other before noticing a perplexed Husk, who looked at them as if he wasn't sure what to say, but definitly needed to say something. Finally he took another swing of his booze before sighing and stating, "I saw Angel Dust carrying a child up the stairs."

Confused they both looked at him then at each other questioning themselves if they heard right before Vaggie swiftly started to climb the stairs her spear ready in hand. "Vaggie! Vaggie calm down, we don't know what even happened", Charlie said running after her.

Slightly calming down, thanks to Charlie, they both slowly walked up the stairs confusedly stopping when they noticed the open door one floor below Angel Dusts room. Unsure they stared at each other before quietly nodding. Slowly creeping into the room they  looked around, shocked at what they found.

Drawers were open and some objects were chaotically laying around, but the most shocking thing was the wide red bed on which Alastor and Angel Dust layed sprawled on, both soundly asleep with a cute little sleeping baby girl laying between them slightly holding onto one of Alastors fluffy ears.

Quietly chuckling at the view they both grinned at each other, Vaggie quietly putting her spear away and taking out her phone silently taking pictures, while Charlie noticed something odd. Next to a bag full of baby articles layed a familiar goatdemon plushie.

Confused she took the plushie into her arm before looking into the bag, noticing a small note. Standing back up Charlie quietly opened the note in her hand. Vaggie finally noticed the confused look on Charlies face and turned to her also reading the note stating: Please take care of her, I will pick her up later. "That's mums handwriting", Charlie quietly stated startling Vaggie. Turning to her Charlie quickly said, "Please look after them for a moment. I have to make a call."

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