Amusing Secrets

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Lilith had to hold back her laughter at the scene in front of her. Swiftly pulling out her phone she photographed her niece sucking on the ear of a squirming but still asleep overlord, most funnily said overlord being Alastor, while pornstar Angel Dust sleept right next to them. Lilith grinned, I would say she comes after me, but sadly noone would agree.

After making quite a few photos, Lilith finally stepped forward silently taking the baby angel and making sure she let go of the deerdemons ear that apparently tasted quite good. Softly holding the slowly awakening toddler she swiftly took another photo of only Alastor and Angel Dust sleeping in the bed, before leaving the room. Who knows when the picture might come in handy?

Standing at the entrance hall a giggling baby angel in Liliths arms they smiled at each other. "Take care sweetie." "I will mum!" Smiling at her happy daughter she glanced over at the other female grinning, "And it was nice to meet you, Vaggie." Vaggie stuttered a thanks while Charlie blushed brightly knowing her mothers thoughts. Seeing the cute pair Lilith chuckled lightly before turning to leave.

Just reaching for the doorknob she stopped and turned back once more a bit more serious, "Oh and darling, you know... your dad doesn't need toknow what actually happened, when I lost your cousin. Let's keep it a secret, alright?" Charlies eyes saddened slightly, but she's smiled at her mother nodding, "Of cause, mum!" Smiling back at her lovely daughter she left saying, "Thank you sweetie and... good luck."

Finally reaching her home Lilith looked at the laughing toddler in her arms chuckling, "For an angel you are quite the troublemaker, cutie." Slowly opening the door Lilith was suddenly tackled by her overly emotional husband who checked if both of them were fine and well and happy before kissing Lilith lovingly. Chuckling at his antics she softly pushed him away after a sweet moment to finally walk in.

"Now, where has my adorable niece been?", he asked cuddling the giggling baby angel and Lilith chuckled, quietly thinking about all the things the toddler must have expierienced in those two days in hell, "Let’s just say she had two hellish surprising days. Oh and I believe she takes a bit after me when I was young." Confused Lucifer stared between the giggling baby angel with bright blue eyes and his wife, who was on her way to their room to change her clothes, "But you aren't even bloodrelated?"

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