EP 5

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The two struggled together again. Although Fang Mengchen's spiritual power was low and his swordsmanship was weak, his body skills were still agile. Seeing that Wei Wuxian was clearly lacking in spiritual power, he was not eager to achieve success, only slowly consumed his physical strength; seeing that he was trying his best to protect the baby, he focused on attacking his chest.

Wei Wuxian's brain was dizzy at this time, his sword was heavy, and he had to be distracted to protect the baby girl, and he could not hurt Fang Mengchen. The more spiritual power was used, the more painful and unbearable the abdomen was. It is hard for Wei Wuxian to support any more, he was determined to take risks.

Wei Wuxian took a step back and one leg plunged into the mud of the riverbed, pretending to reveal a flaw.

As expected, Fang Mengchen took the bait and attacked with the sword. Wei Wuxian crossed the sword on his chest and shielded the baby girl with sword Qi. Fang Mengchen turned the blade of the sword and stabbed him at his leg in the mud .

At the moment Fang Mengchen pierced his calf, Wei Wuxian took advantage of a trace of clarity brought by the pain of his leg, his sword swept away, and the spiritual power was attached to the front of the sword, cutting Fang Mengchen' arm holding the sword.

A stream of blood rushed to the sky, and Fang Mengchen passed out in pain.

Wei Wuxian suddenly thought, "I learned the same trick of cutting arm from Lan Zhan."

The spiritual power of this sword exploded, urging the cracks in the golden core to expand. Wei Wuxian fell on his back on the river bed, sinking into the silt.

At this moment, the messenger talisman in his heart suddenly lit up, and the icy blue talisman light was beating, making Wei Wuxian's heart warm. "Lan Zhan succeeded." Wei Wuxian was overjoyed.

However, the ghost dike was no longer able to sustain, and the red light on the dike has been extinguished. The slap and roar of waves suddenly became more deafening. Above the ghost dike, the bones of the murderous corpses began to fall, and a small stream of river water poured over. At first, the water was just like a trickle, and then it quickly expanded into a waterfall. The ghost embankment was weaker and weaker.

Wei Wuxian knew that he was powerless to drive the sword, and even powerless to stand up from the mud. Enduring the great pain, Wei Wuxian swiftly untied the baby girl, stuffed the messenger talisman into her, and then tied her on Suibian, urging the sword to fly to a big tree on the shore.

This spiritual power mobilization made his Dan Mansion resembled cutting of knives and axes. He could feel that the golden core was approaching fragmentation. Just When Suibian jumped up, the ghost dike completely collapsed, and the turbid river water rushed in an instant, drawing Wei Wuxian and Fang Mengchen into the billowing river.

"Lan Zhan, I won't die." Amidst the turbulent river current, Wei Wuxian desperately mobilized the last bit of spiritual power to create a weak barrier to protect his head, neck, chest and abdomen, his consciousness lost and sank into darkness.

Finally, the golden core in his body was overwhelmed, shattered and dispersed into the spirit veins.

· "Sector Master, Wei Wuxian seems to be infamous, but he is actually the link among clans of Lan, Jiang, and Jin. It is unexpected that Little Sect Master Jin has healed the breach with him. Even Sect Master Jiang is close to him because of Little Sect Master Jin. In the past, the alliance of Nie, Jin, and Lan clans was indestructible. Even if the former Sector Master went, Zewu Jun and Jin Guangyao still treated the Nie clan very kindly and helped everywhere. Now, Only we Nie clan is excluded."

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