EP 28

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Wei Wuxian was surprised: "He kicked me!"

Little Mianmian said proudly: "Look, I said he was kicking."

Luo Qingyang smiled and said, "It's really the best time that he stays in my belly and kicks me a few times a day. After he is born, I'll have to be busy."

At this moment, Lan Sichai came, embracing the sleeping Little Apple. Lan Jingyi followed, as if he didn't dare to embrace such a small baby.

Little Mianmian was also very curious when she saw Little Apple, but she didn't dare to step forward. Wei Wuxian laughed at her: "You see, how can it be easy to bring a child, you dare not hold it, you have to learn slowly."

Little Mianmian said: "Uncle Wei, in fact, you don't know how to bring it either, I know you can't."

Wei Wuxian said: "I wanted to say just now, why do you have to call me uncle? I am missing 20 years of memory now, which is equivalent that I am 20 years younger. You can call my elder brother first . When I recover my memory, you can call me uncle again."

Little Mianmian said: "You can bring children, so I call you uncle. Didn't you say you can bring them?"

Luo Qingyang also smiled: "Young Master Wei, HanGuang Jun said that you only brought her for at most half a day. How about we teach you how to bring children?"

Wei Wuxian said: "Okay. It is good to have many skills."

Luo Qingyang hugged Little Apple and taught. Lan Wangji listened very attentively and kept it in his heart one by one.

After having dinner together, the disciples escorted them to the guest house.

Lin Rui stayed alone and said to Wei Wuxian: "Young Master Wei, Qingyang's temper is straightforward, and there are some things that Qingyang doesn't want to say to you."

Lin Rui was a little shy, with a some reddish face: "Young Master Wei, I am very happy now. I have a good wife and a good daughter, and I will have a son soon. This is all because that you saved Qingyang.

You have done good things, really, you have done many good things, you are a good person. In short," Lin Rui rubbed his hands shyly, said honestly and sincerely, "We are very happy now, thank you! "

On the way back to the Silence Room, Wei Wuxian asked Lan Wangji: "You had expected that I would take the initiative to learn about everything in the past, so you invited their family?"

Lan Wangji said: "Yes, not really. After hearing the news that you were found, they set off to come, one day before I found out that you had lost memory and sent a letter to invite them. Wei Ying, Madam Lin's family, are very care about you."

The two returned to the Silence Room and saw Lan Sichai embracing Small Apple, standing on the porch waiting.

Lan Sichai said: "Little Apple always wakes up at this time. You have seen her these few times, and she has fallen asleep. Now that she is awake, so I bring her to you."

Wei Wuxian was very happy. He hugged her with the method that was taught by Luo Qingyang, and made her stood on his shoulders and patted her gently.

Little Apple waved her fat hands and slapped on his face. Maybe she felt that Wei Wuxian's face was exceptionally smooth and tender. She grabbed and kept squeezing it.

Wei Wuxian screamed: "Ahhhhh! You small baby, why are you so strong?"

Lan Sichai had a rattle on his waist, took it out, and shook it to play with her. Little Apple immediately opened her arms, wanting Sichai to hug her. Sichai handed the rattle to Wei Wuxian, but Little Apple still did not want Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian handed the rattle to Lan Wangji, and Lan Wangji took it to sway in front of Little Apple gently. Little Apple stopped making trouble and let Wei Wuxian embraced her obediently.

After all, she was not older than a hundred days, after playing around for a while, Little Apple was sleepy, and SiChai hugged her over, planning to send her back.

Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian sent him to the door of the Silence Room. Si Chai suddenly turned around and called out, "Brother Xian."

Wei Wuxian was stunned. He talked with Sichai before, and Sichai called him "Senior Wei".

Sichai said: "I just heard you talk to Mianmian, and you seem to want to be called 'elder brother'."

Wei Wuxian said, "You kid, really smart and well-behaved!"

Unexpectedly, Lan Sichai was not modest, but nodded and said, "Yes."

Lan Sichai's cheeks were pink and said, "I am very dedicated to my homework and night hunting. I remember what Mr. Lan taught, what Hanguang Jun taught, and what you taught. Recently, I started to lead the juniors to night hunting. I, I, I learned very well and grew up very well." He seemed to have made a lot of determination before he finished the self-praising in one breath, and he was even a little breathless after he said it. .

Wei Wuxian smiled: "I know you are a good boy."

Lan Sichai said: "Brother Xian, I am A Yuan." Lan Sichai's eye sockets were a little red, jokingly said: "Unfortunately, I am holding Little Apple now, so I can't hold your legs anymore."

Lan Sichai and Little Apple were sent away, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian sat side by side under the magnolia tree in the courtyard. Wei Wuxian sipped Tianzi Xiao wine, holding Lan Wangji's arm and tilting his head on his shoulder.

Wei Wuxian said, "Lan Zhan, a lot of good things have really happened."

Lan Wangji said softly: "En."

Wei Wuxian rubbed his head against his shoulder.

Wei Wuxian said: "Lan Zhan, are the history books in library complete and real? I plan to use history as the 'anchor'."

Lan Wangji said: "The content of the history books is not concrete enough to be an 'anchor'. There is a tapir incense burner in the Silence Room, which can help users to dream together. Now we can decide which dream to enter. You enter my dream, take my dream as 'anchors', and all memories should be recalled."

Wei Wuxian hurriedly said: "It doesn't have to be this way." With bad memories, he didn't want Lan Wangji to experience it again.

Lan Wangji said seriously: "Wei Ying, I want to be with you, let me be with you."

Wei Wuxian was stunned. Lan Wangji's eyes shimmered softly and the stars gleamed, making him fascinated.

Wei Wuxian has no choice but to support his forehead: "Lan Zhan, inform me before you speak love words, otherwise I can't help it."

Lan Wangji said: "Okay." Then he smiled slightly, all the moonlight was melted into his smile.

In an instant, Wei Wuxian felt dizzy. Involuntarily, that smile also flooded his face.

The two looked at the stars and moon above their heads side by side. They saw a full moon, clear and bright, like a jade plate, perfect and round.

Wei Wuxian moved slightly in his mind, put down the wine jar, and leaped onto the magnolia tree slightly.

Lan Wangji stood up and looked up at him. The moonlight flowed on him, making him clean and bright, as if shrouded in a faint halo. He raised his head slightly, with a focused expression, looked at the top of the tree, walked a few steps toward the tree, and stretched out his hands.

The bright moon shone behind him, brilliant and perfect. Wei Wuxian stood at the top of the tree and smiled slightly: "Lan Zhan, I'm ready."

Lan Wangji said, "En."

Wei Wuxian said, "Lan Zhan, I don't want to forget why you were injured because of me. I also want to remember all the good things that happened after I came back."

Lan Wangji said: "En."

Wei Wuxian said, "You stay with me."

Lan Wangji firmly said: "Yes." When you think of everything in the past, I will be by your side.

Wei Wuxian laughed out loudly and threw himself into his arms.

Writer: Hua Guan Xiu Wei, https://lanhuayishengpanjiegui.lofter.com/

Translator: Chou Langshi, for more stories and comics, please visit https://www.patreon.com/wangxianlove

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