EP 14

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After dinner, the two set off on their way home. Lan Wangji put on the windproof cloak for Wei Wuxian, and Wei Wuxian was no longer tangled about that Lan Wangji dressed him.

Lan Wangji let Wei Wuxian stand in front of him, very naturally, wrapped around his waist, letting him lean on his chest. The scent of sandalwood trapped Wei Wuxian tightly. Wei Wuxian heard his noisy heartbeat again.

Wei WuXian's hand moved uncontrollably, but at the moment he was about to touch Lan Wangji, he retracted again.

Wanted to hold him, but dared not hold him.

Wei Wuxian knew that Lan Wangji should quite valued and be different to him, but after all he did not dare to guess how much he valued him, and whether the "difference" was really the kind of difference he thought. Wei Wuxian had never experienced this kind of rushing mood, for fear that he was overconfident and had such thought himself alone.

Held his hand or not?

Just tried. If Lan Zhan avoided, pretended that he accidentally touched him.

However, Lan Zhan would not avoid.

He was touching his body during the day. Wait, it was too strange. He was Lan Wangji.

Wei Wuxian thought over that Lan Wangji took him back to the Silence Room on his back today, applied medicine for him and massaged, tied his belt, and led him out of the bookstore by holding hands. He pondered every expression and sentence of Lan Wangji. After tossing over and over again, He finally came to the conclusion: pretend to touch his hand accidentally, touched and then moved away, just touched once.

So, Wei Wuxian moved his hand down inch by inch.

The wind in his ear stopped, his breathing also stopped, and Wei Wuxian's fingertips lightly touched Lan Wangji's hand.

He touched something hard and smooth.

Wei Wuxian took Lan Wangji's hand, held it in front of him, and asked, "What is this?"

Wei Wuxian touched the ring he gave Lan Wangji at Baifeng Mountain. Pure white, warm and soft in color.

Lan Wangji whispered: "Ring, you gave me."

Wei Wuxian was surprised: "I gave it to you? That's not bad. It seems that I am not eating and living in Gusu Lan's clan without paying."

At this moment, Wei Wuxian had forgotten the anxiety that had just been hesitant to hold hands. He held Lan Wangji's hand and looked at the ring carefully. "WangJi Zitther." Wei Wuxian said, "What else? Hmm...hair." Wei Wuxian had already sensed that it was Lan Wangji and his own hair. Wei Wuxian wanted to say "knotting hair", at last he changed his words to "hair".

Lan Wangji said: "Yes, your and my hair." He wanted to say "knotting hair", for fear of scaring him.

Wei Wuxian thought: Why is the thing I gave Lan Zhan so...

Could it be that the future self also secretly like Lan Zhan? That's right, Lan Zhan was so good, it's hard not for me to like him.

Wei Wuxian thought, turned his head, and looked at Lan Wangji again. Really handsome, how could Lan Zhan be so handsome? Eyebrows, eyes, nose, and lips were all handsome, and they were also handsome when they were together. Lan Zhan was so good-looking, so good-looking.

Wei Wuxian discovered that Lan Wangji's hand had already grasped his hand back naturally and placed it on his waist. Wei Wuxian's heart was as sweet as drinking honey. He only felt that there was a young eagle flapping its wings, flying higher and higher.

The Silence Room.

"Lan Zhan," Wei Wuxian put his fingers on the tub, and tapped it unconsciously, "This tub is so big, it's enough for two people to wash together..." God, what did he speak? Would his words be too reckless? What would Lan Wang think?

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