EP 37

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That's enough.

Wei Wuxian asked the children to stay in the city for one night, and returned home after Jingyi woke up, so that Jingyi would not be punished to copy the clan rules. He himself drove the sword to fly towards Yunshen.

This time, he had the golden core. He drove the sword, traveling in the red clouds. The speed of returning home was as fast as a meteor, and he would not meet the curfew again.

Lan Wangji, holding a delicate lantern, stood in front of the mountain gate and waited for him.

Wei Wuxian's heartbeat was pounding, his breathing was short, and he became less calm when he jumped off Suibian.

Such a beautiful person belonged to him. On the night, he held a lanten and waited for him to return home.

It was most beautiful in the world.

He had a good view in his heart, and he was no longer afraid of others' bad views.

Seeing him return, Lan Wangji's eyes burst into glazed light, and with a wave of his sleeves, a majestic blue spirit flow flew out of his fingertips, spreading and swirling in the mountain road.

It was like thousands of fish swimming across the river and sea, countless blue light spots slowly rose, and stars and the moon could not compete with them.

That light was like a lamp. They gleamed in the dark night, like floating souls and magnificent dreams, extremely magnificent, illuminating the dark mountain roads and illuminating his way forward.

Such a spectacle was beyond words. There was only frozen breath and broken speech.

There was no words. Both of them walked towards each other.

One step, two step, faster and faster, and then ran.

In an intoxicating blue halo, the two hugged tightly in front of the mountain gate, the scent of sandalwood enveloped in layers, as if enveloping the whole world.

Wei Wuxian wrapped Lan Wangji's band of forehead around his fingers, and chuckles: "What's wrong with Er Gege? Hold me so tightly. We have seen each other only for one day. Have the gatekeepers seen it?"

Lan Wangji said: "I have blocked you."

Wei Wuxian said: "You block me, don't they know what we are doing? HanGuang Jun, when did you begin deceiving others and yourself?"

Lan Wangji said: "We are not in Yunshen." The implication was that outside the mountain gate, the clan rules would not be too strict.

Wei Wuxian smiled and said, "Everyone says that the people who are near good people become good, and those who are near evil people become bad. HanGuang Jun is being damaged by me."

Lan Wangji frowned slightly, facing Wei Wuxian squarely, and said seriously: "people who are near good people become good." There is no "people who are near evil people become bad".

Wei Wuxian couldn't help but laugh.

Lan Wangji asked, "Wei Ying, have you drunk wine?" Wei Wuxian had an wine smell different from that of the Tianzi Xiao wine.

Wei Wuxian said, "Yes, today I went to a remote village to get rid of evils. I drank a lot at the noon. Do you smell it? Would you like to taste it?" Wei Wuxian smiled lightly, his eyes gleaming with charm, and his teeth lightly bit his lower lip, and then stuck out the tip of his pink tongue and slid across the soft lips.

Silent invitation.

Lan Wangji's Adam's apple moved slightly, but he only kissed him twice, without going deep.

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