EP 10

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Wei Wuxian sat on the grassland, looking up at Lan Wangji, and said with a smile: "Lan Zhan, your children are so behaved, they are so polite to me evil spirit outsider."

Lan Wangji frowned slightly, and said, "Wei Ying, you are not an evil spirit outsider." Then he stretched out his hand and pulled him up.

With a subtle sense of familiarity in Wei Wuxian's heart, he held Lan Wangji's hand and stood up, wondering: "Lan Zhan, don't you not touch others?"

Lan Wangji glanced at him and said, "You are not others."

Wei Wuxian was stunned, only felt that Lan Wangji's eyes were filled with a soft spring. The golden sunlight on the spring dazzled him. Wei Wuxian smiled and said: "Yes, we live together. Is that the room where I woke up? The Silence Room?" Lan Wangji said: "Yes. Would you like to go see it again?"

"Okay. " Wei Wuxian said, stepping forward. He squatted too long to feed the rabbit just now, and Lan Wangji's phrase "You're not others" echoed in his mind. He slipped and rushed forward.

Lan Wangji supported him in time.

Wei Wuxian said, "I squatted too long just now and my legs are numb."

Lan Wangji frowned slightly, and said, "Your leg has just been injured by the sword, and it may not heal completely yet."

Wei Wuxian said, "Really? I don't feel it. Your medicine is quite effective."

Lan Wangji said: "I'll first...carry you back." He originally wanted to say "Hug you back", but the words came to his lips, fearing that Wei Wuxian would be scared, so he changed it to "back".

Wei Wuxian was stunned, but Lan Wangji had already stood in front of him, leaned down, bent his knees, and wanted to carry him. Wei Wuxian vaguely felt that if Lan Wangji was not allowed to carry him back, he might do something more terrifying. Moreover, Wei Wuxian was really curious, what kind of expressions Yun Shen's disciples would show when they saw Lan Wangji carrying him on his back.

Wei Wuxian fell on Lan Wangji's back, hugged his neck, and said, "Then you carry me."

Lan Wangji hugged the roots of his legs with his backhand, picked him up on his back, and walked forward slowly.

Although he couldn't see Lan Wangji's expression, Wei Wuxian felt that he seemed a little glum. Did he actually not want to carry him?

Wei Wuxian said: "Lan Zhan Lan Zhan, you let me down, don't you feel it is weird to carry me like this?"

Lan Wangji said: "When you were young, you also carried me on the back."

Wei Wuxian said, "Is there such thing? Why don't I remember."

Lan Wangji said indifferently: "But I remember."

Wei Wuxian was brought back to the Silence Room by Lan Wangji in this way. Unexpectedly, the few disciples they met along the way just respectfully saluted, without surprises. Wei Wuxian thought that the Gusu Lan clan still had strict clan rules and disciplined behavior as always.

Entering the Silence Room, Lan Wangji put Wei Wuxian on the chair and went to find medicine by himself.

Wei Wuxian said, "HanGuang Jun, you have really changed a lot."

Lan Wangji said: "Really? Where have I changed?"

Wei Wuxian did not answer. He pointed to a white zitther on the table and said, "I just wanted to ask. Do you change your zitther? I remember your old zitther is black."

Lan Wangji had already taken the medicine, knelt on one knee, rolled his trousers, and said at the same time: "That's not my zitther. That's yours."

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