EP 13

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Lan Wangji felt his ears were hot and his mouth was dry.Hadn't answered yet,For a while, he couldn't look away from Wei Wuxian's face.Wei Wuxian was yet self-deprecating:"Hey, I almost forgot,How could HanGuang Jun be interested in this evil things. "After talking, the corners of the mouth were bent,Prepared to withdraw his hand."Give it to me." Lan Wangji hurried before he took his hand back.The wide sleeves were swung out, and the nails in Wei Wuxian's hands were taken.The nail was heavy,They didn't know what kind of metal it was made of,The top was engraved with a hideous and complicated pattern,Like a fierce beast with its fangs open,Exuding deep black resentment,Gathering at the top and lingering."As expected," Lan Wangji whispered.He passed the nail back quietly.Their fingertips touched slightly,Neither of them said anything,Wei Wuxian held the nail in his hand and turned it a few times.Said: "A strong spell was cast on this nail,It can take one's soul,If nail it from the Baihui acupoint on the top of the head into the brain,Human consciousness is completely gone. "Wei Wuxian raised one eyebrow.The eyes that were as bright as stars seemed to be smiling but not smiling,He said to Lan Wangji: "Don't look at me with that kind of eyes.I don't know the solution. "Lan Wangji sighed silently without speaking.He looked down at the corpses that had just been scattered,Roll up the wide sleeves and raised the hem,Tied them on the belt,He picked up a ghost cultivator's iron pick,Took a few steps and started digging.Wei Wuxian laughed haha:"Lan Zhan, do you want to dig a grave and practice corpse too?"After a few laughs, He held hands there,Looking at Lan Wangji busy.Lan Wangji didn't answer, he picked up his pick and dropped,After a while, he dug a big hole nearby,Put down the iron pick, took out a pair of white silk gloves from the sleeve and put it on,Collect the wreckage scattered around,And put them in the hole.After finishing collected the remains of the corpses dug up by ghost cultivators,He cover with soil, and finally build a new grave.Lan Wangji lowered his head and closed eyes,After silently reciting the "Death Mantra" three times,Turning around and said to Wei Wuxian:"It's better to take these cultivators to the city,When they wake up, find a way to rescue them. "Wei Wuxian made a "please" gesture,He smiled and asked, "I don't know How Hanguang Junplan to pack a dozen people away? "Lan Wangji answered honestly:"Go back to the city and hire a carriage to carry them."Wei Wuxian shook his head and said:"Where can you hire a carriage in the middle of the night?"When Lan Wangji heard, his brows also raised.Asked: "Do you have a better idea?"Wei Wuxian smiled and waved his hand: "No.However, you can hire a carriage when it's dawn. "After speaking, he looked around,"Why don't we find a clean place to sit and wait."Lan Wangji didn't even think about it,Just said: "Okay."Since they have to wait, during the waiting time,Just to ask all the questions in his heart clearly.Wei Wuxian pointed towards the hillside and said:"Look, there are only those big trees,Which is a clean place. "There were chaotic graves all around, rotten smell,The smell of gravel and grass mixed together,It was really hard to stay for long.Seeing Lan Wangji nodded, Wei Wuxian put his hands behind.Took the lead and walked up the hillside,Lan Wangji quickened his pace and walked to his side.Walked side by side with him.Wei Wuxian turned his head and took a look atLan Wangji's worried face,Suddenly said: "I know what you want to ask,There is no answer, I don't know. "Lan Wangji looked back at Wei Wuxian quietly.Looked at his calm look on his face,The tip of his heart seemed to be pulled by the corner of the slightly bent mouth,The first question was not yet asked,Wei Wuxian blocked it.What Lan Wangji wantsed to ask is:"Where have you been in these three years?"In the past three years, I had inquired the spirit countless times,But didn't have a bit of news from you,It seemed that you had never been in the world.If it weren't for seeing you,I heard you, my hands touched you,I would think that all this was thousands of bizarre dreams,Lan Wangji slowly lowered his eyes,Only paying attention to the road under Wei Wuxian's feet.Silence followed again,Lan Wangji didn't know what to say,He always could express well in front of Wei Wuxian.That man always had a way to distort his words.Asking too much, maybe he would be annoyedAsking too deeply, maybe he would get sick,Lan Wangji was afraid that the ardent anticipation would show up in words,Let torment of lovesickness year after yearturn into a sneer on his lips.In the day of Ever-lighting City, Wei Wuxian personallyDrew a bottomless boundary between them.Lan Wangji understood that he wanted to protect and save him.Shareed the blame for him,It was just his own asura field,He had no right to make Wei Wuxian frown.Fortunately, the distance from the bottom to the top of the slope was not long,This time the silence was short and not so embarrassing.Lan Wangji raised his head and stared at the tree where Wei Wuxian was hiding.He was not sure if they jumped up together,Or to sit on a tree separately.Wei Wuxian saw his hesitation.So he also raised his head.Took a look at the two towering ancient trees that looked similar."It's nothing special, it's all the same."Lan Wangji had not had time to answer,Wei Wuxian's boots flashed quickly.He jumped up to the tree he himself hid before,Showed his face among the dense leaves,"Lan Zhan, come up."Lan Wangji replied quickly: "Okay."He dashed up the tree in the blink of an eye,It seemed that Wei Wuxian felt that the end of his words hadn't finished yet.Lan Wangji was already in front of him,This speed was surprisingly fast,Lan Wangji saw Wei Wuxian's mouthSlowly expanded into a circle.I was afraid that you would regret,Found that we tow sitting on the same tree was actually not so spacious.Lan Wangji made an explanation in his heart for his overly quick action.Then he said nothing,Pulled away the finely squeezed branches and leaves,Leaning over, sat down on the branch on Wei Wuxian's right hand.The distance was just right,He did not touch Wei Wuxian's body.But their overlapped robes looked like that they were close to each other;In this lateral degree, under the moonlight that penetrated through the branches and leaves,Lan Wangji could collect Wei Wuxian's entire face in his vision.Sure enough, Wei Wuxian yelled out."Lan Zhan, this place is not wide enough."Talking and looking around,It seemed that he wanted to see if he could be moved to other branches."It's all right." Lan Wangji quickly stopped Wei Wuxian's possible next move.This branch was very good,The breath of Wei Wuxian's words,It happened to be able to blow on his face,Since the last time he felt his breath,Three years and three months had passed.When the swaying branches and leaves were quiet,They two stared at each other in silence,The night and the surrounding leavesShrouded them, wrapped them,The small space seemed to be the whole world.In this short moment, the faces of them sank into eyes of each other,Lan Wangji opened his eyes slightly.He wanted that person to go deeper in his eyes,That person was here, here was the whole world.Wei Wuxian was still the look in his deepest memory.When not speaking, the corners of the beautiful mouth were still slightly curved,Lan Wangji had seen all kinds of smiles,Or happy, joking, or teasing,Or squeezeing out a sneer,Each one had already been fixed into brushworks,Stroke in his heart.He stared at Wei Wuxian quietly.Traced his eyebrows and eyes inch by inch,Listening to his heartbeat faster and faster,Secretly expected that this moment would never end.Suddenly a night owl or a pheasant in the distance,Gave a short cry,Wei Wuxian seemed to recover from Lan Wangji's eyes.The corners of his mouth opened, and he said:"Unexpectedly, the first acquaintance I met after waking up,It turned out to be HanGuang Jun. "Emotion could not be heard in his tone,Lan Wangji felt that it was not disgust at least,So he said carefully: "Wake up?"Wei Wuxian said, "Yes. It's like sleeping for a long, long time.I woke up suddenly. "Lan Wangji asked: "Where?"Wei Wuxian sighed, "It's strange,Right here, on this branch,When I woke up I found myself lying down here. "Lan Wangji was also extremely surprised.Then asked: "When?""Yesterday." Wei Wuxian stroked his loose black hair with his fingers.Continued to say: "It was also at dusk,I was in this dress,I was so startled that I almost fell off the tree.Then went for a stroll around Nanping City,I realized that it was Xuanzheng twenty-seven years now. "This was really incredible,Lan Wangji thought,Reached out to take Wei Wuxian's pulse,Suddenly thought about whether it was too offensive,So when his fingers touched Wei Wuxian's wrist, he stopped.He raised his eyes to see Wei Wuxian's reaction.Seeing that Wei Wuxian did not show an unhappy expression,He lowered his eyes again,The slender fingers finally caught Wei Wuxian's wrist.It felt warm and pulsating,No doubt he was a living person.Lan Wangji let out a breath.Slowly retracted his hand, caged in his sleeve,Rub fingers gently,Wei Wuxian's body temperature had not disappeared in his fingers,The heat from the tip of the finger reached the heart pulse,Make his heartbeat a bit more real.He asked quietly:"Before...sleeping,How much do you remember? "Wei Wuxian scratched his head and made a forced smile.Said: "That is really unbearable to look back,I did not expect that backlash turned out to be that kind of feeling. "Lan Wangji felt that he had been cut out in his abdomen.Thought in his heart: the bite of ghosts,Even a drop of blood was not missed ,Naturally it was painful.Suddenly Wei Wuxian turned to smile and said, "I have to thank HanGuang Jun,You didn't come to encircle me demon. "Lan Wangji suddenly raised her long eyelashes.Looked into Wei Wuxian's eyes in disbelief.Seeing there was really nodeliberate mockery,He was a little relieved,Presumably Wei Wuxian felt that even if he refused his confession,Still not going to fight with swords each other,This was why he thank sincerely.But Lan Wangji still couldn't continue with this sentence.Where was he at that time?Lan Wangji had known the serious damage of whip since he was a child,But the entire Lan clan would not have expected thatThe whip that has not been used for a hundred years,Would be drawn to a model discipline who was the most excellent in one century,And thirty-three whips at once.The blood started to stop after one month,New meat started to grow after two months,Scab came into being after three months,Before the scab fell, The biting of ten thousand ants all day and nightWould make the person who made a mistake remember not to do it again forever .At that time, Lan Wangji didn't expect thathis receiving these 33 whips with the risk of life,Still only gave Wei Wuxian his life for three months.That day, when he accidentally learned the news of Wei Wuxian's death in a groggy way.He who had not let out a voice since the whip was on his body,Sent out a string of extreme miserable and long howls straight into the sky,In Yunshen, birds and herons were surprised,Countless students were dumbfounded by this howling.He didn't hate the pain of whip lasting for three or thirty years,He only hated himself for not being able to be together with Wei Wuxian in the last time.Even if Wei Wuxian finally said "Go away" to him,The oath to protect him, save him, and bear the consequences with himIt was still Lan Wangji's promise,It could be regarded as their only connection,But in the end he didn't even have the qualification to guard this promise.Everything was over.Fortunately, Wei Wuxian finally came back.Lan Wangji's heart also came back to life after three years of death.It was beating in the chest now,No longer a cold stone wrapped in layers of dead ashes,It was a lively warm heart with blood.

Writer: Shenfen(China), https://shenfen283.lofter.com/
Translator: Chou Langshi, for more stories and comics, please visit https://www.patreon.com/wangxianlove

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