EP 35

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Except for Lan Wangji, everyone else couldn't help taking in cold breath.No one noticed the abnormality of Lan Wangji."Didn't you see by mistake?"Jin Guangyao was the first to recover.Looking directly at Jiang Cheng's somewhat dizzy eyes,Asked word by word.Jiang Cheng's pale face was distorted to an incredible extent,As if desperately resisting the pain,He whispered: "It can't be wrong.Yunmeng's moving figures,It must be him. "From the innocent boyhood,Countless times side by side or following,The figure was light and smart, graceful,Finally, it disappeard without any powder in the mass grave.Now he came back,The entire immortal word was his enemy,Who knew how much hate he returned with?But he saved his life."Hahaha..." Jiang Cheng laughed suddenly.The sound was like a ghost crying,He knew that the accounts between them would never be settled.He was sure in private thatWei Wuxian would surely slaughter the immortal world by any means.He looked forward to that his guess was accurate,But he knew he was wrong.Jiang Cheng kept laughing.The harsh laughter made everyone scalp numb in the hall.Jin Guangyao frowned and said, "Let Sect Master Jiang rest."The attendant walked over,clicked Jiang Cheng's sleeping acupoint,Let the Patriarch, who had been busy healing him, bandage the wound.Jin Zixin said: "It's not that Sect Master Jiang is confused because of wound.Wei Wuxian has hatred with Yunmeng Jiang clan,Now he let the murderous corpses besiege the city, how can he save Sect Master Jiang?"Although these words were awkward, but Patriarch Wu and other Patriarchs couldn't help nodding.They just believed that Jiang Cheng was wrong.Lan Wangji said in a deep voice, "Sect Master Jiang is very familiar with Wei Wuxian,he can't go wrong. If it is Wei Wuxian's revenge against hundreds clans,Why need he besiege the city by the corpses,Our immortal cultivators can leave the city. "Jin Guangyao was silent and raised his head for a while.He whispered: "No need to mention this again."Turning his head to his attendant said: "You take my token,To spread my words, call all the Patriarchs guarding the city gates to come back to discuss countermeasures."When the attendant was out,Lan Wangji passed the messager received just now to Jin Guangyao,Jin Guangyao did not relax after seeing it.Just say: "I'm afraid that we will not be able to support when reinforcements come.""I hope to do best for the lives of 40,000 civilians in the city."Lan Wangji had to speak his final expectation out.Jin Guangyao shook his hand and stopped speaking.Jin Zixin and all the patriarchs beside him also lowered their eyebrows.They did not have any intention of standing up to defend innocent civilians. Lan Wangji gritted his teeth silently.Helplessness and sadness spreaded in his heart,For the first time in his life, he felt ashamed of being a cultivator.Not long after, dozens of Patriarchs returned to Lin Mansion one after another.They brought even worse news.Cultivators had used materials found on the spot to strengthen the gates,But the corpses outside the city continued to attack the city gate,Dozens of bone echelons piled up outside the city wall,They attempted to cross the walls that were not too high.The gates were obviously short of manpower,Sooner or later murder corpses were breaking the gate walls.Patriarchs in the hall were all horrified,Each was thinking about his own life,Exchanged eyes with each other,A consensus had been reached on "abandoning the city",Just waiedt for an opportunity and spoke out.Because Jin Guangyao was the deputy commander of the Demon Camp and had the highest status,Everyone finally looked at him, waiting for his order. Even if everyone had decided to abandon the city and flee,They still hoped to throw the responsibility of making such a shameful decision to others.Jin Guangyao hesitated.The cultivators got away easily,The reason for judging the situation and preserving strength was also justified.However, there were many clans and cultivators who did not participate in this movement.They might deliberately defame this movement of abandoning city.Lan Wangji said: "Gusu Lan's reinforcements are already on the way.I hope LianFang Zun will lead the cultivators to do our best. "Immediately there was a Patriarch wailed:"There are too many corpses.We can not stand."Everyone responded one after another, and the discussion continued,Someone whispered: "LianFang Zun, please quickly make a decision.Go back as soon as possible to gather supporting power, and don't make unnecessary sacrifices. "Suddenly, a clear voice above the patio said loudly:"Bullying the weak and afraid of the strong, ready to flee,What a shame! "Word by word, clearly passed into the hall.These words made most people blush immediately shamefully.They glittered eyes to the patio,Only Jin Guangyao's face was pale, and he asked in a deep voice:"Who is there?"Lan Wangji was shocked,Still suppressed the words "Wei Ying" in the throat,Only secretly gripping the hilt of sword Bichen。A figure fell lightly from the roof to the ground,Slender, wide-sleeved black robe, and fluttering,and his pale face was full of disdain.With both hands behind him, he walked towards the hall step by step,"Wei Wuxian!" "Yiling Laozu!" "It's really him?!"Then the hall was filled with the sound of unsheathed weapons and heavy breathing.Except for Lan Wangji, everyone stood in a row at the same place, raising their swords outward,The atmosphere like walking on ice instantly enveloped the entire hall."It turns out that Yiling Laozu come here!What do you intend to besiege the city with murderous corpses?"Jin Guangyao took a step out and stood in front of everyone,Reaching out to block the offensive of everyone, quite calm and authentic. "The corpses are not under my control,Whether you believe it or not. "Standing at the door of the hall, Wei Wuxian said casually.His eyes went through the people in the hall,Finally swept across Lan Wangji's face.While Lan Wangji's eyes never left him.At this moment, their eyes met,He vaguely felt that Wei Wuxian was telling him: Don't worry. Jin Guangyao said: "What's the purpose, just talk about it."Wei Wuxian smiled, shook his head and said, "Really no purpose.It's just that I really can't see how immortal cultivators are greedy for life and fear of death. "There was three point mockery,three point self-deprecation,and three point calmness of seeing through life and death on the face,He continued to say: "All rush to prey and territory,When in cris, everyone run faster than a rabbit. "Jin Guangyao didn't care about his own red and white face, but relaxed,As if he waited for Wei Wuxian to say something worse indifferently.The rest of the people looked at Jin Guangyao and Wei Wuxian in surprise.The hand holding the weapon tightened.At this time, sword lights appeared in the horizon from four directions at the same time,Running like electricity,Descending in the patio later soon,Four cultivators stumbled into the hall, their faces were as grey as ashes.Each hand held an arrow and a piece of talisman paper. Jin Guangyao took four pieces of talisman paper from the attendant,the content were the same,He raised his eyes and glanced at Wei Wuxian, and red:"At 9 O'clock pm, one cultivator was bound to be tied with Yin Tiger Talisman at the west gater,The remaining 375 cultivators left Nanping City before 5 O'clock pm.Otherwise, the corpses slaughter the city. "Then four talisman papers were circulated in the hands of everyone,The patriarchs gradually recovered from the initial panic to calm and relaxed,The information conveyed by these talismans was simply a pardon order,After all, the Yin Tiger Talisman was not in their hands.The only obstacle was, would the Lanling Jin clan hand over the Yin Tiger Talisman?As for the great event of Yiling Laozu's return to the world,It was already a less urgent issue.

Writer: Shenfen(China), https://shenfen283.lofter.com/
Translator: Chou Langshi, for more stories and comics, please visit https://www.patreon.com/wangxianlove

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