EP 30

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The past was like yesterday,Lan Wangji was motionless that night,Looking at Wei Wuxian until dawn,The unannounced death followed like a shadow,He wanted to take more look and hide in the heart,When being alone, the memory floated in the heart,being tasted at the tip of tongue,the long night was not so difficult.Wei Wuxian's grasped wrist shook slightly.Lan Wangji opened his eyes and looked at him.He was still not awake, but just leaned to be closer,He might feel snuggling in a warm body,Got close comfortably.At this time, Wei Wuxian's limbs were filled with Lan Wangji's spiritual power.But the dantian could not store it,It was empty, like a bottomless valley,Spiritual power trickled through again and again without stopping.While wondering, Lan Wangji suddenly felt that his spiritual power seemed to be uncontrollabllypour a large amount into Wei Wuxian from his body,No longer a slow but steady input,Instead, he was sucked in by invisible forces.Lan Wangji tried to slow down, but it didn't work.Spiritual power quickly and non-stop entered Wei Wuxian's body from the contact between them.Lan Wangji was shocked and trembling.Wei Wuxian's dantian could not store,Spiritual power had been dispersed in his meridian and blood vessels,It was possible for him to die at any time due to overdose.In a hurry, Lan Wangji didn't know if the delivery could be stopped,Fortunately, the strange spiritual power in Wei Wuxian's body had disappeared.Lan Wangji slowly withdrew his hands, no abnormalities appeared.Then he dared to let go of the beating heart.Lan Wangji looked at his finger that was still shaking slightly,Gently brushed Wei Wuxian's face,He let out a heavy breath.Sleeping Wei Wuxian didn't know that he had nearly died again.A large amount of spiritual power was output,Uncontrollable exhaustion finally came,Lan Wangji wanted to stand up,He didn't expect that the waist and knees were so weak that he could not stand.As soon as his body fell on Wei Wuxian,And he was getting up in a panic,He was fully hugged with both hands.The whole body shuddered like an electric shock,Suddenly he was so stiff that he couldn't move,There were thousands soldiers beating drums in the chest,An ocean raging in the mind.The breath near the cheek was like orchid and wine,Wei Wuxian blew a breath to Lan Wangji's face.He almost sticked to his ear and laughed:"HanGuang Jun, are you molesting me when I am not aware?"When Lan Wangji heard the words, he hurriedly said:"No!...Let me go!"Wei Wuxian said: "No, you press me first!"This was spoken behind Lan Wangji's ear,The breath was blown into the neck as much as possible,Obviously Wei Wuxian's voice was not loud,it made Lan Wangji's ears hot like fire,It was too hot that he could not help but breathe."...Let me go, don't be naughty."These words carred ineffable hesitation,Lan Wangji said very difficultly.The strength on the arm loosened,Wei Wuxian let go.He looked at Lan Wangji straightening up with eyebrows bent.Lan Wangji turned his back to tidy up clothes.Wei Wuxian suddenly laughedd: "Lan Zhan, your ears are red!"Seeing Lan Wangji ignored him,Wei Wuxian seemed to think he had joked overly.He sat up and said seriously: "What happened to me just now?"Lan Wangji turned his back, because of not daring to face him.Also annoyed that Wei Wuxian suddenly teased him.When the heartbeat slowed down gradually,Listened to him being serious now,Lan Wangji had to answer: "You passed out just now."Wei Wuxian let out a cry, then asked, "What then?""Then I discovered that you have a weird spiritual power in your body,Just try to offset it with spiritual power,That spiritual power has disappeared. "Lan Wangji turned around,Found that Wei Wuxian looked indifferent,Asked surprisely: "Do you know?"Wei Wuxian smiled and stood up.He walked to Lan Wangji and said:"You have input so much spiritual power to me, how can I not know?"He raised his hands above the head, stretched his waist long, and smiled:"Now I am full of spiritual energy in my body,Can't wait to fight with someone immediately. "Lan Wangji frowned and said, "You said you thought of a solution to this game, what is it?"Wei Wuxian said haha and said casually:"I have my own way, I don't want to say more."He went to the window and push the window sash slightly open,Glancing outside, whispered:"The servants of Lin Mansion came to clean.I have to hide. "He looked up at the girders of the roof,The body spined and flied lightly,took a step on the wall,Jump steadily to the top,He sat sideways, and laughed quietly:"I'll just be a thief once."Lan Wangji raised his head to see that he was sitting firmly on it.With unabated doubts in the heart, he frowned slightly,Shook his head, turned and walked towards the door.The sound of footsteps came from outside the window,Three people had already walked downstairs.Soon they reached the door.Someone said respectfully:"HanGuang Jun, please go to the main hall for discussion."Lan Wangji opened the door,Seeing that the person headed was the manage of the Lin Mansion,Two servants behind were holding dust cloth towels, bucket brooms and other things,They seemed to be going to clean the room after Lan Wangji went out."Wait a minute." Lan Wangji nodded to Lin Mansion Manager.Turned back to the couch,Carried the zitther and sword hanging on the side of the couch,He was surprised to find a paper man of a large palm attached to the zitther bag.The paper man had hands and feet, eyes and mouth,Although very simple, it was also vivid.The paper man seemed to find that Lan Wangji discovered himself,He floated along the zitther bag to Lan Wangji's finger,Homeopathy rolled his index finger,Lan Wangji raised eyes and looked up,Wei Wuxian lay on the beam,The black clothes blended in with the dark brown lacquer,It was not easy to find him.The incarnation of paper man was recorded in Wei Wuxian's manuscript.This paper man maybe was cut by Wei Wuxian in the roomwhen he went out before,Wei Wuxian just wanted to follow him quietly,Knowing the external situation in time.Lan Wangji's fingers bend slightly,Signalling that he already knew,Put the paper man in the sleeve,Then turned around and went out.Haven't entered the main hall,The aisles and side halls were full of cultivators in various robes,Sitting or standing, all of them looked heavy,Like facing strong enemies, there were not many people who even whispered.When Lan Wangji entered the main hall,In the huge hall, the cultivators were already seated in close proximity,There were many standing outside,Seeing Lan Wangji approaching with the manager, there was no sound.In the middle of the hall sat the frowning Patriarch Lin on the left,There was a person sitting on the right, his face was like a piece of jade,A pair of eyes were so gentle and pleasant,A little cinnabar between the eyebrows, and a golden crown on the head,Wearing a Venus snow wave robe,It was LianFang Zun Jin Guangyao,He just put down the tea cup in the hand,Looking at Lan Wangji who entered the hall."Wangji, you are here finally."Jin Guangyao smiled and stood up to greet,Lan Wangji bowed and greeted: "LianFang Zun."Jin Guangyao soluted,lead him to the seat next to him,They sat down at the same time, and Jin Guangyao said softly:"Wangji, you have worked hard,Second brother asked me to take care of you,It is dangerous here, so be careful. "Lan Wangji nodded slightly, and said lightly, "Thank you."Opposite Patriarch Lin,there sat a person,With thin eyebrows and apricot eyes, extraordinary handsome,He was also a beautiful man,Now his face was stern with heavy and much thoughts,He only slightly nodded at Lan Wangji, and said, "Second Young Master Lan."A pair of slender, thin hands were crossed and placed on the thighs,The deep purple robe was luxurious and delicate.Lan Wangji nodded in return and said, "Sect Master Jiang."He just felt a slight vibration in the sleeve,The paper man Wei Wuxian seemed shocked.Lan Wangji flicked the cuff to soothe it with another hand,His face was still calm,Waiting for Jin Guangyao to speak.Jin Guangyao glanced across the cultivators in the hall,With a calm spirit, he said solemnly: "This time Nanping City was abnormal.All signs indicate that it is Yiling Laozu who have returned to revenge. "Inside and outside the hall, there were heavy breathing sounds,But no one spoke.Lan Wangji looked sideways,Jin Guangyao didn't give him a glance, but continued:"I received a letter from ZiXin the day before yesterday,Sect Master Jiang and I led cultivators to come all day and night,There was still no time to prevent this tragedy from happening. "After that, he bowed the head and sighed, his face full of compassion,Sighing for a while, he raised his head and asked Jin Zixin, who was in the second position:"Have the identities of the dead been registered and verified?"Jin Zixin replied: "They have been registered,I have sent letters to verify,News will be reported to BuJingShi. "Jin Guangyao nodded and said: "How do you plan to deal with the funeral?"To prevent the corpse from changing, they have been cremated,The ashes have been sealed separately,After the identities are verified, they will be sent back to their families for burial. "Jin Zixin responded one by one."Hey, my Demo Camp failed to prevent this tragedy.Afterwards, I must try to compensate the deceased's family,Don't let people criticize it. "Jin Guangyao said resolutely, after a pause,Slowly glanced cultivators all over the hall and said:"Yiling Laozu killed innocent people so indiscriminately,I can't let him escape again,I vowe to crash his bones and scatter his ashes! "Lan Wangji pressed the cuff with one handto avoid Wei Wuxian's anger overflowing,After Jin Guangyao finished speaking, he faced Jin Guangyao and said:"LianFang Zun, this matter is different,It should not be so hasty. "

Writer: Shenfen(China), https://shenfen283.lofter.com/
Translator: Chou Langshi, for more stories and comics, please visit https://www.patreon.com/wangxianlove

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