EP 16

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Lan Wangji thought in this way,He planned that Wei Wuxian and himself faces problems together,Since they met again in a deserted grave last night,Lan Wangji never thought about separating.At this moment, he was anxious about Wei Wuxian,Whether he woke up,But the mule seemed to be hungry usually,Pulling so many people,as slow as crawling.Lan Wangji couldn't help thinking if Wei Wuxian was here instead,Maybe he got out of the cart,Kicked away the mule and pulled the cart himself,There was a slight smile at the corner of his mouth,He felt that this cart was not so slow.The swaying mule cart finally reached the inn,The shopkeeper greeted him with smile,Suddenly saw a cart of "dead body",And Lan Wangji all in white stood up from a pile of "dead people",Jumping in front of him,His throat suddenly seemed to be stuffed into a large piece of ice,It was so cold from head to toe,The open mouth couldn't close anyhow.Whether taking rest or staying,The small inn did not accept.Lan Wangji put a large piece of silver on the hand of the shopkeeper,Seriously said: "Today, I book the inn for the time being.Sorry to bother you. "Then left a sentence: "Excuse me",He went upstairs and entered the room lightly.For the sake of silver, any convention could be broken,The shopkeeper's sentence: "We don't accept unknown people" was taken back.He horribly looked at the two strong men driving the cartCarrying the "dead" to the side of the inn and place them one by one.Lan Wangji entered the room and turned around the screen,Wei Wuxian was still asleep on the couch.Lan Wangji checked his pulse,Fortunately, it was normal,It seemed that he was exhausted,He didn't know when he would wake up.Lan Wangji went downstairs to the lobby,Told the buddy to prepare a few plates of pastry and delivered to the room,He had some meals himself simply,Went to check the ghost cultivators who were half lying on the ground.He wanted to find out from something related to their original identity,It seemed futile,He had searched with Wei Wuxian last night,In addition to the items used for cultivating ghost way,There was nothing that could determine their identity.They seemed to be puppets made in batches,They were the same everywhere except appearance.Lan Wangji stretched out his hand and put two fingers in the hair on top of a ghost cultivator's head.Searching carefully,Sure enough, he felt a small cavity in Baihui acupoint,Press hard on the surrounding scalp,Finally touched the round top hat.Lan Wangji used his spiritual power to lift the nail out.It was exactly the same dementing nail that they saw last night.The person who made this nail,Knocked the nail and applied the curse was obviously extremely cruel.Thinking about various possibilities,Lan Wangji Suddenly heard a noise outside the inn,After a glance, he saw many people gathering in the street.Looking up at the sky in twos and threes, being surprised.Lan Wangji walked to the door, looking far away,In the distance, dozens of white rainbows impelled by sword Qi ,were flying quickly to the city.Lan Wangji went upstairs, Wei Wuxian was still asleep.He calmly dressed his clan robe behind the screen.Carrying the zitther and sword, went downstairs and sat at the table in the lobby,Asked the shopkeeper to bring the buddy to hide in the backyard,Did not come out no matter what noise they heard.Afterwards, he waited quietly with a pot of tea made by the shopkeeper.Sooner than the time of a stick of incense, intensive footsteps sounded outside the inn.Then a group of cultivators walked into the lobby with great momentum,This group of people dressed in some kinds of clan robes,Approximately there were seven or eight kinds.The leading ones were all white robes of Venus Xuelang, which are truly eye-catching.The white robe cultivator who walked in the front,Was thirties, he had a little cinnabar between his brows,Looking quite handsome,But very arrogant,He swaggered to Lan Wangji's table,Standing there with his chin lifted,Said: "Acording to description, I know that the person is from Gusu Lan.Unexpectedly, famous HanGuang Jun you are. "He glanced the ghost cultivators on the ground on one side,Winked to cultivators behind him ,Suddenly more than a dozen cultivators rushed over with swords and surrounded the ghost cultivators.Lan Wangji's already serious face immediately covered with frost and snow.Said: "Stop."The sound was extremely cold, but not loud,But somehow everyone in the lobby hummed in their ears,The swords raised by the cultivators could not be pierced.They turned heads to look at the leading Jin clan member.The man's expression did not change, only shook his head very slightly,So the cultivators took their swords,But still stood there and did not scabbard the sword.Lan Wangji looked over with extremely cold eyesight.In a consistently cold and clear voice, said:"You name, please .""Lanling Jin clan, Jin Zixin." The man looked at the sky.Gave a perfunctory bow,Lan Wangji bowed as reply meticulously.Then Lan Wangji pointed to another stool beside the table.Said plainly: "Please sit down."This Jin Zixin should be the son of Jinguang brother,Same generation as the dead Jin ZiXuan,The status was higher than the ordinary Jin clan member,No wonder he was so domineering.Jin Zixin stretched his legs and hooked the stool to his feet.Lifted off the hem, sat down straight,Said impolitely:"Didn't Gusu Lan withdraw from the demon camp?Besides, I have never seen HanGuang Jun participate.Now you went through thousands of milesto stop us from killing the remnants of Yiling Laozu,What do you want to do? "Lan Wangji took out the dementing nail and put it on the table.Said: "These cultivators were all nailed into the Baihui acupoint with this thing.Lost consciousness and were manipulated. "The resentment at the top of the nail,became a small dark cloud on the table,It was like putting a black mushroom.What Lan Wangji mean wasthese ghost cultivators were not willing to cultivate ghost way and do ghost things themselves.But the victim of being controlled,Therefore, they should not be killed.But Jin Zixin didn't seem to understand,Said loudly: "Manipulated?Wasn't it still the masterpiece of Yiling Laozu?Doing evil by themselves and being manipulated by Yiling LaozuThere was no difference in my opinion. "While speaking, he glanced at the dementing nail on the table,It seemed that he didn't even have the idea of picking it up.As if it was something irrelevant.Lan Wangji frowned.Something got in his eyes ,Dye iris so deep,He said: "Young Master Jin believes that they are controlled by the Yiling Laozu.Do you have evidence? "There was a faint blue light in the hand holding the teacup.Jin Zixin snorted with a voice that Lan Wangji could just hear.He said loudly: "Yiling Laozu did a lot of evil,Return to the world to retaliate against the hundreds clans,Everyone knows, what more evidence is needed! "After that, the hand that had been placed on the hilt of the sword was held on the chest.Lan Wangji said: "This is just a rumor.Does Young Master Jin have evidence? "A smile appeared on Jin Zixin's face.But the eyes were clearly disdainful,He deliberately amplified the sound to the entire lobby to let everyone hear:"Except for Yiling Laozu, who else has such grudge against hundreds clans?We demon camp had killed hundreds of Yiling Laozu's disciples and grandchildren,No one ask us for evidence! "In the past three months, the demon camp had been invincible,All participants got higher reputation,While Lan Wangji asked for any evidence in the middleway.Was he pedantic or deliberate?No one would take it seriously.Lan Wangji's face was getting colder and colder,The extremely handsome face was like frozen ice sculpture,But still looked like no emotion,He said slowly but forcefully:"There is no evidence, for those cultivators manipulated,No identification, no treatment, but extinction,What is the difference from looking lives as mud? "Jin Zixin snorted again and said:"These people were crazy after cultivating ghost way,There was no possibility to cure them at all,Leaving them alive was a disaster for hundreds clans,Everyone including commander Sect Master Nie, all advocate direct extinction.We are just a small team,Naturally, we cannot defy the will of the commander. "But in the end it was the referendum of hundreds clans, or Nie Mingjue's will.No one knew in this small town of Nanping, which was thousands of miles away?Naturally, Jin Zixin had the final say.Seeing that HanGuang Jun frowned more and more,Jin Zixin was indescribably proud:GuSu Lan's Lan Wangji was heard to have extremely high cultivators.He appeared in every chaos, Was very upright,with noble character and amazing reputation,He was almost overshadowing Jin Guangyao,LianFang Zun who killed Wen Ruohan,Excelling the Lanling Jin clan some,While today he was beaten everywhere and powerless.Jin Zixin was so much uplifted.Lan Wangji lowered his eyelashes for a moment to hide his emotions, then opened again.Jin Zixin's heart shuddered with that eyesight.Lan Wangji's next sentencelet Jin Zixin take a cold breath,He breathed back the breath that had come out just now,Lan Wangji said word by word:"Then I will take you to the Bujingshi today,Ask Sect Master Nie clearly. "

Writer: Shenfen(China), https://shenfen283.lofter.com/
Translator: Chou Langshi, for more stories and comics, please visit https://www.patreon.com/wangxianlove

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