EP 33

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Wei Wuxian ran to the left gate faster than Lan Wangji.Pushed the thick door leaf ,Lan Wangji immediately jumped to the right gate in two steps.Pushed the door leaf into place with one hand,Seeing Wei Wuxian pushing hard,Just stepped over to help a push,The two city gates clashed loudly and merged in one place.Lan Wangji pressed against the gate,Wei Wuxian quickly removed the embolism.The heavy door latch was lowered at the moment of machine linkage.A huge impact slammed from outside the city gate,The noise of countless bones squeezing came from the crack of the gate,The pungent corpse smell invisibly filled the entire city gate cave,The terrible growl sounded one after anotherGradually converged into a wave of roars that were louder and louder.The gate was shaking, and the corpses outside the gate kept pushing and digging at the gate.Dry finger bones squeezed through the gap in the door,Desperately grasping in the direction of the living,The hands of countless rotting leftover corpses leaned against each other in the gap of the door,The denseness was chilling.Wei Wuxian pulled out the bamboo flute, but did not put it to his lips.He looked at Lan Wangji, seemed hesitant.Lan Wangji nodded silently to him.Wei Wuxian seemed to relax a lot.He barely squeezed a smile,Clear and weird tune bursted out.The sound of the flute spreaded far out from the cave,The murderous corpse did not slow down after hearing the sound.Wei Wuxian stopped the tune, lowered his head and thought.He played another tune, even more unspeakable,Like an owl or a ghost crying, weeping of complaint.However, the murderous corpses turned a deaf ear,Still hitting and squeezing outside the city gate, hovering and roaring.Lan Wangji asked, "It's no use?"Since the Shoot-sun War, he had experienced thousands of scenes that Wei Wuxian played the flute driving the corpses.He hadn't seen that Wei Wuxian could not control the corpses.Things were getting more weird and difficult to distinguish."Totally out of my control,These corpses have already recognized their masters. "Wei Wuxian frowned, showing an expression of disbelief.A touch of worry in his eyes was rapidly expanding,Lan Wangji watched him biting his lower lip and pondered for a long while.When Wei Wuxian raised his head,But with fear that he never had before,The trembling voice pushed the fear from the chest to the top of the head,In the end it became a haze covering the whole body.Wei Wuxian said: "These fierce corpses may be controlled by the Yin Tiger Talisman."Lan Wangji involuntarily stepped back,His eyes widened in disbelief.The Yin Tiger Talisman was created by Wei Wuxian and was divided into two halves.Half was destroyed by himself three years ago,The other half was confiscated as a trophy by the Lanling Jin clan after his death.Lan Wangji heard that a year ago,Xue Yang from the Jin clan,He could make the another half based on the remaining half of the Yin Tiger Talisman,The whole immortal world was in an uproar.Later, Xue Yang was suspected of the extermination case of the Chang clan in Liyang.Was imprisoned for life by the Jin clan,The yin tiger talisman's matter came to an end.Now Wei Wuxian said that these corpses outside the city might be controlled by the Yinhu Talisman.It meant that the Jin clan had restored the Yin Tiger Talisman.And it was used in Nanping City today.The bloody wind that once hurt the entire immortal world was about to come,But no one knew why."I'll go up and check, you wait here."Lan Wangji summoned Bichen, ready to take off to check the situation outside the city."Wait!" Wei Wuxian hurried to catch up, and then jumped on.Both arms naturally encircled Lan Wangji's waist,Said: "I'll go with you!"In the urgent situation, there is no need to avoid anything,Lan Wangji immediately rose with his sword.They rose to a height of about three feet above the city wall,Lan Wangji stopped the sword, hanging in the air,Looking outside the city.He saw a group of corpses moving outside the city wall, countless,Like thousands of ants returning to their nests, swarming endlessly,Going to the gate of the city and gathering into a darkened piece,The black resentment Qi spreaded far away like smog from the surrounding corpses.Looking at such a dense group of corpses under the feet,Lan Wangji, who was a talented and bold man,Couldn't help but numb scalp.Wei Wuxian sighed behind him: "It's Yin Tiger Talisman."The arm around Lan Wangji's waist stiffened for a moment.Lan Wangji was also silent,Wei Wuxian said softly, "Go down."They slowly descended to the ground.At this time, the nearby civilians also heard the heteromorphism and rushed closer to the city gate.Seeing the situation of the murderous corpse, their faces were instantly scared,Shaking like chaff,Some who had less courage ran into the city screaming,not knowing losing shoes.Seeing Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian descending with swords from the air,The civilians in the city also knew they were immortals,One of them tremblingly came forward to question,Asing to have a way to survive.Originally, He saw that Lan Wangji's clothes was luxurious and manner extraordinary,He walked towards Lan Wangji,When he came closer, he felt the cold air,Found that the man was not like a living person,he was even more terrified,Turning his head, he saw Wei Wuxian's handsome face and peaceful expression.Then he pleaded to Wei Wuxian.Wei Wuxian was in a mess in his heart.Still calming: "Stay back home,Close the doors and windows and don't come out. "The people gathered at the gate suddenly dispersed.There was no one on the street,Only Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian stood face to face,feeling shuddering fear and clueless doubts.With the number and combat power of these corpses,Lan Wangji knew that he would undoubtedly lose.And Wei Wuxian could not leave the city.If the city gate was lost, civilians in the city would not escape disaster.This city gate, it seemed that it would not last long.At this time, he could only go back and invited Jin Guangyao and Jiang Cheng,To lead the Demon Camp to fight desperatly."I went to the Lin Mansion to find someone over,You go to the Chenghuang Temple for a while,I'll look for you there again later. "Lan Wangji said, not waiting for Wei Wuxian to answer.He saw the signal fireworks of three clans rising from the east, west and north of the city at the same time,Dozens of sword lights rushed here.Lan Wangji's glazed eyes burned like fire,Hastily urged: "Go!"Immediately lifted into the air, greeted the dozens of sword lights,Looking down and seeing Wei Wuxian ran into the streets,With a loose heart, he hovered in the air,Intercepted the flying cultivators.Dozens of sword lights of various colors stopped in the air,The blue light of Bichen was placed at the forefront like an eagle's beak,The sword formation looked like a falcon spreading its wings from a distance,Stared at the fierce corpse outside the city wall angrily.The leader was the Sect Master of a small clan,Lan Wangji didn't know him,In the air, each of them only saluted simply,Lan Wangji said: "There are countless murderous corpses outside the city gate.Temporarily blocked by a city gate,Estimated to last one to two hours. "The Patriarch had seen the corpses densely covered outside the city in the air,Turning pale, he replied, "It's incredible.Murderous corpses gathered everywhere in the southeast, northwest,There are too many! "A cultivator behind him gritted his teeth,Taking out the signal talisman,A signal firework was put into the sky."Plese stay here to monitor the movement of the corpse,I went to LianFang Zun to discuss countermeasures. "Lan Wangji farewelled the cultivators,The blue light pulled out a long tail in the air,Flew away in the direction of Lin Mansion rapidly.Lin Mansion was full of voices at this time,The cultivators frequently drove their swords into the air,It seems that they were dispatched to the four City Gate.Lan Wangji landed in the hall,Jin Guangyao, with a solemn expression, didn't give a glance.He shouted anxiously: "Wangji! You come back,The situation is extremely serious! "In the hall, there were six or seven Patriarchs,Including Jin Zixin, Jiang Cheng, Jin Guangyao and an attendant,He didn't see Patriarch Lin, it is estimated that he had already hid in the inner room after hearing the news of the raging corpse.There was a table in the middle of the hall,With a map of Nanping City,Jin Guangyao held a short sword in his hand,Pointing the drawing,Discussing offensive and defensive strategies with everyone."I come from the south gate,The corpses are temporarily blocked outside the city,The number is about two thousand. "Lan Wangji walked to the table and said in a deep voice.Seeing outside the city wall drawn on the map,The spot surrounded by corpses had been spotted,Outside the gate on all sides,They was dense red crosses, showing where the murderous corpses gathered."There are more than ten thousand murderous corpses around the city.While only more than three hundred cultivators in the city. "Jin Guangyao's face was blue and white,Meeting Lan Wangji's eyes,There was also a straightforward worry in his eyes.Finally, trembling slightly, he said, "We can not withstand absolutely.""How many civilians are there in the city?" Lan Wangji asked."About forty thousand people." Jin Guangyao replied, then added:"It's impossible for them to deal with such corpses,They can not be considered combat effectiveness. "Lan Wangji looked at Jin Guangyao and said, "If we fall,More than 40,000 people in the city must die. "He just felt a sorrowful chill rising from behind,Every word was extremely difficult."If they die, they will be made into walking corpses."Jiang Cheng's face was sullen, bitterly telling a colder fact.The knuckles of the fingers on the edge of the table were all white,Just like the expressions of everyone in the hall at this time."Obviously when we came in the morning,No corpses were found along the way,Where did these corpses come from? "Jin Guangyao frowned, puzzled."Crap! We got fooled!"A slightly darker-skinned, shorter patriarch yelled."Patriarch Wu, what do you mean?" Jin Guangyao asked.People were staring at that Patriarch Wu,His face showed cyan in the dark,The real fear began to flow on his cheeks, and he only whispered:"This Nanping City is now just a small town on the border of three provinces.But four hundred years ago, the emperor of the Central Plains and the barbarians of South Vietnam fought here for twelve years.The corpses of soldiers buried outside the city are more than ten million...""We were led to Nanping,Then Yiling Laozu urged the corpsde that had been buried for 400 years outside the city.Surrounding us in the city. "Another Patriarch said tremblingly.Several Patriarchs looked at each other, and their fears were full of fear."Why be so scary, can't we go out with the sword?"Jiang Cheng stared at him, and looked down on the fearful Patriarchs."We go out easily,But the civilians in this city are bound to suffer. "Lan Wangji glanced across the crowd,In the end he fixed on Jin Guangyao's face and said:"Furthermore, I still don't agree that it is done by Wei Wuxian."Jin Guangyao held his forehead with hands,Slightly lowered his eyebrows and shook his head, and sighed:"Wangji, urging thousands of murderous corpses,no one can do it except Wei Wuxian, Yiling Laozu. "

Writer: Shenfen(China), https://shenfen283.lofter.com/
Translator: Chou Langshi, for more stories and comics, please visit https://www.patreon.com/wangxianlove

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