EP 41

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In a trance, a hot hand reached into his underwear,Like the strongest sunlight at noon in summer,Lan Wangji grasped that hand uncontrollably,He was not sure if this hand touched someone else's body...But he couldn't ask.Wei Wuxian raised his head in the kiss that suddenly stopped.The water in the eyes were enough to drown Lan Wangji's anxiety,He glanced back and forth between Lan Wangji's hand and the eyes looking straight at him in confusion and doubt."Why? You don't want it?"The muffled voice was terribly charming,The already emotional breath was heavy and long,Blowing on Lan Wangji's neck.Lan Wangji suddenly realized that he was too energetic.Wei WuXian was also hot and hard on his body.Every inch of the body was clamoring for Wei Wuxian,But Lan Wangji did not dare to go further.Wei Wuxian curled up the corner of his mouth slightly and said:"I know your Gu Su Lan Clan value etiquette most,But I don't want you to be responsible. "He kissed Lan Wangji's neck again,"We are all men, what are you afraid of?"His another hand reached down and held Lan Wangji,"You are like this, don't you want me?"The temperature hotter than the soldering iron made Lan Wangji tighten up suddenly.He almost released in Wei Wuxian's hands.The difficulty to control not sending it to the hand,Almost exhausted all the strength of Lan Wangji.Lan Wangji's lips trembled,He just hated being unable to speak now,He couldn't tell Wei Wuxian that he cared.He didn't want to let his only love shared by others.Watching Lan Wangji endured,Wei Wuxian increased the strength in his hands.Lan Wangji snorted and catched the hand that was moving under him.Both hands were caught,Wei Wuxian was already soft.Now he could not move further,He struggled a little bit,Suddenly bit Lan Wangji's earlobe,Grinding between the teeth finely, and said vaguely:"The more you look like this, the more I want you."Lan Wangji gritted his teeth and endured the throbbing, his body shaking constantly.But he couldn't get out of Wei Wuxian's mouth.Wei Wuxian murmured again:"Second brother,I suddenly envy that fairy desperately."Why did it become like this again?Lan Wangji didn't know what went wrong and Wei Wuxian misunderstood it to this point.Obviously he desired to own him completely and exclusively,But it became that he thought he loved someone else.Lan Wangji's brain was in a mess,Couldn't think of a way to untie this knot.Wei Wuxian was much faster than him.Gasping messily near his ear, said:"I don't care, you kiss me, you have to make me yours,"Then began to tear Lan Wangji's underwear with his teeth,"When I die, whether you can remember or forget,Anyway, today, you can not leave! "Lan Wangji felt himself shameless for the first time in his life.In the beginning, he only humblely hoped that Wei Wuxian would come back.But when he really came back, he wanted to stay with him silently,But once he got close, he longed for the intimacy of friends,When they really became friends,He secretly wanted him crazily,Wei Wuxian personally said that loving him brought the ultimate joy.While he wanted all of him at the last moment domineeringly,Wanted his whole person, his whole heart, his past and future,could not tolerate the slightest bit of being tainted by others.Gusu Lan's clothes were really tough,Wei Wuxia's both hands were caught,He couldn't reach the belt with the teeth alone,And he couldn't pull it apart, He was so angry,Even the breath became fierce. "Lan Zhan, let go!"He stopped, his face hanging above Lan Wangji,Staring at him with a bit of desire, a bit sad, and a bit decisive,Wei Wuxian said in a threatening tone:"If you are a man, let me go, don't say you don't want me."Wei Wuxian paused for a while, then suddenly got off Lan Wang's body.Turned over and lay down on the couch and stop moving,The mat was caught in his hands,The joints were almost dislocated because of strength,"I'm sorry, I've overstepped the distance,I do not know what to do.I never thought about liking men,Never liked others,I just like you. Damn it..."Lan Wangji only heard clearly"I... never liked others, I only like you",Those clouds and mist suddenly dispersed,Lan Wangji thought that he himself was so stupid.He found out so late thatWei Wuxian's expression of eyes looking at him,Was exactly the same as that of himself.He covered Wei Wuxian's bare back.The other hand turned him over from the couch, facing him.Before Wei Wuxian finished speaking, his mouth was blocked.The body was suppressed,He did not take his breath away in a daze.The half sentence "I thought you at least liked me a little bit..."was fed into Lan Wangji's lips and teeth.This sudden kiss was fierce and domineering,The enthusiasm that hadn't disappear became excited again.Wei Wuxian responded fiercely instinctively.Lan Wangji saw his long eyelashes trembling to cover his eyes.Closing his eyes and felt tongues entangled together.Lan Wangji raised Wei Wuxian's right hand.Let him reached into his underwear,With the other hand, he untied the belt of the underwear,Let his collarbone be exposed in front of Wei Wuxian's eyes.He took Wei Wuxian's hand,Walking on the skin above the heart and below the collarbone,As soon as Wei Wuxian's fingers touched the flame-shaped scar,His whole body shook like being burned by iron again.He stopped kissing in disbelief,Opened eyes and looked.When he saw the burn mark exactly the same size and shape as that of his clearly,He was so surprised that he couldn't say clearly"This, this, how it comes?"Lan Wangji looked at him deeply,He took his hand and kissed the palm of his hand,Then put his hand on the scar on his chest,Wei Wuxian looked back blankly.Suddenly he understood, and tremblingly asked:"Is it because of me?"Lan Wangji nodded and leaned over to find his lips.But Wei Wuxian turned over crazily and pressed Lan Wangji underneath.The deafening heartbeat pressed Lan Wangji's chest,"Why didn't you tell me earlier?!"Red color appeared in his eyes,The breathing was intense and messy,His misty eyes seemed to be heartbroken,Then he kissed Lan Wangji hard,While rubbing Lan Wangji's neck and the scar with the strength of hollowing himself out.When they gasped for lack of oxygen,Wei Wuxian kissed down little by littlefrom Lan Wangji's neck.Kissed the scar on the chest,Nibbled there a few times,Then he licked two points on his chest again,Lan Wangji became excited to push his lower body to the same hot part of Wei Wuxian,Wei Wuxian's breathing became heavier,Kissing along the strong chest muscles of Lan Wangji to firm abdominal muscles,At the end of the perfect body line, he bit open the belt of pants.Lan Wangji suddenly felt that Wei Wuxian was holding him with mouth.He propped up the upper body in the burning heat from the lower abdomen,Seeing Wei Wuxian's naked back arched up,He tightened from the lower abdomen to the chest all the way,Uncontrollably yelled out silently.Wei Wuxian's mouth was like a volcano,Melting the shell of Lan Wangji one by one,Make the blood being boiled gathered in the lower body,Each time the tip of the tongue scrapes the small slit at the top,He almost gushed out immediately.Wei Wuxian held his own sexual organ that had been upright for a long time with one hand,Flicked up and down with the same frequency as his tongue.Feeling that Lan Wangji shuddered desperately,He raised his eyes and looked at Lan Wangji's face.The eyes were full of water waves,He seemed to smile slightly,Then he suck heavily to his throat.Lan Wangji felt his lower body jumped up suddenly.Deep into Wei Wuxian's throat,Then it was squeezed back vigorously.The volcano finally erupted,The pleasure rising from the lower abdomen rushed to the top of the spine in an instant,Lan Wangji's head "boomed" without consciousness.Falling backwards irresistibly,The perfect muscles in the chest and abdomen were as tight as finely carved jade,His lower body jumped fiercely for dozens of times,It completely shot in Wei Wuxian's mouth.Lan Wangji suppressed his breath to wipe Wei Wuxian's mouth.Wanted him to vomit,But saw Wei Wuxian smile charmingly.Wei Wuxian wipped off a wisp of turbid liquid at the corner of themouth,"I have swallowed." he said, then lowered his head.Concentrating on playing with himself.Wei Wuxian knelt between his legs,The lean muscles were clear,The abdominal muscles gradually disappeared in the mysterious shadow,Without a trace of excess fat,But his body was not weak at all,It was another perfect figure with a fatal style.He lowered his head, his long eyelashes were thick and dense,There was a drop of sweat on the tip of his nose,Desire made his lips red.Lan Wangji took a deep breath.Somehow he became hard again,He embarrassedly covered with his hands,But Wei Wuxian caught it in his hands rapidly.For a while, he just hated being unable to make a sound.He straightened his upper body,Holding Wei Wuxian's hips with both hands,He lifted his legs apart and straddled him,Let they be close together,Then he opened Wei Wuxian's fingers,holding the two together,Wei Wuxian moaned heavily.Lan Wangji supported Wei Wuxian's head with one hand.Tighten his waist with another hand,He kissed his charming lips fiercely.They gasped wildly.Wei Wuxian's voice gradually became disorderlyAnd denser, finally yelled out loudly,Suddenly he pulled out his hands and hugged Lan Wangji tightly from under his armpits,Lean against Lan Wangji's abdomen,He shot a lot against Lan Wangji's hard cylinder,That strength was unexpectedly great,Putting Lan Wangji's lower abdomen into pain.The aftermath of the climax made Wei Wuxian blush.Leaning his head softly on Lan Wangji's shoulder,Kissing his neck weakly,He put his arms around Lan Wangji's back rubbing,He said softly: "HanGuang Jun,You really like me. "Lan Wangji couldn't help nodding,He just wanted to crush the heart and handed it to him.

Writer: Shenfen(China), https://shenfen283.lofter.com/
Translator: Chou Langshi, for more stories and comics, please visit https://www.patreon.com/wangxianlove

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