EP 17

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Before Jin Zixin understood,Lan Wangji had put the zitther on the tale,Those slender and powerful fingers which seemed to put gently on the strings,Were white and gentle like jade,At this time they exuded a shocking murderous Qi.The atmosphere in the lobby of the inn suddenly dropped to freezing point.Jin Zixin was undecided,Other cuntivators looked at each other,It was so quiet that even the slight tremor of the hair seemed to be audible.The dozen of cuntivators who originally held swords had surrounded ghost cultivators,If they assassinated with swords together,No matter how high Lan Wangji's cultivation was, he might not save them.But if Lan Wangji didn't care about hurting people,Even if they killed ghost cultivators, their own damage would be immeasurable.Lan Wangji put on a posture of playing the zitther to face enemy,Under the always calm and indifferent face,They really couln't guess whether he would kill or not,But the murderous Qi couldn't be more obvious.But just stoppde and went out like this,It was so shameful that Jin Zixin was in trouble.The hand held the hilt several times and then released it,The cuntivators all looked at him,There was an unexplained hotness on his face,Finally gritted his teeth and said:"Since HanGuang Jun wants to protect these ghost cultivators,I will not kill them today,While send a letter back to the BuJingShi.If within three days, HanGuang Jun restores their sanity,Naturally it is a merit,But if you can't save them, Sect Master Nie replys to kill him.Presumably HanGuang Jun will agree with the overall situation. "Lan Wangji only said one word: "Okay."lowered his eyelids, twist fingers around the strings,There were two cold and clear clank sounds,It was heard like the word "see off".Jin Zixin stomped and turned around, waving hand.Did not say goodbye to Lan Wangji, took the lead and walked out.The cuntivators gathered their swords and followed,Many of them knew Lan Wangji,When passing by Lan Wangji, they greeted in a low voice.Lan Wangji nodded in return one by one,Dozen of people walked clean in a while.The shopkeeper came out from the backyard trembling,With a bitter face, he said to Lan Wangji:"Young Master, my little inn,I really couln't provoke the master of immortal clans,It was really hard for me. "Lan Wangji's murderous Qi disappeared in an instant,He said to the shopkeeper kindly: "Don't worry,It won't hurt your inin, just close the door.As far as my room is concerned,Don't come in unless I ask. "Then put another silver on the table, got up and went back to the room.It is estimated that Wei Wuxian should get up at 9-11 O'clock,Lan Wangji was sitting at the table outside the screen,Looking at the few discs of snacks sent in earlier,He listened to Wei Wuxian's long breathing motionlessly.After a while, Wei Wuxian seemed to turn over on the couch.The clothes rustled a few times,He made a slightly hoarse voice:"Damn, where am I?"Then, the sound of wearing boots sounded,Lan Wangji hurriedly walked around the screen,When their eyesight met, Wei Wuxian exclaimed."Lan Zhan, Why are you again?"In the dark eyes with the corner slightly moist,The smile was more than surprise,Lan Wangji found a touch of comfort finally outside of this untouchable sentence,Facing Wei Wuxian's eyes, he looked over quietly,He didn't say anything, but it seemed like he had said all his miss and worry,For a moment, Wei Wuxian seemed to understand him.He dropped eyelashes after black eyes flashed a bit of soft light.Then turned to the snack on the table.Wei Wuxian walked slowly towards the table, towards Lan Wangji,Tucked up the black hair that was completely scattered with his hands,Tied into a ponytail on top of the head,When he wanted to tie it up with a rope,Only to find that there was no head rope, just planning to stop,While Lan Wangji stretched out his hand,A bright red hair rope was placed in the white palm."Lan Zhan, you..."Wei Wuxian couldn't avoid Lan Wangji's eyes anymore.Facing the gentle and kindness in the amber glass,Wei Wuxian still said, "Thank you."Lan Wangji paused.He didn't know if he was happy or unhappy,He just felt unnaturally that this word was not intimate,He whispered: "No need."Put melancholy under the tip of the tongue as much as possible,What about their distance,He knew three years ago that even if they weren't strangers, they wouldn't have the fate to be together.It was long after breakfast time,Wei Wuxian didn't plan to wash, either.Sat directly at the table,Chewed several times carelessly and swallowed,He picked up the cup without knowing when Lan Wangji handed it to him,Drank to the end in one breath.Then he said to Lan Wangji:"I remember, I fell asleep in the tree last night,maybe it is too tiring to deal with those ghost cultivators.Lan Zhan, did you take me to the inn? "Lan Wangji stared at Wei Wuxian's black eyes,who was not like deliberately concealing something,Nodded slightly.Wei Wuxian propped one elbow on the table,took another snack with his other hand,Looking down at the snack which was turned around at the fingertips,He laughed shortly and said:"I am getting more and more squeamish,being so tired that go to sleep after dealing with such a few people . "Lan Wangji listened to him,It seemed that he did not remember his madness,However, he still could not sure,So he looked at Wei Wuxian with a little surprise.It may be that the eyes were wider,Wei Wuxian turned his head and met Lan Wangji's face.In an instant, he saw the puzzle in Lan Wangji's eyes.Wei Wuxian's chuckle still hasn't dissipated.touched his face,Inexplicably asked: "Is there something dirty on my face?"However, he wiped all the crumbs of pastry on hand on his cheeks.Lan Wangji suddenly felt funny,Couln't help but bend the corner of his mouth slightly,Wei Wuxian felt as if he had discovered something extraordinary.A pair of apricot eyes widened and shouted:"Lan Zhan, you laughed! Lan Zhan, you actually laughed!"The crumbs on cheeks were like white powder that a woman had applied thickly,Falling down because of exaggerated expression. Now Lan Wangji really couldn't help.Even the brows and eyes had invisible smile,Like that spring water flows, spring mountains turn greenWhen Wei WuXian saw, his heart was in full bloom.Immediately he smiled openly.Which made Lan Wangji stunned for a while:Wei Wuxian's smile was so much like the smile he met for the first time under the night starlight.Bright enough to penetrate the three thousand iron laws of Yunshen,Penetrate the word 'empty' that Lan Wangji had written all his life,Since then, changed the restraint which he was proud ofLittle by little, into the love that could be controlled after countless tossing and turning.They might looked at each other and smiledFor such a short moment,Lan Wangji felt that Wei Wuxian had never left.There had never been HanGuang Jun or Yiling Laozu,The separation of life and death, mountains and seas of dead bodies and blood were just a nightmare.You and I were teenagers after waking up,Hold your hand with a smile and watch the gilt sunset and boats in a water town,There were wine of TianZiXiao and loquat .Seeing Wei Wuxian just smiled at him,while his face was messy,Lan Wangji took out a white handkerchief and handed it to him.Said: "Clean your face."Wei Wuxian understood and wiped his face clearly.Seeing the crumbs on the fingertips,Suck into his mouth nonchalantly,He didn't take the handkerchief, just patted his face,Making sure that there are no more scum,He put another snack in mouth and ate it,After pat hands clean carefully,He turned around and said to Lan Wangji:"How need it be so troublesome, isn't this all right?"Lan Wangji ignored his words,Silently put the handkerchief back into his chest,Looking at Wei Wuxian again, tred to ask as plainly as possible:"Do you remember anything before you fell asleep?"Do you remember that you were as crazy as in the Eve-lighting City?Do you remember you bit me badly?There was some hope in his heart that Wei Wuxian remembered,While there was some hope that he couln't remember.But Wei Wuxian keenly felt the difference in Lan Wangji's words.He raised an eyebrow alertly.He glanced up and down Lan Wangji's face and said:"Don't remember, what did I do?"Lan Wangji saw him clenching a hand.Well, for Wei Wuxian,It would not be a pleasant memory,It's betther that he didn't remember,So Lan Wangji only said lightly:"You were thinking about how to remove the dementing spell on ghost cultivators."Wei Wuxian stood up suddenly and said:"No! The hour of my talisman had passed!"Looking at Lan Wangji with a little anxiety,After recognizing Lan Wangji's calm expression on the face,He seemed a bit incredulous."Lan Zhan, you...impossible."He might presage something extraordinary that Lan Wangji would say next,So his face was full of curiosity.Lan Wangji took out the remaining stack of talisman from his chest,Pushing to Wei Wuxian's side, said:"I have re-sealed."Wei Wuxian over the table widened his eyes for the second time today.His eyes were beautiful,They were like apricot containing water in the spring, bright and brilliant,When they were wide and looked forward like this,Lan Wangji's heart could not help but trembled softly.

Writer: Shenfen(China), https://shenfen283.lofter.com/
Translator: Chou Langshi, for more stories and comics, please visit https://www.patreon.com/wangxianlove

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