EP 48

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In the early morning of the next day, Lan Wangji woke up in the messy bed. Wei Wuxian lay in his arms. Their entangled bodies conveyed the rhythm of heartbeat, and the fatal fragrance came in his mouth and nose. Wei Wuxian was not the shadow that was impossible to touch. Lan Wangji couldn't help but slightly lifted the corners of his mouth to meet the dawn with satisfaction for the first time in so many years.

When Wei Wuxian soaked in the bathtub for a long time before regaining his senses, he opened his eyes to see a new set of clothes on the hanger next to the screen and two round red leather jars on the basin rack. His eyes shined immediately, leaned over with smile on his face and stretched out his hand to pick up an altar, then fell back into the water with a crash, tearing open the cover and drinking.

Hearing the movement inside, Lan Wangji walked around the screen and walked in. At this time, he had changed his clothes properly. His eyes met Wei Wuxian before he could speak. Wei Wuxian laughed and said, "Sure enough, HanGuang Jun understands me. I have been thinking about the wine for many years!"

Lan Wangji's eyes were smiling, and with a look in his eyes that watch you drink happil. His handsome and elegant face that didn't look like a real person came alive, making Wei Wuxian's heart itchy. He suddenly raised the wine jar. "Ahhh," he exclaimed and looked underneath himself, Lan Wangji's heart was stunned, and he hurried forward to check. Wei Wuxian got up very quickly and held Lan Wangji's chin and kissed him on the lips.

Shaking like being shocked by electric, Lan Wangji was stunned and watched Wei Wuxian let go of his lips and stood naked in front of him, with clear muscle textures, and stood vigorously.

Lan Wangji had never experienced such a situation before, and his face was hot. He actually reacted in the lower body. But he was at a loss with heavier breath as he watched Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian laughed and sat back in the water, raised his head to drink, the wine that was not swallowed flew down the corner of his mouth to the collarbone. After a few sips of wine, he looked at the still standing Lan Wangji with bright eyes with smile, "HanGuang Jun, your ears are red!"

Only then did Lan Wangji understood that Wei Wuxian was teasing him. His ears were red as blood. He just wanted to pull Wei Wuxian out of the tub and threw him on the couch to "punishment" him. But he did not know whether his body could stand, so he has to press agitation and turned around to cover his embarrassment.

After a while, Wei Wuxian got dressed and walked out of the inner room. Lan Wangji had already set up breakfast on the table, waiting for him to come and eat. Wei Wuxian flicked his wet hair behind his head, and sat opposite Lan Wangji. Before taking the bowls and chopsticks, he said seriously, "Did you use the symbiosis method?"

Lan Wangji nodded, filled Wei Wuxian's bowl with porridge, held up the bowl by himself, and started to sip the porridge. Wei Wuxian whispered: "Your cultivation was very lossy." Lan Wangji said softly, "It's okay." Wei Wuxian groaned and said nothing, Lan Wangji stared straight into Wei Wuxian's eyes, and said firmly, "That's enough."

Wei Wuxian smiled at the corner of his mouth, sighed in relief and melancholy, bowed his head and began to drink porridge. They finished their breakfast silently. Lan Wangji briefly recounted what had happened the previous few days, and went out to deal with some clan affairs after clearing up. Wei Wuxian stayed in the Silence Room to sort out his manuscripts. When Lan Wangji returned, Wei Wuxian had burned a part of the manuscript in a copper basin, and the remaining pile was still put in the box.

Seeing Lan Wangji looking at the ashes in the basin, Wei Wuxian said with a smile: "Before I wanted to get revenge. I collected and figured out the harmful methods. Their hostility was too heavy and I don't need to keep it." After a while, he patted the box again, and said, "Keep these and improve, and maybe they can be useful." Lan Wangji stretched his eyebrows and said sincerely: "They are not only useful, but very powerful." Wei Wuxian laughed and said: "HanGuang Jun really flatter me!"

Wei Wuxian walked over and took Lan Wangji's hand, and sat in front of the case. They two clasped their hands, staring straight at each other, and sat in silence for a while. No one knew who moved first. Wei Wuxian began to press Lan Wangji on the ground to kiss, and then they hugged each other to the couch. At last, the clothes faded and the jade bodies appeared. There was good scene in the room.

Since then, Gusu Lan's HanGuang Jun still come to where was in trouble. Even before, HanGuang Jun had always been alone to the places where other cultivators did not like or dared not get involved, and no matter how big or small the evil spirits were eliminated, he would not ask for credit or reward. Today's HanGuang un insists on this habit to be almost paranoid. No one knew where he wouls go, and no one knew where he would not go. Someone once met HanGuang Jun from a distance at night, but found a ghostly shadow next to him. They were scared to death on the spot. No one believed then when they went back and spoke. While the name of HanGuang Jun became louder.

In June of the same year, Lan Xichen, publicly announced his withdrawal from the competition for the position of the Immortal Governor, and instead elected the new patriarch of the Lanling Jin clan, low-born Jin Guangyao. In the three months since Jin Guangyao became the patriarch, he reformed and wiped out all the tainted behaviors criticized by other clans. He mercilessly dealt with wicked guests and was praised by others. However, the birth of Jin Guangyao caused the Lanling Jin clan to be ridiculed by many clans, and even became an excuse for certain elders within the Jin clan to overthrow Jin Guangyao. For a time, his status was precarious. Jin Guangyao had withdrawn from the immortal governor race, but Lan Xichen's full support directly rewrote the pattern of the immortal world and made Jin Guangyao become the immortal governor.

Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian walked side by side under a tung oil paper umbrella. Wei Wuxian said: "What if one day Big Brother Lan finds out that he trusts the wrong person?

"He won't tolerate it."

"In your heart, do you think Jin Guangyao did these things?"

"Unable to prove it, but too coincidental."

"So will you believe the wrong person?"

"What does this mean?"

"I mean you will trust me wrong?"

"will not."

"Oh, you make it clear, do you not believe my fault, or do you think I can't be wrong?"


"Speak, HanGuang Jun."


"If you don't speak, I will think that you like to bear me to be wrong!"


"Okay, okay, who the hell is shameful,...Umh...Umh..."

Writer: Shenfen(China), https://shenfen283.lofter.com/
Translator: Chou Langshi, for more stories and comics, please visit https://www.patreon.com/wangxianlove

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