chapter one

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Dear Harry,

I'm. Going. On. A. Freaking. Date. With. You. Tomorrow.

Am I excited? DUH! Am I nervous? DUH! Today was so crazy I can't believe it even happened...

So, I threw on my clothes and ran to Melissa's house, since it was only around the corner. I knocked on the door and a curly haired, green eyed, heart shaped lipped boy opened the door. I swear I almost screamed. You kill me everytime, Harry.

Anyways, I just stood there, staring at you for i dont even know how long. You smiled and said, "She's here!"

They were waiting for me? I couldn't think straight as I followed Harry up the stairs and walked into Mel's room. Zayn, Liam, Louis, Niall, and Mel were jumping around playing Just Dance 4.

"I WANT THE PURPLE ONE!" Mel shouted.


"They're arguing about who gets to play the purple one in What Makes You Beautiful." You whispered into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. You chuckled then jumped onto Melissa's bed. You tapped on Niall's shoulder and pointed to me, then Niall turned his head, making Mel, Zayn, Liam, and Louis turn theirs also.

"KAT!!!" Melissa yelled and ran over to me, almost tackling me in a hug.

"God, Mel, don't kill me." I laughed and hugged her back.

"Don't worry, it's not a dream this time." Melissa said before letting go and running back over to argue some more.

"Wanna play?" Liam asked, handing the wii remote over. I nodded and took it from his hands, slipping it onto my wrist. I had only ever played Just Dance 4 twice, this being my third time. I watched Mel and Niall argue for a few minutes before picking the purple one and stealing the first player remote and clicking the start button on the screen. I laughed when they both lost the first couple of points because of arguing, then because they didn't know who was who. It didn't wouldn't have mattered if they started on time, i still beat them both by atleast one star. I could hear you singing softly when your part and the chorus came. I do admit that I probably lost about 10 points when I heard your beautiful voice. It was so amazing...

The seven of us played the wii for a few hours. I won most games on Just Dance 4. The boys won most games relating to singing. It was the most fun I had had in a while.

"What time is it?" i asked after a while, plopping down on the bed. Melissa shrugged.

"ADVENTURE TIMEEEEE!" you yelled randomly, making me laugh.

"That show is so stupid." Niall said.

"My little brother makes me watch it sometimes." Mel had said. "Maybe let's go to the mall?" We all agreed with her suggestion and decided on walking to the mall because of how close it was. We all split up, me, you and Louis, Liam and Zayn, and Mel and Niall.

"So wha--" you said, probably about to ask what store should we go to. I cut you off by grabbing you and Lou's hands and running in the direction with Hollister, Abercrombie, Forever 21, Aeropastle, Tilly's, Converse and Vans.

"Please don't make us stay in Abercrombie for forever!" Louis whined. I chuckled.

"I wasn't even thinking about that store." I said, pulling the both of you into the Converse store. "Alright boys, go look around or something. Just don't leave the store." I said, looking at some high tops. I didn't hear a response, so I turned around to see the both of you running away. "Dang boys..." i mumbled and walked out the store after you. "LOUIS AND HARRY! COME BACK HERE!" I yell, people staring at me. They both laughed and ran faster. I caught up to you and jumped on your back. "GET LOUIS!" i yelled and you laughed, running ahead. Louis was a faster runner than I had expected. After a while of running, you were getting slow and tired. I jumped off your back. "You should learn to run faster, Styles." i said, ruffled your hair, and ran after Louis. I finally got to Louis and he was sitting, leaning against a bench.

He just laughed when I got to him. "Have fun riding on Harry?" he asked and I slapped him.

"Oh God, not like that!" he said laughing. "Dirty minded child.." he said and picked me up, running back in the direction you were in.

After a while, we met back up with Liam, Zayn, Niall and Melissa. Niall and Mel were holding hands... hmm I'll ask her about that later. We all went back to Mel's house, and stayed about another hour. I had to go home after a while, so you walked with me.

"Hey.. so um.. I was wondering if you... maybe wanted to.. go on a... date with me...? Like maybe tomorrow..." you scratched behind your ear and it was adorable.

"Of course, Harry!" i said, trying to hide in my excitement. You kissed my cheek and left. I ran into the house and screamed into my pillow.

I'm. Going. On. A. Date. With. Harry. Freaking. Styles.


Kat x

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