chapter seven

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Dear Harry,

I honestly think I'm in love with you....


Kat x

I woke up in a bed next to Harry. Don't get the wrong idea, we're on a tour bus with limited space, and Harry didn't want me to sleep on the couch.

He didn't wanna sleep on the couch either.

I shuffled around a bit, waking Harry up accidently. He smiled at me. "Morning, beautiful." he said.

I blushed. "Morning, Haz." i said and kissed his cheek before slipping out of bed.

"What, no good morning kiss?" he said, pouting. I poked his cheek.

"Not right now. You need to get ready for your interview." i said and he moaned.

"Do I haaaaaveee to go?" he said like a baby. I laughed a little.

"Because it's an important interview and all the boys have to go." I said.

"Well, you're coming too then." he said and came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I looked up at him as he grinned down at me.

"Harry--" i said but he cut me off by pressing his lips to mine. After a few minutes, Liam came in, knocking on the door.

"Hey, lovebirds, we gotta go." he said. Harry stuck his tongue out.

"KAT IS COMING!" he yelled as Liam walked out the room. I kissed his cheek.

"Be right back." i said and he nodded. I headed into Niall and Mel's room, walking in on them kissing on the bed.


"D'AWWWWW!!!" i yelled, making them both jump. I chuckled. "Mel, I'm going to the interview with them. You should come." I said. She nodded.

"Alright! Be ready in a little." she said and I nodded, walking back out the room.

I headed back into mine and Harry's room. "Hey, what should I wear?" i asked.

Harry shrugged. He walked over to me and my suitcase. "Here. Wear this." he said, pulling out a bikini. I slapped his arm.

"We're going to an interview! Not the beach!" i said, pulling out a gray shirt.

"You should still wear the bikini." he said, playfully angry. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a pair of shorts and some Converse. I changed and slipped my hair into a quick ponytail. I walked out of the bathroom and headed over to my suitcase, looking for a jacket. I shrugged when I couldn't find one, it shouldn't be that cold.

Harry walked out of the bathroom wearing a white shirt and light brown pants. He smiled when he saw me. "Well don't you look cute?" he said and I slapped his arm. He laughed lightly. "Whaaaat?" he said. I just shook my head, grabbing my phone and walking into the kitchen. Mel came out and I looked up.

"Ready for our first interview?" I asked, looking up at her. She smiled and nodded.

"I'm excited and nervous at the same time!" she said sitting down next to me.

"I am too." i said, and the boys walked out.

"Ladies..." Liam said, gesturing to the door. We both got up and walked out, talking about the interview and such.


"So here we have Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Niall Horan and Zayn Malik!" the host of the show said. She was a middle aged blonde chick with brown eyes. She was pretty, but waaaay to perky.

The boys smiled at waved to the crowd of screaming girls. The interviewer turned to Mel and I. "And who are these two beautiful girls?" she asked.

Niall slid an arm around Mel. "This is my girlfriend, Melissa." he said and the girls went wild. Clapping, screaming, all of it.

"Well, you two are adorable!" the interviewer gushed before turning to Harry and I.

Harry smiled down at me, eyes staring into mine. A huge grin spread across his face before he turned back to the audience. "This is my girlfriend, Katherine." he said and pecked my lips. I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder. The girls in the crowd went mad. There were "BOO!" and clapping and "WHOOOO" and stuff like "WE LOVE YOU!!" It was all just a mixed crowd really.

"Any of the other boys have new girlfriends?" the interviewer asked. The boys all shook their heads.

"El and I are still going strong." Louis said. The girls went crazy. (AN // again this is from 2012 and if you have gotten this far, this was before I shipped Larry. bc now I'm Larry af lmao)

"So are Perrie and I." Zayn said, getting the same result from the crowd.

"That's great, boys!" the interviewer said. I kind of zoned out for the rest of the interview until I heard my name.

"So, Harry and Niall. How did you meet your girlfriends?"

Harry went first. "I actually went to school with both Kat and Mel. They were like, best friends, and were in the grade below me. I always saw Kat's eyes on me. I had my eyes on her, even if she didn't know it at the time. I had a huge crush on her back in school." Harry gushed and I smiled, blushing a little.

"Awwh!" the interviewer said.

"Well, one day, I walked into Harry's room when we were on the tour bus," Niall said and Harry shot him a nervous look. Niall laughed a bit before continuing. "And he was staring at this picture. I walked over to him, and it was a picture of two girls, Kat and Mel."

"Niall...." Harry warned.

"I pointed to the blonde one. 'She's cute!' I had said. Harry replied, 'Yeah I guess. I like this one.' he pointed to Kat." Niall said, and I could already feel blush forming on my cheeks. "So I said, 'how do you know these girls?' and he said, 'I went to school with both of them and had a major crush on her.' he said and pointed to Jasmine again. 'what's her name, lad?' i said and he went 'Katherine' like it was mesmorizing. I pointed to the blonde one. 'She's so beautiful... we have to meet them.' he said he knew where the blonde one, Melissa, lived since he had been to a party by her house one day. So, we made Louis drive us all the way to her house and ever since then I just kinda fell for that blonde girl in the picture." Niall said and kissed Mel. Everyone went "AWWWWWW!!!" I looked over at Harry who was blushing like crazy and pretending to fix his hair. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

He looked over at me and leaned over. "It's true though. I've had a huge crush on you for forever and I think... I think I'm in love with you." he whispered into my ear. Louis heard it and smirked, standing up.

"CURLY OVER HERE, JUST SAID HE'S IN LOVE WITH KAT. LOVEBIRDS!!!" he said and the crowd went crazy. I blushed and Harry shrugged.

"I'm in love, kill me!" he said and punched Louis playfully. He kissed my cheek and a girl from the crowd seemed louder than everyone else.

"DON'T KISS HER DIRTY CHEEK! SHE POURED HER DRINK OVER YOUR HEAD DO YOU NOT REMEBER THAT? SHE'S JUST SOME DIRTY SLUT, DON'T FUCKING KISS HER!" the girl yelled. I felt like the only one that heard that. I flashed Harry a fake smile and ran for the exit.

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