20.Finding strings of hints

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Jimin would have been the cutest girl on the planet if he was a girl. But lmao! He IS the cutest thing on the entire universe. He is so damn beautiful.


" First of all, we should tell and try to recollect even the teeny bit that you know about your mates. Let us start with our age and our mates age and whether they are your destined mate or something." Mew spoke.

"I and Yu are both 21 years old. But it's my birthday on this blood moon day. And yeah I will be 22 then." Sam spoke.

" No way" I and mew uttered at the same time.

" My birthday is on the very same day and I am gonna be 22 too!" Mew spoke with his eyes now wide of sudden shock.

" Isn't it a bit weird that our birthdays are the same and so is our age?" I mumbled.

" Okay, so destined mates?" Sam and Mew hummed a yes while I didn't know what to respond.

" Well, it stings me when he gets hurt and strangely Saga and Sparkle got bonded even before we marked each other," I replied.

" Wolves evolve bonds at once they find their true destined mate. They can communicate with each other without even marking each other." I never thought of being arranged mates, Luna gave me my destined mate. We always thought of how precise the oracle and the witch was. But it turns out that everything transpired for a reason.

" So why is this thing happening to us. I mean the same pattern, same things. Any idea? " Sam asked looking at both of us.


where am I? I woke up with my head aching like hell and it took some time to finally comprehend the shit happening with my life.

" You are awake!" Someone spoke and I turned around to look in the direction of the voice.

" Yu? Gulf? How come you both are here too! Oh my goodness. I thought at least you would be safe. But it turns out like we three are here in the lion's den together." I spoke. Deep down, I was relieved by the thought of seeing them both. Because I knew both of them.

 Because I knew both of them

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Gulf Kanawut

Gulf Kanawut

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" Lion? Is it a lion hybrid that took us Jimin?" Yu spoke with nervousness.

" No! Don't tell me that your brain cells got blocked from working too rather than your scent glands!" I rolled my eyes.

We all laughed but it didn't last long since we realised it would be no fun if could never escape out of this wretched place.

" How did you reach here? I can't believe I am away from Jungkook for hours!" I sighed.

" Hours Jimin? Talk about days! Its been 4 days since I saw Sam. The fucking audacity you have!" Yu huffed.

" I didn't know! I am sorry Yu!" I was shocked at his confession.

" And that bitch took me here yesterday!" Gulf spoke. His face was gloomy too.

" Hey, I was poisoned. Not enough to murder me but yeah, they did spiked me with Belladonna. " I spoke again while stretching my muscles a bit since I have been unconscious for a while.

" Belladonna. I think he is having a huge stock of that wicked thing. I mean how did he even get that? Like Belladonna is actually quite rare like vervain. It's not available that easily. " Gulf spoke again.

" Jimin, I think he knows about us. " Yu finally let out something logical.

" That means, we should run off. Do you honestly think he is after 'it'? " I asked again to confirm my apprehensions.

They both nodded.

" I don't want our mates to get hurt because of us." I mumbled. Our wolves were not responding to us. Sparkle might be terrified too. And there is one thing that I know. Its all his doings. He blocked our scents, powers and finally our wolves.

" You know what this means right?" Gulf asked eyeing both of us from time to time.

Tears rushed down from our eyes. I know it's not the time to cry and whine. But a good cry is essential for us to be strong again. We don't know what's gonna happen to us three. And we will fight against it.

" What about our mates? Our mates can never take us back after it. We didn't actually had a clue about all this and can we try teleportation one last time. Just if it works, we will find a way and stop everything and get back to our mates." Yu spoke.

I tried, then it was Yu and finally it was Gulf's turn. It didn't work.

We are gonna be stuck here forever! And our lives are gonna change now. How happy I was with Jungkook? We even had a baby who couldn't survive. First the miscarriage and then this, if I ever survive, I am gonna go somewhere with Jungkook and be marked by him and have his pups and marry him. I sighed at my wonderful little thoughts of me and Jungkook which is now shattered and I am losing hopes.

One thing terrified me. Will I ever see Jungkook again?

So I was just damn bored with all these studying. And suddenly I got a good plot and please tell me how was it!

Love you all!ot7_13_2013 thanks a lot for telling me how the storyline was going! gugieee__ love u bub!

Wear double masks, sanitizer, wash your hands. And yeah try to stay in!

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