21.Don't you dare!

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Not proofread! Mzdiddy This is for you babe!

The three beautiful omega's were startled by the sudden crackling of the doorknob and the door flung open soon after that.

" Well, look what we have here. My three soon to be mates." The masked man spoke.

" Shut the fuck up you son of a motherfucking bastard. In your dreams you fucker!" Yu yelled on top of his lungs.

" Seems like one of my omega is sassy! Nice.." He muttered huskily.

" Whoever the fuck you are, leave us alone," Gulf spoke gritting his teeth.

" Well, sassy no:2. I love being threatened. " the bastard spoke again.

" Who the fuck are you? And we are never gonna be yours you fucking son of a bitch of an alpha. I am never gonna be with anyone other than Jungkook." I screamed. I needed to make that point clear to him. That Jungkook will be the only person who will ever be my mate, marked or not.

" fierce aren't we omega? The most special among the three. It will be more fun when I mark you all and you all carry my pups." His grip tightened at my jaws while I glared at him fearlessly.

" I am never gonna let that happen to anyone of us. My mate is Jeon Jungkook. And I am Jeon Jimin, his mate and another half. I have given him my mind, my heart and even my body." I muttered still struggling under his grip.

" I never wanted that to happen. Ouch! That hurt. Neither of you are indeed a virgin and plus having that darn scent of your ex mates who were so stupid not to mark such beautiful omega's is making me crazy. Well, they didn't want you to be their mate. Well, you know how useful you are to me. Once I get what I want, I will make sure to pleasure some alphas in my gang with you. Three fucking sluts!" And he started laughing after that.

Jungkook's POV:

While the three of us were trying hard to find anything to help us take our omega's back, the door clicked open and a masked men came inside.

" Haha! Look who's here with the other 2 fools. The Jeon Jungkook. The same Jeon fucking Jungkook that warned me to stay away from his omega." My eyes turned red at the words he spoke.

" Jackson? I fucking told you to leave me and my mate alone. He is mine and he will never be yours. " I yelled.

" Well, seems like he is neither yours nor mine." My eyes popped wide at his comment.

" What do you mean? You weren't the one who kidnapped Jimin? " I yelled.

" Well, Yes and No! Yes, I kidnapped him but No! I can't have him. He is someone else's property." He snarled back.

" Don't you think it's time for you guys to count your death date? Because on blood moon day, he is gonna mark your omega's. " And with that, he left with his men who accompanied him and sprayed Belladonna all over us again. We groaned in pain and it's making us weaker and weaker.

That was when we heard loud arguments and the sound I heard was Jimin's.

" I heard Jimin. Where did my innocent kid vanish? He seems fearless and sassy." I mumbled.

" I heard Gulf. He is just the way he is. You heard your mate?" Mew asked Sam.

" Yeah, my omega starts every sentence with fuck and ends with a word like that." Sam chuckled thinking about his omega.

And our lips curved into a smile by hearing the sound of our mates and we felt getting more energised soon after that.

" What's the plan?" Sam asked. Returning back to planning mode.

" So we know they are in this building. The blood moon day is just in 2 days and we don't have time left to just blubber anything." Mew said.

" I was wondering why the hell Jimin is not using teleportation? Oh! Yeah. The antidote. I need to give it to him." I said.

" Antidote? What?" Both of them muttered at the same time.

" Well, I came with the antidote against Belladonna because Jimin mind linked through Sparkle. And yeah I have it now in my pocket. In fact, I have it enough and why the hell aren't we using that? You are right. I am definitely out of nuts." I searched inside my coat. A pinch of this is enough. This works well.

" You! Darn it! Why couldn't you use your brain a bit earlier when that Jacky Wacky came?" Mew whisper yelled.

" Well, take this now. Do you think I just forgot about it? I was planning to regain my mate and yeah, I was too engulfed in my thoughts. " I answered back giving them the antidotes.

" This works for about 48 hours. And this is enough for us. We have to give them to our mates." Sam spoke.

" Have you heard that Jackson bitch entered by muttering a spell? " Sam muttered glancing at both of us.

" Yeah, maybe that's the unlock spell," I whispered.

" Trebuie să intru pe ușă regina mea. Deschideți această ușă sigilată cu magie." New muttered.

" What! Yeah, I know I am stupid that I forgot about the antidote. But Mr alpha, you fucking have no rights to speak like that to me." I whisper yelled.

" You are indeed stupid Jung fucking Kook! It's the Romanian language he used. I just could decipher only one word and that's Deschideti which means to open. Well, I am good at grasping things fast. " Mew rolled his eyes.

" So what are we gonna do? Sit here and learn Romanian? " Sam asked out of the blue which surprised us both.

" I thought I was with one fucking stupid but, no! We have two of them." Mew rolled his eyes.

" Ew! No way I am gonna suggest studying the Romanian language while our mates are kidnapped and that too on a magically sealed cellar." I defended myself while crossing my hands on my chest.

" Well, Mew, I think you are the fucking stupid here. Because my comment was meant to be sarcastic." Sam defended himself too. Yeah, actually that was sarcasm he meant and even I for once didn't really understand that because my mind is clogged with the thoughts of a beautiful omega, mine - Jeon Jimin.

What use was that bastard talking about? Why? Please, God! Give me a hint!

I was bored again! This might be the last update. I will only update next month. Well, let's see what happens. Ha!

stress, depression and exams is truly not a healthy combination. If you ask me..

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