Universe 11

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Disclaimer: RWBY universe characters are the property of Rooster Teeh. I don't own any canon characters in the series. only from character Oc.

Warnings: this reading may have some spelling errors, excuse me and enjoy reading.

Inspiration: Attack on Titan


"Are you ready for the next scene?" Character asked the audience.

"Man, of course! The last scene was absolutely great" Sun said as he raised his arms in the air excitedly.

"Certainly the scenes are... interesting" Ozpin said as he took a sip of his wonderful coffee.

"The fighting scenes are worth it" Mercury commented "I hope this scene doesn't disappoint me", Emerald wasn't going to say it out loud, but the scenes that have happened so far certainly make you can't look away from the screen.

Cinder certainly didn't like her counterpart dying, but she has to admit that the last part of the monster called HATE surprised her quite a bit, too bad she didn't want to know what happened next, but she just had to have a little patience.

"Whooo... let's get started!" Nora screamed jumping out of her doing, Ren had to sigh and then calm her down so she wouldn't ruin the seats.

Thus, the majority of the public expressed their opinion, anxiously waiting until the new scene that will be transmitted on the screen begins.

Slowly, the sound of horse hooves thundering across the grounds rose in volume during the early morning.

"Be on guard for Titans hiding in the shadows!" Ozpin advised and threw out an arm to the side. "Our operation begins now! All troops, switch to the 3D gear!"

The soldiers stood on their horses and began to take to the skies. Wires pulled the soldiers, taking them over the Wall.

"Looks like it's another scene from the world of the titans" James commented.

"I wonder what's going to happen" Neptune commented curiously.

"If the last time we watched one of these scenes it was a bit strange," Jaune said, still not comfortable knowing what his counterpart had done. Jaune could feel someone put a hand on his. He looked in the direction of the hand and was met by a smiling Pyrrha, so he returned the gesture.

"There are two gates we must seal — the inner and outer," Ozpin's voice narrated. An animated drawing of Wall Maria and its territory appeared. Two red circles appeared one on the inner gate and one on the outer. "With that, Shiganshina will be isolated. We'll exterminate any Titans left inside." Red Xs crossed out the Titan drawings.

Balancing on his horse, Qrow pulled out his swords. "If the enemy knows our plan, they'll go straight after Ruby, but..." Qrow and the soldiers behind him shot into the air. "We'll have hoods covering the faces of all hundred of our soldiers."

Ozpin landed in a crouch atop the Wall. Behind the commander, over a dozen soldiers appeared. "By the time they find out who Ruby is, we'll have the outer gate plugged."

"It's Uncle Qrow" Ruby commented excitedly.

"The first time Qrow came out in this kind of scene it was quite impressive" Taiyang commented with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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