Universe 5

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Disclaimer: Characters in the RWBY universe are the property of Rooster Teeh. I do not own any canonical characters in the series. just of the oc character

Inspiration: Mr. & Mrs. Smith (House Fight Scene)


"Then you are ready to see the new scene," Character asked.

"What is it about this time?" Weiss asked curiously.

"Just something a little more real" Character replied

"¿More normal? ¿What do you mean by that?" Oscar asked.

Character shrugged "you'll see it next"

The scene shown an adult Jaune was entering the room through a window. Jaune wore simple white tight long sleeves that hugged his figure and black pants and shoes. His hair messy and scuffle that gave him a wild look.

Most were shocked to see Jaune's counterpart, Pyrrha blushed seeing his crush.

Jaune himself was also surprised "is that me?" Jaune couldn't help but be impressed by seeing his adult form.

"So vomit-boy enters the scene again huh?" Yang commented.

Character nodded "for some reason Jaune is quite popular in multiverses"

That surprised most of the audience.

"¿me?" Jaune asked amazed.

"What's that special fool?" Weiss asked, causing Nora and Pyrrha to scowl at her, Jaune cringed in his seat.

"he is more popular than you" Character shrugged, most of the audience laughed at this, Weiss blushed with embarrassment.

Jaune walks quietly into the room and remove a picture wall that reveal a suitcase. He opens it and reveals a gun with a silencer on it. He equips the silencer on the gun and quickly put back the suitcase and slowly walk around the house.

He was scanning the area with his gun ready.

His target was his own wife.

"Wait ... do I have a wife?" Jaune asked in shock.

The teens and some adults were quite surprised by the revelation, everyone in the audience turned to see Jaune, who shrugged in his seat and giggled.

"Didn't he say his target was his wife?" Blake asked confused.

"That's what it looks like, but we don't know yet if it's a joke or something else," Ren said.

As Jaune was cautious in his area. In the upper floor shown Pyrrha Nikos-Arc, who was wearing a black dress that hugged her sexy figure well. She was equip with a shotgun in her hands. Some ammos and submachine. She was on the top floor waiting for for her husband Jaune with her shotgun ready.

Most who knew Jaune and Pyrrha looked at both of them in shock, the others in the audience were slightly surprised, Jaune and Pyrrha looked at each other and blushed deeply.

"I always knew you guys would end up together", Yang said smiling, making them both redder.

"¡Oh, Oum! ¡You guys got married!" Nora squealed with excitement, confetti appeared in front of Nora and she started throwing Jaune and Pyrrha.

Ren patted Jaune on the back "Congratulations"

"Am I the only one wondering why Pyrrha has a gun?" Weiss didn't tell anyone in particular, several turned to look at the screen in confusion.

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