Universo 8

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Disclaimer: RWBY universe characters are the property of Rooster Teeh. I do not own any canon characters in the series. only from character oc

Warnings: this reading may have some spelling mistakes, excuse me and enjoy reading

Inspiration: Dragon Ball Super (Limit Break Survivor)

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"Oh, what do you think we're going to see Renny?" Nora asked Ren excitedly.

"I don't know Nora, you just have to wait and see" Ren replied

"This is the universe, you've seen it before", Character explained.

"So it's the continuation of one we've already seen?" Jaune asked.

"I hope it's the one with the superheroes" Ruby said excitedly.

The screen lights up as the music starts, showing Summer Rose trading and blocking punches with Salem at incredible speeds.

Ozpin, recognizing the person with whom Summer Rose is exchanging blows, paled, even spitting out the drink of coffee he was taking.

Cinder recognized Salem and grinned wickedly, Mercury and Emerald gulping.

"Another musical?" Winter asked.

"It is not a musical!" Character commented offended "It's an opening theme" Character explained.

"Openings?" Oscar asked confused.

Character sighed "it's akin to a trailer," causing the Beacon students to comment an 'oh' understanding.

"Look mom you're back on the screen" Ruby yelled, as Summer gave her a hug.

"I know my little Rosa" Summer commented

"Who is that?" Yang asked

"I wonder too" Pyrrha commented curious.

"She is Salem" Character replied simply, making adults who know about her existence widen their eyes.

"So that's how it looks" James commented still surprised.

Salem throws an energy ball at Summer Rose who threw a kamehameha, both balls collide and cause the letters of RWBY Super to appear

"Wait, wasn't this the universe where that madman stole your mother's body?" Jaune asked Ruby when she realized.

Ruby frowned at the memory "if it looks the same" she replied.

"What happened to Adam?" Blake asked.

"I won't reveal anything" Character commented causing several to complain, but he stood his ground.

Koufun suzzo! Uchuu e go / Getting pumped to fight! Here we go!

Saisen no muchuu wo dou / Off to space now let's start the show!

The super dragon ball with a star appears that someone is holding it, the camera zooms out to show Terra Cotta-Arc holding it

Jaune was surprised to see the person on the screen.

"Do you know her?" Pyrrha asked her crush curiously.

"Yes she is my sister Saphron's wife" Jaune explained

Kono te ni tsukamuyu / Grab on tight now, Show your passion!

To Terra left was Jaune Arc, Saphron Cotta-Arc, Cinder Fall and behind Cinder was Lie Ren, to Terra right was Ozpin and Glynda Goodwitch all holding a dragon ball.

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