Universe 6

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Disclaimer: Characters in the RWBY universe are the property of Rooster Teeh. I do not own any canonical characters in the series. just of the oc character.

Warnings: this reading may have some spelling errors, please excuse me and enjoy reading

Inspiration: Undertale (Close to you)

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"This time it will be a scene it will be different from the rest" Character commented.

"Different in what way?" Weiss asked.

"You better find out for yourself" Character points to the screen.

The scene shows to show Jaune looking at the night sky, he was wearing the Pumpkin Pete sweatshirt, you could also see a black tie tied on his right arm, his skin was paler almost white, his blonde hair had white spots, the hair and the bow moved in the wind.

"It's me again" Jaune commented surprised.

"You also look very different" Pyrrha said.

"That's because Jaune is a faunus" Character commented.

"That's great!" Nora yelled, Most of them were surprised, everyone took a look at the Jaune and then looked at the screen to see the Jaune faun, his appearance changes a lot.

"Whoa ... I always wondered how I would look if I were a faunus" Jaune commented in amazement.

"The flowers of the new" scene changes to show yellow flowers moving in the wind.

"The laughter of the past" the camera is enlarged to show Jaune without the lasso, next to Jaune was Blake, she had paler skin and had white spots in her hair, both were walking along the flower path while having fun .

"that's me?" Blake commented surprised by the appearance of her counterpart.

"What happened to Blake's ears?" Yang asked.

"In this world he is a different type of Faun" Character explained.

"what type?" Blake asked.

"special one" Character said while glancing at Jaune and Blake.

"They're beautiful like you" the scene changes showing a snowy place, in a small tent was Jaune with his eyes closed, which was leaning his head against his arm.

"The beauty unsurpassed" Jaune opens one eye to watch Blake brush off the dust that fell on her suit from the snowfall.

"Wait Arc is singing?" Weiss asked incredulously.

"Jaune can you sing?" Ruby asked in amazement.

"Uh ... yes I guess" Jaune said nervously.

"not bad huh?" Yang asked as he lightly tapped Blake raising his eyebrows, Blake said nothing but just kept watching the screen.

"Gone with a whisper", Blake turns his back on Jaune and then disappears.

"You fall asleep like death" Blake bow fell into the snow.

"what does that mean?" Ruby asked confused.

"Man, I don't like where this is going," Sun muttered.

"Breaking through the earth", scene shows to see Jaune hand holding the lasso, Jaune tightened the lasso and carried it next to her chest while looking at the sky.

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