Universo 7

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Disclaimer: Characters in the RWBY universe are the property of Rooster Teeh. I do not own any canonical characters in the series. just of the oc character

Warnings: this reading may have some spelling errors, please excuse me and enjoy reading

Inspiration: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Chapter 17)

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Having waited for the audience to calm down from the previous scene Character spoke "then ready to watch the new scene?" he asked.

"Will it be a song like the previous one?" Oscar asked curiously.

"I hope not," Mercury commented.

"No, in the world we will see there is no Grimm and there is no aura" Character explained "although there are creatures called demons"

"Got damn?" Sun asked shuddering.

Demons are evil creatures that feed primarily on human flesh, demons can change their body structure at will, heal their wounds quickly, and possess superhuman strength and agility. They can only be killed by exposing them to sunlight or if they decapitate themselves with a special sheet "Character explained.

Most of the audience had a sudden chill go down their spine, before turning to the screen to see what the new scene was about.

Jaune is shown walking through the forest looking around nervously, he was wearing an oriental dress "AY!", Jaune stops and looks at his hand "That hurt" Jaune complained, the bird on Jaune head flapped its wings , "What the hell ...? I'm sick of it!" Jaune thought furiously as a vein throbbed in his head.

"Again" Mercury thought with some envy, that Jaune guy for some particular reason was quite famous in these scenes from the multiverse.

"What is the intrepid leader wearing?" Nora asked curiously.

"It's the way the Demon Slayer dresses," Character explained.

"Demon Slayer?" Ozpin asked curiously.

"The Demon Slayer is an organization, whose mission is to protect humanity from demons, as well as the warriors that compose it, this organization existed in that world for a long time" Character explained.

"That's great" Ruby yelled.

Jaune continues to advance through the forest with clenched fists "I can't find Ruby in this damn forest" Jaune scream furious "Where did they go?" he asked looking around.

Jaune wrinkles his face as he covers his nose "this stinks! SUCKS!" Jaune kept complaining.

Jaune friends laughed at the expression she made making Jaune blush with embarrassment.

At the scene white spiders were seen walking under Jaune "The noise of the spiders is very unpleasant" he observed the spiders on the floor with many nerves "Although they also do what they can to live" Jaune backed away to get away of spiders.

A chill ran through Jaune's entire body, he turned around and pointed to what was behind "How much noise! Stay off!" Jaune screamed, but froze when he saw a spider with a bald head of white fur looking directly at it.

Most were surprised by what they just saw, it's like those horror movies.

"That is unpleasant" Weiss commented with a bit of disgust when seeing a spider with a human head.

"It's kind of creepy," Jaune admitted when a chill ran down her spine.

"This can not be real!" Jaune yelled with a face full of panic and disbelief.

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