Universe 4

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Disclaimer: Characters in the RWBY universe are the property of Rooster Teeh. I do not own any canonical characters in the series. only of the oc character

hello I just want to warn that there may be grammatical errors, I am Spanish and I am still learning English, so the errors may be noticed, but I will do my best not to have them.

Inspiration: Dragon Ball Super (Chapter 61)


"I wonder what this was about," Jaune commented.

"Will it be like the last one?" Ruby asked.

"Oh, it won't be much different" Character replied. "But before" I snap my fingers when another portal opens again and two figures fall from them.

The two figures were Raven Branwen and Vernal.

Qrow looked wide-eyed and spat out the drink he was taking making him cough a little "Raven!" Qrow yelled angrily.

"Mother?" Yang asked, stopping in front of Raven with tears slowly growing from her eyes.

"Yang" Raven said simply without saying anything else.

"¿Tell me why?, ¿Why did you leave papa?, ¿Why did you abandon me?" Yang asked with her heart about to break, some were starting to feel bad, while the others didn't care.

After what are a few tense seconds Raven finally spoke "Because you are weak, all of you are."

This was what broke Yang's heart when she finally got his answer, Taiyang's eyes grew dark as Ruby burst into tears.

"Bitch," Qrow yelled as he lunged to hit her, but before it happened Character snapped his fingers making them all go back to their seats.

"It had to be the family drama" Character rolled his eyes "anyway I want you to see what my powers are capable of" Character snapped his fingers, a light illuminated the entire room causing everyone to cover their eyes.

When the light finished a figure appeared, Taiyang, Ruby, Yang, Qrow, Raven, Ozpin and Glynda looked in shock at whoever was in front of them, all gasped when they saw the resemblance that the woman had with Ruby except that she was wearing a white cape.

Summer Rose looked around confused "Where am I?" was the first thing she said.

"S-Summer?" Taiyang as he approached with tears in his eyes.

"Tai?" Summer smiled.

Immediately Tai wrapped her in a hug, Qrow, Ruby and Yang came running to give her a hug, wasting a lot of time holding each other, Ruby and Yang were crying with happiness afraid that if they released her she would disappear.

Summer made eye contact with Raven giving her a small smile, although Raven looked away from the floor refusing to see her.

After what seemed like hours, the family finally calmed down, some who watched the scene had smiles on their faces, although Cinder and this allies did not care about the scene ignoring it.

"I just hope what we see is worth it," Mercury muttered to himself.

After the new guests were explained what they were doing in this place, they looked for a seat so they could see the new scene that Charácter was preparing for them.

The screen lights up to show a destroyed city , the sky was a dark green color, two figures were shown floating in the sky one of them was Adam Taurus with him was Black Summer.

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