Jeremy's Issues

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The day was hot and I was so sleepy, I wanted to go home quickly but this Jeremy kid had to go and practice basketball with his high school team, don't get me wrong, I love watching basketball. But today was so tiring, I wanted to sleep.

I sit down in the lower seats and watch the teenagers playing, they are actually good but my eyes are more tired so I slowly fall sleep.

I was dreaming so well I didn't heard anything, but, I quite felt the ball hitting my head. A guy comes next to me and starts apologising, I'm half wake up so I just nod and start rubbing my head so the pain will go. How unlucky am I. I sigh and watch the guys playing. When the training ends, Jeremy and I leave the school and go for a ice cream. His driver got us to McDonald's and then to my department.

So, why this kid has to stay in my home? Because he's so troublemaker that his mother has more confidence in me, his employee, taking care of him. Actually, It could be okay if he were like 12 years old as I bother him saying he is, however, he's already 15. But so spoiled that he would make a party in his house and invite all city, then buy a car or stuff with his mother money.

We are going up in the elevator, talking about basketball stuff like who's gonna be the MVP next season. "Of course is gonna be Irving ", I declare, he laughs and tells me "You're blind, Jokić is by far the best one.", I'm disappointed and start arguing with him.

Then he interrupts me, "Malkie I got a favor to ask" he sees me with his sweetest eyes.

"What do you want kid?" I'm suspicious, I won't let him do bad things while he is in my care.

"There's a place I wanna go this Saturday" He starts but was interrupted by me, "You're no gonna go anywhere alone."

He smiles, "I'm not going alone".

So you're playing the smart kid, I mock in my head.

"Let me end first, you're not going anywhere alone or without me. And if you won't agree, just call Mistress Marion and ask her."

"There's no need of my mother, let me explain and then you decide if you play the villain or the hero", he is so cunning.

"Alright" I accept.

"Look, there's this girl that I told you she's my girlfriend." He shows me her Instagram, I nod.

"She's actually not, but, nah nah, wait. Don't use that face, I'm not bullying her." he says narrating my gestures.

"Soo" I jeer.

"She has a crush on me, and I have a crush on her too." His face is red when he ends.

"And what has that to do with me?" I tease.

"C'mon, haven't you ever felt in love?... just cover me these days I'm staying here" ends Jeremy.

"Doesn't sound good to me, I'm not in." I refuse. "Is there a way to change your mind." he persuades me.

"Noope", I say while getting into the department. "That's why boys don't want you, so serious." He murmurs.

It's not gonna work boy, I have been alone since I came here.

"Stop whining, leave your stuff there. And if you want to take a shower, you know where's the bathroom." I ignore him and go to the kitchen.

If this boy thinks he is going to persuade me, he hasn't seen my little cute brother being rejected by me. I laugh internally, while I heating lunch. Then I go to my room, put some music and I lay down in bed.

Ahh finally some peace for...The door opens and Jeremy is there smiling.

"I know what can make you change your mind" He quickly enters and points my GSW jersey, this one was next to the one signed by LaMelo. I rapidly stand up and take both.

"Can't you knock first?... what if I was changing?" I snarl.

"You live with a guy, knowing you, definitely you would lock the door." He affirms  and I just loose the argument.

"What were you going to tell me?" I changed the subject and put my jerseys in the closet.

"I will take you to 3 NBA matches, the next season of course." He offers with arrogance, just because you're rich.

I looked at him with disdain. "Where you gonna get the money?, and what seats are you offering?" I play along with him.

"My pops, he will give it to me. And It will be courtside seats, cuz of course, I'm going too." He proudly details.

"Are you crazy?, stop talking nonsense. That would cost you all your inheritance." I scold he. This is the reason why his mother won't let money with him.

"I'm talking seriously, no joke" he pauses, "My pop offered to take me to watch matches, when he got vacations. He told me I can invite friends." happily says.

I'm jealous of him for having everything, but this teen has to learn to be more reserved with things or others will take advantage of him. Maybe he's a little naive after all.

"I can't accept that. I'm sorry, is too much." I murmur.

However he smiles more and replies "Is my pleasure to invite you, so please help me and I help you...Since you are gonna be able to watch NBA matches before returning to Spain." 

So this is his final blow, he gets my internal balance moved from maturity to lets be a teen. "I accept" I answer but don't believe a thing he says, I'm sure this promise will never come true but having fun isn't bad either. I'm gonna help this teen a little.

"I promise, I will definitely take you to those three matches". He declares firmly, and I reply, "I promise I will go with you and your crush this Saturday."

He frowns, "Wait what?" He exclaims.
"What what?" I smile, "Why you're coming with us". He interrogates while whining.

"I just can't let you go alone, I had said it already." I excuse, he frowns more, "So you mean, you wanna go to a teens party?"

Now was my time for frowning, A party, when did he mention a party?

"You're definitely teasing me." I sigh "I'm not going to a kids party".

He repeats my actions but seconds after he smiles again. Oh no, another great idea is coming.

"You are coming with us, there's no problem." Affirms he, "Hold on, what do you mean?" I gasp.

"You do look like a teenager, you gonna tell you're my sister... Nobody's gonna see you're a old lady." He conclues.

"I'm quite young, don't call me old lady."  I pause, "Alright, if you want it like that. We're going together to that party."

"Now move to the kitchen, we're gonna have lunch." I push him from my room and he tamely walks.

What have I got into?

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