Who's Malkie

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After the basketball player left the department, Malkie let out a little scream, her heart was going crazy.

All the time LaMelo was talking with her, she didn't know how to act or what face to use. But without knowing she kept the cold and sarcastic face she always use when she's nervous.

When the guy left, she was so embarrassed that she started running from one side to the other, she just acted like a little kid, even considering her old age.

Then she noticed the signed jersey, and started celebrating once again. Xuan Xuan is gonna be so jealous of me. She screamed internally. However her happiness was not long, suddenly the phone started ringing and she answered, it was her boss.

"Little Malkie, are you still sick?" was the first sentence her boss pronounced.

She made a couple of cough sounds before answering."I have already taken a pill for fever, I think I'm quite better".

"Thats great, cuz sweetie I need your help with Jeremy" Oh no, she's making me a babysitter again. Malkie thought.

Actually, Malkie had to work at 8am but she had called her boss and told her that she had caught a cold so she couldn't go work. Since Malkie was never sick or asking for permission, her boss gladly gave she a free day, but not even a hour has passed and she was calling Malkie to work.

Malkie sighed, "Do I have to take care of him, for a day? ". She asked.

"Mmm, almost, I have to travel to France so, can it be a week?" Wait what, noo I have to prepare for classes. Complained Malkie, but she couldn't say no, and on the other hand she didn't dislike Jeremy, so she took the situation as a payment for lying.

"Order taken, I will go and pick him up after school" Malkie answered, while her boss laughed.

"Alright, get better soon. Don't forget the papers and their translations, please" she ended.

"Yes, Mistress Marion. Have a good voyage". She added and the call ended.

Why I'm so unfortunate, first I can't sleep a good night, then I won't sleep all week. The only good thing, I got my jersey signed. Complained Malkie.

With laziness she went to her room and started working on the computer, one hour later, she already had ended some of her work. She decided to make some food and leave lunch ready for her boss son, Jeremy.

While she was cooking, she started questioning herself, why she kept working as a apprentice?, when she already had the experience for a future better job. Another sigh was left out, and after she started imagining herself working in a international embassy, she loved it.

Malkie was studying a Master degree in International rights and law, so she could work as ambassador in other countries.

She wasn't American, she was from Spain. After studying laws, she gained a scholarship in an American university, but, since she needed to pay her expenses, she decided to work in an embassy and earn an extra and experience too. She was happy working with Mistress Marion, a French ambassador, even though she kept her filled with papers and nonsensical orders.

Malkie already knew the movement in embassies and liked it. On the other side she earned the necessary for living. But she liked to be cautious, so she started saving money by living with a classmate, Xuan Xuan, a chinese guy with a lot of insight and a sweet character. Them both were foreigners and understood each other well.

The days like today, when Malkie was alone. She used to daydream a lot, and preferred to work to keep the mind busy. Otherwise she will start feeling sad without Xuan. They were nearly to end their studies, so she started to feel nostalgic about parting ways.

Before realize, she was already sad. But she remembered the incident last night and her humour went high. She played music and started singing. She was happy even with the thought she lost fifty bucks for nothing.

Without knowing the time passed fast and it was already 1pm, Malkie left running. When she arrived at the building door, a car was already waiting in there, she didn't thought Marion would send her driver to her. Relieved she got in the car and greeted.

After 20 minutes on the road, they arrived at Jeremy's private school. A lot of expensive cars were here and there, and a bunch of high profile kids and parents were around. Malkie was from a normal living family but she was always scared from rich people, she thought they're all exotic and she won't ever understand them.

Worried she got out of the car and started walking while looking for Jeremy kiddo. She was going to start shouting his name but a girl touched her shoulder and called her.

"Hi, Jeremy told me to call you." Said the girl.

"Where's he?" Malkie followed her.

"He is just there" she pointed to the stairs at the entrance to the building. "Ah, thank you so much." Malkie said and she assented happily.

"Bye bye Jem" she smiled.

"See you". Jeremy replied, then he make a hand movement saying hello, Malkie grinned and asked "Since when you don't search for me yourself ?, now you have people serving you?"

He made a grimace and answered, "She's just helping me, after all she's my girlfriend."

Malkie eyebrow made a funny movement while watching Jeremy with his astuteness. "Seems like 12 years old kiddos got more romance than their elders". She teased.

"You don't have a boyfriend because boys don't want you, don't blame it on me" he mocked.

"I don't know if I have to laugh or cry, but let me tell you thanks". Malkie paused "Let's go".


Hellooo lovely readers, is the annoying author again. I think this pic represents better how is Jeremy in my head. Thanks y'all for reading. Have a nice day or night.

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