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"Didn't I tell you? They lie to steal your insanity. And you fell like a fool." Chase would say.

Then he would erase any emotion from his face and smirk at me.

"Now go get revenge."

And those four words became my motto. Later on, those words became my excuse to everything.

It was kind of sad how he knew everything about me but I knew nothing about him. I wanted to ask but was too afraid to.

"Chanel, I think we need to break up." Chase had said the day before my birthday. I don't get what made him do that but I wasn't going to cry over a boy... I was better than that.

"Whatever," I had said, wiping my face from emotions, "I was going to break up with you anyways."

What a lie I had said. After I had said that, Chase had looked at me with a dumbfounded expression.

"Oh." Chase had said and walked away. As soon he have left, I let the tears fall. It hurts, the fact that he had broken up with me and that our love was one sided.

So after that, I began to remove everyone from my contact. I didn't want to be hurt again so I came to one solution. And that was to hurt him.

After all, he had told me to go and get revenge.

Years passed after that day in Sophomore year. I started to become so different and isolated. I no longer played soccer and things were taking a wild turn. I guess I changed so much because two months after we had broken up, he came to school with Tasha in his arms. He knew what me and Tasha's history was but he still dated her. When he saw me by my locker, gasping as tears leaked out, he smirked.

It became my main goal to never trust anyone ever again. Gone was the smile because in it spot was a steely and bitter smirk.

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