I Told Them, "Shut Up!"

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I Told Them, "Shut Up!"

Chantel's POV

He said he loved me. 

A stupid grin etched across my face, nothing can bring me down from the high. 

Not even Chase could stop me.

"What the fuck is this bitch smiling about?" Said one of Tasha's goons as they stopped in front of me, in the hallway. 

I almost laughed. If only these bitches could find a man half that Sebastian was. 

I sobered my face and moved close to the girl. Her blond hair was flat against her head, perfectly straight. Her face was layered with foundation and her lips glossed over with a piece of hair stuck to it. I saw her blue eyes slightly widen until they shifted to humour. This girl found the situation funny. 

I inched closer to her and gave her the rudest glare I could muster. I slowed my breath and through gritted teeth, muttered, "I heard you're dating Josh Ewells." 

Her brows furrowed together as she stepped back, crossing her arms. "Yeah," she huffed before smirking, "You're just pissed you can't have him."

I snorted. "Your man looks like a naked mole rat." 

She recoiled in anger before moving to my face. "Bitch, I will knock your fu—"

I pushed her off of me. "Maybe you're only bitchy because he doesn't want you," I sneered before pointing behind her. She followed my finger, slowly turning around. There he was, Josh Ewells in all of his glory, making out with a brunette girl. In all honesty, they were going at it. 

She screeched his name. He jumped off of the girl he was kissing and looked at his girlfriend. 

"You fucking manwhore!"

"Baby, I can explain!"

I howled, tapping my fingers together. As a storm raged on behind me, I walked away, evilly cackling to myself.


I was still laughing when Sebastian joined me on my walk to class. 

His lips titled up when he saw me. He draped his arm around me as he let a small chuckle out. 

"What are you laughing about?" He asked, smiling. His eyes were sparkling. If I wasn't laughing, I would've kissed him right now. 

"I think I caused a war back there. Josh's girlfriend came up to me and tried to bring me down. I didn't let that happen this time," I laughed. 

He smiled, teeth and all. "That's my girl. I'm glad I don't have to intimidate girls anymore."

While blushing, I continued, "Basically, it so happened to be that when she bitched at me, Josh made out with another girl! Literally right behind his girlfriend!"

"I pointed behind and she caught him. She fucking screeched his name!" I snorted, wiping an imaginary tear from my eye. He slightly smiled before resuming to his bored expression and I couldn't care less. We all knew that Sebastian was a lovey dovey guy, all deep down. 

I was riding on a high and from that point on, I was invincible.


I was catching up on months' work of homework in the library when Sebastian plopped down next to me. Gelled back hair and slightly drooped eyes, he looked stunning. 

I bit down on my lips and casted my eyes back at my page. I literally need to stop lusting over this poor guy. He must feel so uncomfortable. 

"Don't act like you didn't just check me out," Sebastian said, a cocky tone to his voice. I snorted, a smile tugging on the corners of my lips. Maybe he likes the attention. 

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