They Didn't Believe Her

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They Didn't Believe Her

I hate him.

He ruined me, he will fucking ruin her.

He has a predatory glint to his eyes and he stops at nothing. He is a monster with a taunting smile and seductive eyes and luscious lips and arms that scream the amount of effort put to make them become what they are. He seemed godly, he seemed like perfection but he was a fucking monster. He destroyed everything and anything.

Yet the only thing he didn't perfect was his gullibility. He believed anything and he acted upon what he heard.

I never cheated, I loved the boy too much to enjoy sex with another. I loved Chase and he knew that I was waiting until marriage. He knew I would die for him. So why couldn't he point these flaws and go over to what Tasha fed him?

Because he is gullible. He believed anyone.

And I think that is what Tasha loved most about him. She loved to manipulate and to smirk as she fed make-believe stories to Chase and he ate it up hungrily.

He was deeply flawed, I think. I only realized this now. Many months of putting up with him and all it took was a bite of a lip and fake looks of concern and hesitant words that were false. That bitch was scary and she knew it.

So when I saw Chase guiding his hand further up and up until he reaches the mid thigh of the girl, my eyes welled up a bit. I was determined to stop history from repeating itself. She doesn't have to be a victim too. She doesn't need to attack vigorously by Tasha.

It was time to put my revenge into play. Even if it meant rethinking everything.

"Chanel?" Chloe asked worriedly as I broke out of my trance and quickly flashed her a toothy smile.

"Right! Let's go order," I said, willing myself to put one foot over the other and force myself to move up to order.

Sweat broke out all over my body and I had to bite down on my lips just to keep whatever words  I wanted to scream out loud inside. It's not acceptable and if I do that, I'll blow it all. I needed self reliance in order to do what I wanted to do.

So, with my shaking hands and wobbly smile, I sat next to Chloe, five tables away from Chase and told myself that I'll act as normal as I can.

I listened to Chloe, as she went on about her day and how rude customers can be at the diner.

"Then he demanded a refund! After he finished his food!" She exclaimed as a small chuckle broke out of my lips.

It seems like in a way, humans did this with humans. They see something they like and they want it. Once it's theirs, they love it, cherish it, they can't live without it. But then they notice a flaw, then two flaws and the flaws just keep adding up. Suddenly, this person doesn't want this item or in this case, person and discard them. They turn what they loved about that individual into something that is hideous. Soon enough, they want nothing to do with that person and they regret spending so much time with them, that they demand back something they will never ever get, time.

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