They Told Me Not To Care

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They Told Me Not To Care

Today, it was the first day of senior year. I was highly proud of myself that I managed to make it this far.

Chase and Tasha were still going strong so I have decided not to worry about the two anymore.

I walked into my English class and clutched my phone in my hand. Everyone stared at me with curious eyes and I kept my emotionless face on. I wasn't going to show any emotion.

"Chanel Lincoln. May I ask why you're," she said, pausing to check her watch, "sixteen minutes late?"

I didn't respond. I didn't want to talk or make eye contact with anyone. When she saw my emotionless face, she sighed and dismissed me. I walked to the seat at the back and sat in it. Beside me sat the kid who just came in last year.

His name was Sebastian Lexus. He was handsome, mysterious, dark and quiet. I guess with his dark blue eyes and black hair, he managed to become popular without even speaking. I would say he was mute if I never heard him talk to his friends.

"Class, you are going to do an assignment. For the semester, you have to learn about your partner and their history. This will be due a week before report cards. Also, you can present this to me in any type of form so this can be like a board or PowerPoint."

The class groaned as I remained with a poker face. Whoever it was, it was probably going to be a kid that I used to know.

"First off, Chanel and Sebastian." She said and my eyebrows rose in surprise. I wasn't expecting that at all.

I turned around to meet his blue eyes. He looked at me with an equal poker face. We just stared at each, studying each other. It is so hard to figure him out... He is so good at hiding his emotions.

"So... My house or yours?" He asked me with a deep voice that sounded extremely relaxed.

"Mine," I said without fazing. He nodded and turned around, ending our conversation.

I heard some giggling and turned around to see some of Tasha's friends. "Going to fuck him?" One of her friends sneered and I raised an eyebrow, my face steely.

"Maybe." I said and turned around. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Sebastian looking at me curiously and I bet he is thinking that I am a slut.

"What a slut. It is no wonder why Chase broke it off with her." Another one of Tasha's friend said resulting in me clenching my fist. I made myself promise that I would never and ever let Chase fucking Jennings get to me, not after how he picked up Tasha when he was done with me.

"Is something wrong with your voices? You sound like cats being thrown into a blender." Sebastian grumbled, his low and deep voice making us all look at him in surprise.

"What? You bitches fucking mute too?" He snapped and Tasha's friends turned away, ashamed. I don't think they were, I think they were more embarrassed.

I stole a quick glance at him before turning away. Sebastian was a very interesting guy and I was very curious. On a piece of paper, I wrote down my address and my phone number before putting it on his desk. This made him look up, read it for a few seconds before nodding.

And that was as far as we went with having a conversation. I was fine with it, if I was being honest. I have some trust issues thanks to Chase but I pushed the thought of Chase away to the back of my mind. I didn't want to think about him because he ruined me. He made me like this.

The bell rang and I stood up, grabbing my bag. I was ready to leave when a hand grabbed my wrist, pulling me back. I could tell who it was. No one had a ring on their index expect for a certain someone.

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