They Betrayed Me

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I walked away, my heart feeling like stone within my bones.

But you have to do it, Chanel.

I saw Sebastian, how his eyes follow mine and I looked away. He knows and probably thinks I'm a slut.

If he does, fuck him then.

Fuck everyone.

They all fuck you over anyways.

They Betrayed Me

The alarm went off as I shot up with a jolt. I didn't exactly have an pleasant dream, but I'll just have to deal with it. If I want to get revenge, things like dreams shouldn't be holding me down.

I reached across from the nightstand by my bed and pressed the snooze button on the alarm.

"Chanel," mom called from downstairs, "breakfast!"

"Coming!" I said as I quickly through on some random clothings.

I walked downstairs and breathed in the fresh smell of pancakes. It felt nice to have mom and dad back from their trip. Dad sat at the table, reading his new paper while sipping his coffee as mom whipped up a second batch of pancakes.

"Morning," I said as mom smiled at me, passing my plate.

"Good morning sweetheart," dad said.

I smiled and quietly ate my pancakes. Today is a brand new day and not even Chase or Tasha will ruin it.

Head up, Chanel. Head up, you'll be fine. You'll get your revenge.

I finished and said bye to mom and dad while grabbing my keys.

"Be careful honey, ignore that girl." Mom said.

"Remember violence is not the answer alright?" Dad said sternly and I nodded.

"Right. Love you guys!"

I walked out of the car, not even making eye contact with anyone. I could feel everyone staring at me.

Keep your head up.

After a few seconds with myself, I locked the car and started walking to the school. Everyone was staring.

I wanted to so badly to just cry and run home but I willed myself to keep moving forward, that they would start doing the same thing to Tasha.

That was enough to keep me walking forward.

However, that motivation was lost the minute I heard a group of girl talking loudly.

"What a whore."

"Ew, it's the bitch."

I sighed deeply, trying to not just turn around and run home.

Keep moving forward.

Pulling out my phone, I plugged my earbuds in and turned the volume up all the way. I wasn't going to hear them anymore. There was no way.

Finally, I made into the school and started walking to my locker. It was deserted here, thankfully. Everyone usually hangs outside until the bell rings.

"Now go get revenge."

I will Chase, I always planned to. I will. You'll get it when you least expect it.

The first step was to be closed off, once again. It's better not to trust anyone, if I'm being honest. No worrying about backstabbing or anything.

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