They Didn't Help Her REWRITTEN

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I didn't really like the other chapter wtf.

They Didn't Help Her

I couldn't wait to see his reaction.

I've been staring at the computer screen for a bit now and I was pleased with myself. I couldn't help but smirk.

Revenge is best served with a cold plate.

Or whatever.

One thing matters right now.

And that is,

Step one is completed.

Chase is in for a surprise, tomorrow morning.

Several Hours Earlier

Hey call me when you get the chance. -Sebastian

I bit my lip as I stared down on the screen. I was really confused and I wasn't sure whether I should call him back. I mean, if I don't call him back, he going to think I'm affected by this and one thing leads to another, he will think that I like to him. Which I'm not too sure about myself. Lately,
I can't figure out my feelings and it taken a toll on me because I always know what I want. It feels weird not to be in control of my feelings and it almost reminds me of how I used to be with Chase. I had no filter, there was no limit with him.

Before what he did, of course. For a long time, I tried to ignore what he did. I just loved him unconditionally. It was like physical abuse. I forgave so quickly because of my love for him. But ever since Sebastian came into my life, I don't love Chase anymore and now I realize Chase wanted to rape him. He's a monster and I should have work up and reported him.

How many more girls are like me? Did he do this to Tasha as well? How did he hide it for so long? Many questions ran through my mind but none of them could be answered. I needed reliable source and I couldn't think of anyone better than Tasha, unfortunately. As much as I hate to accept it, it's true.

Another buzzing came from my phone and that pulled me out of my trance.

Nothing I say or do will make you unseen it, so I'm just going to explain myself and hopefully you'll give me a call back. -Sebastian.

I really wanted to hear him out but I also really needed to pick mind over heart, logic over feelings. If I wanted to get anywhere, I need to remove my feelings for Sebastian, that is if I have any. Time will determine that.

Should I call him? It would be best as I need him for the revenge, but I also need space from him. Space to sort my mind out and figure out my plan for the next step of my revenge.

My revenge isn't exactly a revenge. It's more of an awareness thing. But I was also getting my revenge, if that made any sense. The best way to describe it was killing two birds with one stone.

Should I call him back? If I don't, he will assume the wildest of things and that will make it worse. But calling him back will make him think I was anxiously waiting for him to say that. I settled on calling him twenty minutes later only because I didn't want to call right away and make him assume things.

So to kill time, I continued devising my plan.

I wanted to begin tomorrow, as soon as possible. In the morning I would get to school earlier and start posting them everywhere. It wouldn't be anonymous either way because I think most people know who it is so there was no reason for me to worry about people seeing me. The following day, I want to leave notes in his bags, locker, text books, anything I can get my hands on. The third day, I will warn the girl he was with. But not in person. I will send a message anonymously because she didn't go to our school. It was better if the people knew and no one more. And then I would wait a week before springing into the next activity.

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