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Taehyung's POV

I'm walking through the hallway of the kingdom. I'm humming a song and happily looking around. A smile on my lips as enjoy the beauty of the inside.

When suddenly, a door opened. And my eyes widened when I saw Jin Hyung coming out of that door.

"Jin Hyung!" I screamed before running towards him. He have a bag on his hand and he seems.. limping.

"How are you? How's your mating? Does it hurt? Was it good? Tell me." I said shaking his arms a bit. He pull his arms away from me before signaling me to shut up.

"Ssh~, someone might hear you." He said and I pout, looking around.

"No one's here." He said and I hear him sigh.

"Well.. next time be careful. If someone heard you asking an omega how his mate went. They will get suspicious. Cause why would an alpha ask an omega about his mating?" He said and realization hits me. I pout and slowly nod.

"But.. How is it?" I ask and I hear him chuckle.

"Lets first go back to my room." He said before walking on my arm. I held him by the shoulder and his hand to help him walk.

Heck, Namjoon Hyung went this hard?

"So How was it?" I ask when I closed the door. He sat down on his bed and put down the bag.

He hum. "It was.. great." He said smiling. I made a disgusted face.

"Eww, Hyung." I said and his expression dropped.

"Shut up." He said and I laughed.

"Does it hurts?" I ask and he shake his head.

"I was so desperate for an alpha that time. And all I can feel is the pain in my stomach. So the pain down there is nothing." He said and I nodded.

"But my legs are so numb right now." He said and my eyes widened.

"He spread my legs like a peanut butter." He said and my eyes widens once again. I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Ewww Hyung!" I said while moving back.

"Then he made me bent over."


"Then by the wall."

"Yuck! Stop!"

"Then the table, ahh!"

"Hyung no! Don't moan!"

"Then his so big!"

I almost choke and I want to vomit at the moment.

"And he's so roug-

"That's it! Bye Hyung! I'm leaving!" I said before standing up from the seat I'm seating. I open the door and leave the room.

I decided to head to my room since there's no order from Yoongi.

I was just fixing my clothes when I hear a knock by the door. I stand up and open it with a smile on my lips.

"Letter for you Taehyung-ssi." Jisoo happily said. I smiled at her and accept the letter.

"Thank you." I said before closing the door.

I walk back towards my bed and opened the letter. To only make me afraid of my whole existence. Made me worried for myself.

I rush out the room and rush towards Jin Hyung's.

"Oh? Why are-

"Hyung do you have any pills? Just for a week? I just need some until I can leave this place." I said, my throats started tightening meaning I'll cry soon.

His brows furrowed. "Taehyung.. that's the reason why I'm at this position, mated and pregnant. I ran out of those." He replied and that made me fall in the ground.

"Taehyung-ah!" I heard Jin Hyung screamed.

"Yoongi.. Yoongi ordered his men to kill whoever produce a suppressant here in the town. No one.. no one dares to sell any pill. A-And.. and the old lady that secretly sell to us. Send me a message before she dies. She's one of the wolves Yoongi killed." I cried.. in front of Jin Hyung.

"Taehyung.. stand up." He said and I did.

I sat beside Jin Hyung and he wipe his tears. "Don't be scared, Yoongi let me live. I'm sure he will let you too." He said but I shook my head. I held his hand that is caressing my cheeks.

"He will not let me Hyung. He will kill me. While you are in heat he called a meeting. And he told us that he will not let any male omega live anymore. Hyung I need to leave!" I said and Jin Hyung started shaking his head.

Our eyes met and that's when I saw tears flowing down his cheeks. "You're not leaving Tae." He cried.

I shake my head. "I have to Hyung.. he will kill me. I need to go somewhere. Please Hyung.. let me." I said.

He sniff before nodding. "Okay.. okay I'll let you. But please be safe. I know you won't come back here anymore. I'll miss you okay? Tell Jimin, bid a goodbye to Jimin cause he will be stressed and sad. Please explain clearly to him. He's pregnant too okay?" He said and I nod.

He hugged me and I hug him back right. "I'll miss you Hyung." He said and I felt him nod before caressing my back.

"Now go, give Yoongi a valid reason. Don't sound suspicious okay?" He said and I nod. He gave me a kiss on my forehead before I leave his room. I come back to my room and started packing.

But as I was about to put another set of clothes the door opened.

"Hyung? W-What are you doing?" It's Jungkook.

My eyes widened and shake my head before wiping my tears.

"I'm leaving, I'm going to Seoul, I'll continue my life there. There are much more life opportunities in there." I said but he looked like he didn't but it.

He walk closer to me. "Hyung it's harder to live there." He said but I shook my head.

"No Gguk, it'll be easier to live there." I said while putting my clothes inside my bag.

"What do you mean Hyung? Here you are protected. You have a shelter, you are safe-

"I am not!" I suddenly snapped and he looked at me so shocked.

"W-What do you mean Hyung? I don't get it. Please tell me, tell me the real reason why you'll leave." He said in a shaky voice. That's when I felt more tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Promise me you won't tell this to anyone, specially Yoongi." I said and he slowly nod his head.

I reach for his hand and engulf it with mine.

"I'm... I'm an omega Jungkook. And I've been using suppressant with Jin Hyung for our whole life. But Yoongi killed every seller of suppressant in the place. And I have no one to buy those pills. So I need to leave. I need to save myself. I need to protect me." I said and he looked at me. No hint of madness in his face so I am a little relief.

"I'm coming with you Hyung." He said and my eyes widened.

I shake my head. "Gguk no.." I said but he shake his head.

He started packing my clothes fast.

He pick up my bag and held me by my hands. "Let's go."

He brought me to his room. I watch him pack his things. And when he's done he immediately drag me by the back gate.

"Gguk.. we should just tell Yoongi a reason. Not go here, we will be more in danger for going here." I whispered while we are secretly walking by the back of the kingdom.

Jungkook shushed me. "Quite Hyung, we are close." He said and soon I saw the gate but.

"Look who's here, my two trusted men leaving the palace, secretly."

-to be continued-

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