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Jimin's POV

I woke up because of the sunlight hitting my face. I slowly opened my eyes and saw too much mate that made me cover my eyes using my arm.

Using my left hand I tried to say up.

"Ah!" I hissed as I felt a sharp pain on my lower body.

Then it hit me.. the things happened last night. I was able to fully open my eyes. I saw the door of the small hut opened. I looked on the floor, and saw my clothes.

I slowly sat up, carefully and holding the pain. And when I was able to sleep. I saw the small piece of cloth covering my private area.

I immediately burst into tears.

I got raped, by an alpha.

I cover my face with my both hands and cried even more.

I'm just like other omega. Raped and abused, used and treated like a trash. Once they're down with you, they will just let you suffer in pain and trauma.

I wipe my tears and take a deep breath. I pick up my blanket fork the floor and slowly stand up. Even I'm close to falling I still managed. I look on my bed.. blood and white stains on it.

I was about to cry again but I brush it off. With the blanket all over me i manage to go out the hut and go to the water source here inside the garden.

I enter the small bathroom and remove the blanket. That's when I saw blood stains on my legs. I felt sticky and dirty at the same time. Not just a simple dirty but I feel like a dirty omega.

Even crying I managed to take a bath and clean myself. I went out still with the blanket. I go back to the hut. Even I'm struggling I managed to get an underwater, short and shirt.

I remove the cover of my bed and put it on the side. When I look back on the thin cushion I saw blood stains.

I sigh and just brush it off. I'll wash the cover later.

I sat down on my bed. I sigh and look at the ceiling. I think I'm gonna cry again.

And I did..

I'm an omega. A male omega, I can carry pup, and with what happened last night. The ruthless alpha, rut inside of me. So there's a big chance.. I'm pregnant.

I cried just by the idea of of.

I'm pregnant? I could be pregnant. With that rapist's baby.

I can't be pregnant. I'm still young, I don't have money. I'm alone, I can't be.

I need to abort the pup if ever I am pregnant. But how? I don't even have money for food. So how am I gonna afford an old lady, messaging my stomach until she hit the pup and killed it.

I cried and cried, until I found my hand slowly caressing my stomach.

"You're being delusional Jimin. There's still a chance you're not pregnant. Right?" I said. I swallowed the lump in my throat and nod.

I stand up and grab the sheet and wash it outside.


"Jimin.. you just washed your sheet two days ago." Mr. Kang said. I smiled and looked at him.

"I just.. feel of wading it again." I said giving me a smile.

He nod and pat my back. "Okay, but after you finish. Go by the house, I have bread for you. Eat first before we start our day." He said and I nodded.

Gladly I am near of finishing cleaning this sheet. I hang the sheet on the rope and went back inside.

I ate the bread that Mr. Kang gave me before I head out.


Few weeks and the ruthless alpha didn't came back which is good. And just by last week I started vomiting. A sign of pregnancy.

But I always brush it off. After I throw the idea of being pregnant always pop in my head. And I always brush it off. I can't raise a child. I just can't. I'm barely living. So how can I bring another life to thus cruel world?

I sigh as I put down the basket of tomato I'm carrying. It's now 3pm in the afternoon. And it's very hot. And I've been working since morning. I once again lift the basket and bring it to Mr. Kang.

"Good job Jimin! Our harvest are doing good!" He said smiling. I lean on the table and started panting. Then I sat down and take more deep breaths.

I look at Mr. Kang he's busy counting and calculating money. I smiled as I realized those money are the fruits of my hard work.

"Jimin-ah, we're sharing this half." I look at Mr. Kang confusedly.

"Huh?" I confusedly ask..

"This is yours. You worked hard for these." He said smiling while handing me the money.

My sight started becoming blurry.

But I still managed to accept money.

My sigh became worst.. "T-Thank y-


I open my eyes and look around. I notice Mr. Kang on the side looking at some stuffs. I slowly sat up that made noises and caught Mr. Kang attention.

"Jimin-ah, don't move too much." He said while helping me stand up.

I shake my head. "It's okay Mr. Kang." I said, I saw him examine my expression.

"Does something happen to you Jiminie? Cause.. I notice some blood stains on your bed when I put you down here." He said.. my eyes widened and immediately look at my bed. I remember I removed the bed sheet this morning. And the blood stain from that night is still here.

I stared tearing up. "I-I .. I don't know Mr. Kang." I said while crying. I saw how Mr. Kant's expression softened.

He sat down beside me. "Aww.. Jiminie you can tell me. I'm like your father now, tell me what's wrong son." He said that just made me burst into more tears.

I miss my dad.

He pull me towards his chest and slowly stroke my hair. "I'm.. I'm raped appa." I cried.. I felt his hand stop from stroking my hair.

He slightly push me. "You're what?!" He ask..

I gulp. "I'm raped.. by an alpha." I sobbed. I saw how his eyes turn in different colors.

"Those bastards alpha!" He roared.. Mr. Kang is a beta who happens to get abused by Alpha's before. Alpha from the high blooded pack.

"Do you know him? Did you see his face?! We will ask for help from the others." He asked and I shake my head..

"I didn't see his face. And I don't know him." I said and appa nodded he he stand up and hold his forehead.. he started walking back and forth. When he suddenly stops.

He pick something from the ground..

It's a headdress. A black headdress. I saw how Mr. Lang's eyes widened..

"Is this yours Jiminie?" He ask and I shook my head.

"I think I know who is that alpha who took advantage of your rank." He said..

"It's that bastard head alpha!"

-to be continued-

Male Omega ○Yoonmin○Where stories live. Discover now