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Later on the next day the pair decided to go hunting for food. It was around midday so it was a good time to be scavenging. In the bag they received the day before had only been a decently sized loaf of bread. Barely enough to feed them but just enough to somewhat fill their stomach. As the two walked through the forest they could hear another cannon go off. They both silently prayed that it would be one of the tributes from Twelve.

But they were both completely aware that their luck wouldn't allow for that. So whatever tribute was left from District Five was most likely gone. This, of course, was still helpful but the pair's deep hatred for the other pair made them wish they could just get the deed over with already. The girl almost didn't notice at first but when the sky turned almost pitch black she looked into the sky, confused as ever.

"What's going on?" she asked, grabbing onto Cato's hand and tightening her grip on her bow. The boy looked into the night sky, his mind just then processing how dark it had suddenly gotten. "I think they may be in a hurry to get the games over with." he told her as he gripped Livia's hand protectively. The girl's heart rate sped up rapidly and she knew the boy's did as well. For the first time since she first entered the arena she was scared. She had felt many emotions throughout the week but this was the first time she felt truly frightened.

She knew they wanted the games to end soon and that the people running the games would do everything in their power to make sure of it. Meaning in a few hours she may no longer be in the arena. It was time to fight and both teens knew it. "Come on." the boy quietly demanded of the girl. The blonde was confused but didn't question the muscular boy as he pulled her over to a tree right at the edge of the open field where the Cornucopia sat, ordering her to climb it.

"I'm sorry, what?" she asked, dumbfounded by the order he had given her. But there wasn't much time to question him before a distant growl came from way behind them. The two looked at each other with wide eyes and the small girl, with Cato's help, pulled herself up and into the tree, out of sight of anything below her. "Just get the bow ready and shoot her when I say so." he said in a whisper, trying not to attract whatever beast was likely nearing them.

Livia looked at him worriedly. Did he have a death wish? From her perspective he had to have had one if he wasn't going to hide from the monsters. "What if you-" she started, though she was never able to finish her sentence before he shushed her. Cato looked at her sadly, though he tried to cover it up. He didn't do it well but he tried. "I'll be fine. I'm not leaving you. I promise." he reassured her. She didn't completely believe him but she knew that for his plan to work she needed at least an ounce of hope.

"Be careful." she whispered just as he ran off. From afar she could see him climb up onto the Cornucopia and hide in a weirdly shaped part of the roof, almost as if he was waiting for something. Or someone. And that's when it hit her. They were gonna finish off the last two tributes with the help of whatever surrounded them. And this made her wonder just what it was that they had heard. Ironically, her question was quickly answered when an almost mutt-like creature passed the base of the tree she was sitting in.

Livia held her breath and stayed as still as possible as multiple of the creatures ran past where she was stationed to the Cornucopia. The blonde didn't understand why they were going that way. She was sure Cato hadn't been seen. He had made it to the structure way before the creatures arrived. But then she saw it. Katniss and Peeta were on the metal roof, completely unaware of the fact that Cato was there. After a few long moments, Cato came out of his hiding spot and started fighting with the two tributes.

The girl thought he was insane, fighting two people on his own. Although he was strong and the small girl knew he could take care of himself, it still wasn't a smart move on his part. She watched as he managed to push Katniss to the edge of the building, her head just barely hanging off. Unfortunately Peeta grabbed a hold of Cato and they started fighting while Katniss caught her breath. It wasn't long before Cato had the other boy in a choke hold and the girl had her bow and arrow pointed at them.

The girl in the tree knew she wouldn't shoot. If she did there was the possibility of hitting Peeta and everyone knew she wouldn't risk it. Livia took this as her cue to ready her bow and arrow, aiming for Katniss, waiting for Cato's call. "Go on, shoot. And we'd both go down and you'd win. Go on. I'm dead anyway! Liv too! We always were, right?" he spoke. The oldest Perez daughter was dumbfounded; confused. Never had he spoken about the games like he was then.

She didn't understand where this was coming from. "I didn't know that until now. Isn't that what they want, huh?" Just as he finished his statement Katniss pulled back the string of the bow a smidge farther back, causing Cato to laugh darkly at her as he tightened his grip on Peeta, who was now clearly starting to beg for air. Livia instantly pulled the string on her bow back as well, focusing extra hard on the girl she aimed for.

"No! I can still do this. I can still do this. One more kill. It's the only thing I know how to do. Bring pride to my district. Not that it matters. Right, Liv?" he called. That was her cue. With zero hesitation she let the arrow leave her and hands and head straight for Katniss. She aimed right for the center of Katniss' back and wasn't completely sure if it would hit her. But to her avail, she hit the bullseye. Right as the arrow hit her back the girl from Twelve stiffened.

She dropped her bow and arrow, falling onto her stomach, becoming lifeless in a matter of seconds. Her lifeless body, after dropping, fell to the grass below, leaving her to the mutts. Livia kept on warning Katniss that each time would be her last. And it finally was. Sadly for the Baker's Boy, he didn't have any time to react to his lover being mauled right in front of him before Cato snapped his neck and tossed him to the ground below for him to be finished off as well.

The last two remaining tributes waited a few minutes for the mutts to disappear before Livia hopped out of the tree and Cato leapt onto the grass. The pair quickly ran towards each other and wrapped the other in a hug. Livia's legs wrapped around Cato's torso, her arms around his neck, as he held up her small figure with only his arms. "We did it." she whispered breathlessly, utter relief taking over. "We did it."

Forbearance • A Cato Hadley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now