Thank You :)

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Thank you guys so much for reading this story. This is my first book that I have written and actually finished so this is a big deal for me. This entire story had been like my own freaking child and it's so hard to let go of. Thank you to anyone who has continued to read my story as I've continuously uploaded new chapters, which has been since May of this year. It has been you all supporting me that has motivated me to finish this story.

There were many times that I considered giving up and deleting the story all together because I didn't feel like it was good enough or because I couldn't bring myself to write. But knowing that I had readers to please kept me going. Even if it took me a month to get five chapters up, you guys were the ones that gave me the motivation for that. So thank you for all of your love and support and I hope you all enjoyed as much as I did. :)

Final Word Count:


Special Thanks To:

My best friend Elli for helping with plot ideas, reviewing chapters, motivating me to write my last chapters when I did everything in my power to put it off, simply because I didn't want it to end, and for just supporting me through this entire journey.

Forbearance • A Cato Hadley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now