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The two Perez daughters sat on the couch in silence. It had been two or so hours now since Livia's encounter with the president and she still couldn't force herself to function properly. She didn't speak, she was tense, her mind wouldn't allow her to form proper thoughts, let alone words. She was so out of it that Chloe had to assist her in even just walking to the living room couch. She knew that she was being watched. Not just her but her entire family and everyone she cared for.

If she or one of them said or did something that would even slightly contradict Snow, all of their lives were put in danger. More than they already were. Nowhere was safe. "Do you want a glass of water?" the youngest Perez daughter asked her sister, her presence tense as she spoke. At first the teen remained still in her spot, curled up on the right side of the couch with her arms wrapped tightly around one of the pillows used to decorate the piece of furniture as a source of comfort.

After a moment the girl nodded, moving her head just enough for her younger sister to be able to tell that she had answered. Chloe didn't reply but stood from her placement on the opposite side of the couch and left the room to grab her sister a drink. The room was quiet. Eerily quiet. Yet at the same time the silence was comforting to the girl. If there was nothing going on and no one around her, there was nothing for President Snow to use against her.

He couldn't break her if there was nothing near her to break. Minutes later Chloe returned to the room with a clear cup filled close to the rim with water in her right hand. She shyly walked up to Livia, her facial expressions almost unreadable, and handed her the glass of water. "Thank you." the older girl mumbled, her voice barely audible, switching her focus to the cup as she took it from her sister's hand, taking a swig from it, letting the cold water run smoothly down her throat.

"You're welcome." the little girl responded, sitting back in her previous spot on the couch. The girl's sat in silence for a while as Livia finished her drink, setting the empty cup on the coaster on the table once she was finished downing the liquid. Livia's thoughts started to fill her mind again as she tried with everything in her to pull herself out of the daze she had been stuck in since Snow had left her home in Victors Village.

Along with the rest of her thoughts came the question she had been asking herself since she had come home from the games. Not to mention spending this small amount of time with her sister kept her wondering. Why wouldn't she speak to her sister? And Livia was going to find out. "Why don't you speak to me anymore?" the older girl questioned, her voice barely above a whisper. Chloe snapped her head to face her sister, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What do you mean?" the young girl asked, clearly and utterly confused by her older sister's question. "You've barely talked to me since I got home. That was months ago. Why?" the teen asked once more, staring defiantly at her sister. Chloe remained quiet as she mentally prepared an answer, unsure of how to explain it to her. She didn't want to admit it but she knew there was no getting out of the conversation now.

"Look, Liv, you know I love you. But the Livia I saw in that arena was not the Livia I know. It looked like you almost enjoyed killing those people. That scares me." the little girl admitted, her focus remaining on the floor under her feet. The topic made both girls a bit uncomfortable. Especially now that Livia was aware of her sister's feelings towards her and her actions. The older girl's face dropped when Chloe answered her. She didn't realize how horrible of a person she seemed during the games.

She didn't know what to say to the little girl. She used to look up to Livia and now, to Chloe, she was almost unrecognizable. She  felt horrible knowing that was what Chloe thought of her. "Chlo, I was just doing what I could to survive. I didn't want to kill those people. If I didn't I wouldn't have come home." the oldest daughter spoke as her voice rose in anger, adjusting herself in her seat as she turned to fully face her sister.

The younger girl shook her head in defeat, keeping her eyes focused on the ground. Chloe was about to respond to Livia's admittance but was abruptly interrupted when the girl's heard knocks coming from the front door. The younger girl stayed frozen in her spot, causing Livia to get up from her spot after a moment and go to the front door, although she didn't want to move.

When Livia opened the door she was met with six different Capitol Citizens. In the front of the group was Augusta in a red, puffy, off the shoulder dress that reached a few inches above her knees with her short blonde hair pulled back into a neat low ponytail. Next to her was Annette in her usual blue dress and blue hair which was a little longer than the last time the teen had seen her. On Augusta's other side was a woman Livia was yet to meet.

She wore a black and white fitted dress with a white fur coat and had a white afro looking wig on her head. The woman had a bright smile plastered on her face as she examined Livia. Behind her were a man and woman the teen had never seen before and a man the girl recognized to be Cinna. He had been the stylist for Katniss the year prior. When Livia and the man met eyes he smiled kindly at her, earning one in return.

She looked at the man's eyelids, seeing gold eyeliner that went perfectly with his more leather based outfit. "Livia, my dear! How wonderful to see you!" Augusta greeted happily, pulling the blonde in for a quick but welcoming hug. Livia hugged her back before moving onto Annette, who placed a light kiss on her cheek. Next was the whited haired woman who gave the girl a quick hug. "Effie Trinket. Lovely to finally meet you, dear." the woman introduced as she stepped into the warm house along with the other two women.

After them was the man and woman who Livia learned to be Flavius and Octavia. The two seemed to be a bit entitled but still seemed somewhat friendly so Livia made a mental note to keep herself slightly distanced from the two. Lastly was Cinna. Though she didn't know the man just yet he still hugged her tightly, as if he had known her her entire life. "Nice to meet you, Livia. I'm Cinna." he greeted as he stepped away from the girl.

Behind them Livia could hear Annette and Augusta fawning over Chloe to which Livia simply laughed. The teen was then reminded that she had no idea why any of them were in her home. "Ready to work, Golden Girl?" Cinna asked kindly, flashing her a smile. With a playful smirk, the girl nodded enthusiastically at him. "Yeah. I'm ready."

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