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The two held each other tightly, afraid that if they let each other go, they would lose each other after everything. They were so relieved that they almost didn't notice the lack of announcement. At the end of each game, there would be an announcement confirming the victor, or victor's in this case. But there was no announcement. "Cato." Livia spoke shakily as she let go of the boy, pushing herself off of him so she could get a better look at him.

The muscular boy looked down at her, confused, unsure of what her issue could be. As far as he was concerned they had won and there was nothing to be worried about. "What's wrong, Hun?" he asked, resting his hand lightly on the girl's waist. He could feel her heart rate quicken. He could feel her body start to shake as her breath quickened. "Hey, hey, hey. Talk to me, what's wrong?" he repeated, concerned for the girl.

Her hands moved to his forearms, gripping them tightly to try and keep herself stable as she became slightly overwhelmed, causing her to feel dizzy. "Something's off." she told him breathlessly. Confused, the boy squinted his eyes at the blonde. He almost asked what she had been talking about but got his answer before he could speak. A voice sounded through the arena, causing both pairs of eyes to look around them. "Attention. Attention, tributes." the monotone voice called.

The small girl didn't have to hear the rest to know what was going to be said. She squinted her eyes in a distressed manner and let out a cry of both sadness and fear. "There's been a slight rule change. The previous revision allowing for two victories from the same district has been revoked. Only one victor may be crowned. Good luck. And may the odds be ever in your favor." the man finished.

The two looked at each other sadly. Deep down they had both known it would come down to the two of them in the end. But never had they thought it would be as heartbreaking as it already was. With a sigh Cato handed the girl his sword and stepped back from her, putting his arms out in surrender. "Do it. Someone has to go home." he told her, looking her straight in the eyes. The girl shook her head no and stepped towards him.

"No. If you don't go home I don't go home." she told him plainly. She wasn't going home without him and she knew that he wouldn't go home without her. They had grown too fond of each other to just leave like that. "Liv, your sister and father need you. No one needs me." he explained. That wasn't true. They both knew that wasn't true. But he needed her to go home. Even if it meant that he wasn't there.

Sadly she shook her head and grabbed the boy's hand, wanting to remember his touch. "That's not true. I need you." she told him. The two stayed silent for a few moments before the girl's eyes looked to Peeta, who had partially been mauled by the mutt's. She almost looked away but noticed something sticking out of his pocket. Berries. But not just any berry. Nightlock berries. Enobaria had mentioned the berries to the pair before the games.

They were extremely poisonous. So poisonous that they would be dead in a minute if they were consumed. Hesitantly she walked over to Peeta's lifeless body and knelt down to grab a few of the berries from his jacket pocket. When she went back over to Cato she shyly showed him the berries, knowing he would be unhappy with her idea. His eyes widened at the deadly fruit, shaking his head no.

"I'm not letting you do that." he told her sternly. But she wasn't hearing it. If he was going out she was going with him. The boy sighed knowing he wasn't going to win the argument. "Trust me. We're doing this together." she demanded. In complete silence, she took Cato's hand in her own and dropped a few of the berries into his hand. They each took a deep breath and looked each other in the eyes as a few tears left her eyes and he stepped closer to her.

"One." he whispered softly, taking her free hand in his. She waited a moment to take one last look at every detail of him. All she could think of was the fact that this would be the last time she would see his face. And how her sister and father would be distraught without her. "Two." she said, although her voice was barely audible. Not bothering to speak a single word, Cato leaned down and captured the girl's lips in his own for the last time.

Neither wanted to let go. They savored every last moment before parting, though neither wanted to do so. "Three." the boy finished. Slowly they lifted their hands to their mouths, ready to take their last breaths. Not because they wanted to go, but because they just wanted to be happy. And they wanted to be together. But they didn't get to consume the berries before they were interrupted.

"Stop! Stop!" the same monotone voice yelled out quickly, halting the teens just before their hands reached their mouths. The pair's hands dropped, causing the berries to fall to the ground, and they looked at each other questioningly, unsure of what was going on. "Ladies and gentlemen, may I present the winners of the 74th annual Hunger Games." the man spoke.

The teens' eyes widened as relieved smiles spread on their faces. They had won. They were going home. Both of them. They were safe. In the heat of the moment Livia jumped into Cato's arms for the second time, just as she had before. The two looked at each other happily and the girl smashed her lips against the boy's, not that either would complain.

After a few moments the two pulled away with wide smiles and rested their foreheads against each other. "We did it, Hun. We're going home." he spoke happily. In a moment of pure bliss, Livia suddenly wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. This moment genuinely felt unreal to her. But it surely was real. "Yeah. We did it."

Forbearance • A Cato Hadley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now