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Days. It had been days since the two teens had seen each other. They had been getting the medical treatment they needed as well as the fact that the Capitol wanted it that way so the televised reuniting of the teens could be that much sweeter. Livia hated it. The last she saw of Cato was just after they left the hovercraft. After that they were taken to separate rooms to freshen up. They didn't bother saying their goodbyes as they thought they would see each other in a matter of a few hours. But they were wrong.

Both were miserable. The only contact Livia had with anyone was with Annette, Augusta and Enobaria. Like right now. The blonde was with Enobaria on the penthouse balcony, staring down at the Capitol below them. Enobaria wasn't all too happy and she made that clear. By doing what she had done, Livia only made herself and the people around her a target. She knew that but she knew she wasn't leaving that arena alone.

She didn't regret doing what she did for one moment. "They're not happy with you." Enobaria told the young girl. The teen only snickered and turned to face her mentor. "Why because I'm not dead?" she snapped. She was furious with the Capitol. They led her to believe that she and Cato would be able to leave the arena together and tricked them at the last second. And though their plan didn't work, she was still furious.

She almost didn't go home to her father; her sister. She almost had to suffer without Cato for the rest of her life, knowing it was her who killed him. "Because you showed them up. You outsmarted them. They don't like anyone who can outsmart them." the mentor corrected plainly. Although she didn't want to admit it, she knew the woman was right. She knew saving both herself and Cato was the right choice, but she knew the consequences would be severe.

"Well, I'm sorry it didn't go the way they planned. You know, I'm not very happy with them either." Livia replied somewhat sarcastically. Enobaria was starting to become annoyed with the girl's attitude. The woman knew she was unhappy but she also knew that the young girl was completely unaware of what the Capitol was capable of. If they wanted to, they could destroy her life and the life of everyone she loved in a matter of minutes with no hesitation.

The mentor grabs Livia's upper arm harshly making her look straight in her eyes with a slight fearful look. The girl could see Enobaria flash her intimidatingly sharp teeth in anger. "Livia, this is serious. Not just for you. They don't take these things lightly." she said seriously. Livia knew now that this was more serious than she had realized. Never had she seen her mentor this frightened and protective.

The next afternoon the blonde was in her designated dressing room as Annette completed the last few finishing touches on her outfit. The young girl wore the same golden dress and shoes she had the day of the Tribute Parade. Annette thought it would be sentimental to both her and the crowd to wear something as a reminder of all that she had been through. Livia loved the idea and was more than happy to wear the dress.

"When they ask, you say you couldn't help yourself. You...you are so in love with this boy that the thought of not being with him was unthinkable. You...you'd rather die than not be with him. You understand?" Enobaria asked, walking up to Livia as Annette placed a golden tiara in the girl's hair. Confused, the teen looked at her mentor through the reflection of the mirror.

She didn't understand why she was being told this. In a serious manner she laced her fingers together and looked straight at the reflection of Enobaria's eyes. "You say it like it isn't true." she said plainly. Livia didn't need to be given lessons on what she was supposed to feel. Especially when she already felt it. That was her mindset from the beginning. If he wasn't going home neither was she. It wasn't a hard concept to grasp.

Around ten minutes after the conversation, Livia found herself on the side of the stage. Caesar was speaking to the audience, though the girl couldn't bring herself to pay attention until she heard the words 'Golden Girl' leave his lips and she straightened herself up, readying herself to be seen by the world for the first time since the games. She quickly forced a quite believable smile onto her face and mentally prepared herself.

"And here she is now!" the blue haired man yelled, gesturing to her side of the stage. The blonde instantly stepped on stage as cheers erupted throughout the auditorium. Livia waved out into the crowd as she walked towards the man, shaking his hand once they were close enough. Once the cheers died down the two sat in their seats and the interview began.

"Livia, how have you been the past few days? I understand you've been a bit out of it lately." the older man spoke, resting his hand comfortingly on top of the girl's. She instantly froze, her first thought being how quickly the conversation got depressing. "I've been alright. Still a bit shaken up from the games but I just want Cato." she replied, earning coo's of adoration from the audience. Livia smiled weakly and changed her focus to her lap as tears formed in her eyes.

"Well then I hope you'll be relieved to know that we have a little surprise for you." Caesar told her with a smile. Livia's eyes immediately lit up and the two stood to face where she had just entered the stage from. And there was Cato. He had a bright smile as he walked towards the girl, though you could still see a piece of fear glazed behind his eyes.

The boy had little to no time to react before the girl ran to him, jumping into his arms to which he held her torso tightly. She kept her legs dangling as she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her head into the crook of his neck. The muscular boy spun her around in the air before setting her down, both pairs of arms staying where they were, and kissing her sweetly, which earned cheers from the crowd; not that the two were paying any sort of attention.

It was like heaven to be able to be in his embrace and to feel his warm, comforting lips upon her cold ones again. She had longed for his touch. And although it was in front of thousands of people, she was glad to be in his arms again. "God, I missed you." she whispered once they parted. Cato sighed a breath of relief as he moved one of his hands from her waist to her cheek.

"I missed you too, Hun." he whispered back before they hesitantly stepped back from one another, linking their hands and walking over to the blue haired man who looked at them with a wide smile. "As you can see, they didn't miss each other at all." he joked, earning a laugh from the crowd and the two Victor's themselves. They were happy. Very happy.

Forbearance • A Cato Hadley StoryWhere stories live. Discover now