Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Saya couldn't breathe. She could hardly think properly.

No... this isn't real! My Ben is dead!

"Saya, listen to me-"he took a step towards her, letting the helmet fall to the floor

NO! She told me you were dead! Everyone in the temple died!

"I'm right here Saya. Please"

Her chest began to burn. She could hear her heart pound in her chest, rapidly. She began hyperventilating

Ben caught her before she hit the floor

This isn't real... this can't be real...

The last thing she remembered was Ben kissing her hair as darkness took over her.


Saya laid in her bed, waiting for the right time to sneak off and meet with Ben. She heard the breathing and some snores from the other girls around her. They were all quick to sleep in the evenings, eager to get up early and please the Mothers. Saya no longer cared. She would do her chores and complete her studies, but the only thing she cared for was seeing Ben.

He promised her he would find another path for them. She believed him with all of her heart.

Without warning, the lights suddenly switched on, making all the girls groan.

"Wake up! We're evacuating the planet!"

Saya jolted up from her bed. The Superior Mother was rushing, shaking any girls awake that were still sleeping. Several tried to ask what was going on.

"There is no time! We have ships out front! Everyone get on a ship now!"

The girls were all quick to listen, not even bothering to change clothes. Saya was quick to rush outside, but ignored all the girls rushing to the ships.

Ben was still here. No matter what danger was here, she had to save him. She only made it a few steps when someone grabbed her arm and spun her around

"What in the word are you doing!?" it was the Superior Mother. "Get on the ship now!"

Saya ignored her and tried to wrestle out of her grip, going so far as to pound on her arm.


The Superior Mother was attempting to drag her back to one of the ships.

"Saya, let's go now! GET ON THE SHIP!"

Saya did not give up. Not until the Superior Mother smacked her across the face with her free hand. Saya fell to the ground in front of her, clutching the sore, red side of her face. The Superior Mother was quick to smack the other side of her face as well. Saya glared at her, trying to ignore the pain and not let tears fall.

Superior Mother towered over Saya and sneered at her.

"How dare you! I have had enough of you! The Order took you in when you had nothing! You ARE NOTHING!"

She knelt down to Saya, inches from her face.

"I know where you are trying to go. I've known for quite some time."

Saya's eyes went wide.

That isn't possible...

"Master Skywalker approached me weeks ago and told me of your little meetups with his apprentice. He was a fool to suggest letting it go on, for 'his sake' he said."

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