Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Days seemed to go by quickly for Saya. Ben made sure she was comfortable every time he had to leave to perform his duties to the First Order. Meals for her were brought three times a day and clothes were provided. The dresses were all dark colors and some too short for her taste. She avoided them and tried to adjust to new colors and more of her skin being exposed.

She greatly enjoyed the books he had in his room. The Healers Order only allowed books of healing and history of the Order and its temples. Now she was reading about ships and other parts and histories of the galaxy.

What she looked forward to the most was nights, when Ben would return to her and they would hold each other in their arms on the bed. They spent many nights talking about anything they could think of and Saya loved being held by him again. The first night they slept next to each other, Ben came to bed wearing nothing but plain black pants. Saya had never seen Ben, or any man for that matter, with almost nothing on. Her powers gave her the ability to heal without removing anything.

Saya turned red and rolled away, clutching the blankets up to her face. He couldn't help but laugh.

"Something wrong, Saya?"

Just...just get into bed Ben

He didn't bother mentioning that he usually slept in nothing at all

She still wore the most covering dresses she was given. As soon as she felt his warmth around her, she relaxed and fought to stay awake so they could talk. Soon after, she fell into an easy sleep. Ben often stayed awake most nights running his fingers through her hair while trying to determine the best course of action for the First Order.

General Hux had spies all over the planets. Now they were waiting on word of when the droid would be spotted. And anytime now the base would be in position to destroy the republic. It was all just a matter of time. Ben couldn't help but enjoy the calm times he had with Saya. At any notice, he would need to rush and leave to retrieve the droid, wherever it was in the galaxy.

After the first night together, Ben had another need grow inside of him. Ever since he brought Saya to the base, he realized she wasn't a girl anymore. She was a beautiful young woman. And he was a man. She was thin, but still beautiful. For years he longed to have her in his arms again. Now he longed to touch her.

Saya, however, was completely oblivious to his need. Every night she curled up beside him and fell into a dreamless sleep. She blushed and turned away every time she saw him remove a single article of clothing. Her entire life, she was told it was shameful to reveal any unnecessary skin. And sexual education simply didn't exist in the Healers Order. All girls were sworn to celibacy. Even the simple kisses they shared made her blush.

Saya felt completely selfish for the first time in her life. She still mourned for Lor San Tekka, but she told herself that it was because of Kylo Ren, not Ben Solo.

My Ben is still alive. I'll get him back...

She was waiting for the perfect time to convince him to leave with her. They could run away and start over, just the two of them. But he was so intent on his current mission, she didn't know if he would even listen to her.

Ben was getting ready to leave for the day while Saya was curled up on the bed with a book

Ben, I've been in this room for a while now. Will you show me around the base sometime?

He was quiet for a moment before he answered her.

"I will, once our goal is complete. It won't be long now. Once the Resistance falls, all will fall into place and I will be proud to have you on my arm."

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