iii . good morning

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chapter three

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  HER HEAD was feeling heavy; well, and that was the understatement of the year. She felt like being overrun by a troll, and as she tried to move her head, said troll smashed its bludgeon against her head. Quietly groaning, she shifted her body to her right side, trying to find a comfortable solution to this miserable feeling in every single one of her bones. The bed felt strange like she was laying on too many pillows. Actually, her whole body was laying on nothing but pillows. And it was cold. Her hands were searching for the sheets, and as she found them and tried to pull them higher up her body, she noticed it was way too small for actually being a sheet. Nevertheless, she wrapped the cloth around her body, a familiar scent filling her nostrils, not knowing what it reminded her of, but she immediately felt a lot more comfortable. So shifting to the left now to be fully covered by whatever no sheet-like thing that was, the scent grew more intense, and she smiled without a reason. Until her nose met something strange; a soft and warm surface, slightly moving in monotone waves.

   Ruby's eyes fluttered open and immediately narrowed to slits, as something in her head seemed to explode when the light of the rising sun met her irises. But what she saw was more than she needed to forget the pain faster than a lightning strike. Her head jerked back, her nose removed from the warm moving surface. It was an arm. A well-toned arm, tanned and packed with muscles, moving with every breath its owner took so softly you barely could see it, and Ruby's mind went to slow motion. Her eyes wandered further up that arm, afraid of what they might find up there.

   A freckled shoulder shaded into a sunburned neck, and there started messy flaming red hair. Ruby's heart painfully skipped a beat and something was kicking brutally in her stomach, while her head felt dead empty. The ginger's face was turned away from her, but she didn't need to see it. She'd watched the back of his head more than a million times to exactly know its owner. Fred Weasley.

   "Shit", she muttered, her hands moving to her head, to bury her face into them. The 'sheet' moved aside, and she found her body completely naked underneath it. "Shit shit shit."

   Fine. It was bad. But maybe not that bad at all. Maybe nothing had happened. Slowly, to not wake him, she brought her body into a sitting position, scanning her surroundings, and her jaw dropped.

   They were in the Divination classroom. The small round tables stood in their usual places, but someone had removed all of the pillows around them. Looking down, Ruby found them; seemed like they built themselves a bed out of these. And as her head snapped back up, mouth still agape, she immediately flinched and her head enflamed crimson in embarrassment.

   Fred's body was fully exposed. Nothing was covering his freckled skin but her shirt being placed on his — well.

   She wanted to look away, tried to tear her eyes off him, but it was pointless. Because damn, that was a body! Quidditch did this guy really well, and her gaze was fixated on those defined packs of muscles, not too much, but enough to easily be adored.

   She closed her eyes for a moment, and that was a failure. Pictures flushed her mind like a hurricane; pictures of Fred, of the party, of them, dancing, and his hips moving against hers, and then his lips pressed against her mouth, his hands going places —


   Ruby shook her head to make it stop, but he was stripping down her shirt, his tongue traveling down her neck, while his fingers fumbled on the button of her jeans —

   She forced herself to open her eyes, her face burning in embarrassment, as she cut off the memory of his hands moving down her body.

   "Holy shit!", she mouthed, tucking the cloth that covered her away. It was Fred's sweater.

   Drink with me, he said, a sarcastic voice sounded in her head. I'll take care of you, he said. Bloody sucker!

   She looked around for her clothes and found them spread in the whole room. Her panty was dangling on a table not far from her, but her bra was near the window at least ten feet away from her, and her jeans had landed an inch from the shelves filled with teacups. On tiptoes, she skulked through the room, as silent as possible putting on her clothes. But as she wanted to grab her shirt, she froze in motion, before her fingers slowly moved back, leaving it where it was. Instead, she took Fred's sweater and pulled it over her head.

   It was still early in the morning, the sun was not yet over the treetops, so nobody would see her. She just had to make it back in her dormitory as fast as possible, not waking Leilani or the other girls. That would be easy because when Leilani was sleeping you could drop a bomb next to her bed, and she would just sleep on.

   Finally Ruby lifted her shoes from the ground, not putting them on so she could leave the room completely soundless. For a second she thought about waking Fred, so Professor Trewlaney would not stumble over his body later in the morning. But to be honest, Ruby was just too afraid of his reaction and the whole situation was already far too embarrassing, so with a last glance on his perfect body and his peaceful face, Ruby opened the trapdoor and climbed down the ladder. Reaching the bottom, she put on her shoes, before she started running.

   Gladly she reached the Hufflepuff common room without any incidents and found it empty. So she sneaked into her bed, unable to close her eyes, so the pictures in her mind wouldn't overwhelm her once more. And with horror, she thought about what was awaiting her at home; two awful long months with Frederick Gideon Weasley, the bloody git!

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you're so down to earth
and I'm up in the stars ...

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